Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 295 Lin Xiaoxiao

Chapter 295 Lin Xiaoxiao

In the Min family, every attribute except speed can be ignored, but this one represents their terrifying speed.

The wings behind the sharp-tailed swift also allow the white crane to gallop freely in the sky.

And Bai He's avatar inherited all his speed, and each avatar can be transformed into each other, all of a sudden, the sky is covered with afterimages of Bai He flying.

Unlike the Minzhi Clan who specialize in speed, Xiao Qi can be said to be balanced in all directions, and has almost no shortcomings. The fourth soul skill, lotus silk walking cloud shoes, can also allow him to walk in the air, which is not inferior to the white crane's flight.

And the three clones separated from his sixth soul skill battle, each inherited [-]% of his attributes.

With Xiao Qi's current strength, the three avatars with [-]% of his power are no worse than the soul sage behind him.

Eight figures staggered in the forest, creating the effect of hundreds of people fighting.

The golden light and white light kept flickering!

Half an hour later, the light and shadow disappeared, and all the clones returned to the real bodies of Bai He and Xiao Qi.

Xiaoqi returned to her human body, which was as rich as jade, and after saluting respectfully to Baihe, she turned and left.

Bai He's face became extremely pale, a look of helplessness appeared in his eyes, he shook his head, he could only watch Xiao Qi leave.

He is a Soul Douluo, even if his attack and defense are average, but with his super speed, even a Title Douluo can't keep him.

Xiaoqi's speed is very fast, but there is still a certain gap between him and him.

He wanted to leave, but Xiao Qi couldn't keep him, but vice versa, he couldn't do it even if he wanted to keep Xiao Qi.

Whenever he intends to approach Xiao Qi with the advantage of speed, what he faces is Xiao Qi's mighty strength and momentum like a god of war.

If it wasn't for Xiao Qi's mercy, no matter how fast he was, he might not be able to stand up.

Seeing Xiao Qi leave, Bai He also felt a little bit disappointed.

Xiao Qi's talent is obvious to all, and he is not ignorant of granddaughter Bai Chenxiang's feelings for Xiao Qi, Bai He also likes this outstanding boy very much, and even plans to entrust the Min family to him after Xiao Qi and Bai Chenxiang get married .


Why do you want to be from Wuhundian?
Min Zhi Clan didn't like Wuhun Palace when they were in Haotianzong, let alone Tang Hao's matter, Wuhundian and Haotianzong were at odds, and Minzhi Clan was also implicated.

Although the four major clans have left the Clear Sky School, they are still suppressed by the Spirit Hall. The four of them are stubborn, even if they are abandoned by the Clear Sky School, they are still unwilling to join the Spirit Hall.


The Kingdom of Il, the royal city!
A cavalry force of only 3000 men directly pierced through the defense line of the Il Kingdom, and went to Il City, the royal city of the Il Kingdom bordering the Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire.

The Kingdom of Il is just a small country with a population of only a few hundred thousand, but it is a country after all, and the army in its territory is close to 3000. However, it is unbelievable for an army of [-] to kill the capital of a country.

In a world where extraordinary power is rampant, the power of the army is infinitely reduced, and a powerful soul master can be an army alone.

However, after all, soul masters are only a minority, and if they have not reached a certain level, they are at risk of falling if they are besieged by the army.

There is still the Imperial Guard of the Ten Thousand Kings City in Il King City, but in front of this iron cavalry, including the existence of the Imperial Guards of the Ten Thousand Kings City, no one dares to go out of the city to fight.

"General, this is a letter from the direction of Wuhun City!" A light cavalry passed through this iron cavalry, and came to the front of a female general in black armor, and said respectfully.

The black armor outlines the figure of the female general Miaoman, and under the helmet is a stunning face.

When the [-] sergeants behind him looked at the figure of the black-armored female general, they all showed admiration and awe.

It was this female general who led them invincible and invincible. In their eyes, this female general existed like a god.

Lin Xiaoxiao took the letter, and after reading the letter, there was a hint of softness in his indifferent eyes, a dark mysterious light bloomed in his hand, and a pitch-black Overlord Spear appeared in his hand, and he said sharply: "The whole army obeys the order and attacks within three days." Go down to Ill City, kill!"

The raised left hand was lowered, and the faces of the three thousand cavalry behind them showed a ferocious look. The iron-blooded army condensed into an invincible momentum, and launched a charge at the same time.

And Lin Xiaoxiao took the lead and took the lead in launching the charge.

When he was only 300 meters away from the gate of Il King City, Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly flew up from his horse.

The huge power made even the top horse with the blood of the soul beast couldn't help neighing.

The spear in Lin Xiaoxiao's hand in the sky shone extremely brightly.

Six spirit rings hovered around her body, the first, second, third, and fifth spirit rings suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance, and an extremely terrifying aura bloomed from her body.

"Stop her!" Above the royal city, the general of the Kingdom of Il changed his face and shouted loudly.

Seven figures rushed out from his side, each of them had a powerful aura blooming, the weakest one was also the six-ringed soul emperor, and there were three soul saints.

One of the soul sages, whose aura far surpasses the other two soul sages around him, is a peak soul sage of level 79.

Although the kingdom of Il is only a small country, it is a kingdom after all, and several soul saints can still be found in the king city.

Seven people rushed out, and the air machine had locked onto Lin Xiaoxiao.

However, Lin Xiaoxiao's attack in the air had been brewing to the extreme, and a long rainbow with a piercing spear intent had already pierced through the air.

The target is a soul saint.

Martial soul avatar!

The soul sage felt as if he was being stared at by the god of death, and the piercing spear dragged a long spear mark in the sky. Without any hesitation, he immediately released his most powerful martial soul. body.

A giant leopard more than three meters tall let out a roar. This was his martial spirit avatar.

Changhong came with a terrifying tail flame, and instantly pierced through the body of the huge leopard more than three meters high, bringing up a burst of blood mist. It just hit the tall gate of Il City.

The monstrous power above the spear erupted, and the gate of Yi'er City, which was inscribed with soul guide runes, could hardly bear the power above the spear.

With a loud bang, the city gate shattered directly.

Lin Xiaoxiao fell to the ground, the war horse and her mind became one, and it had appeared below her, just in time to catch her falling body.

After unleashing such a terrifying blow, Lin Xiaoxiao's face turned pale, but there was no trace of timidity on her face. The Wuhun Overlord Spear appeared in her hand again, and merged with the army to launch an attack.

Three thousand iron cavalry charged at full speed, even the remaining four soul masters couldn't help but lose face and quickly retreated.

However, there was still a soul emperor who couldn't retreat in time, was wrapped in by the cavalry, and was directly trampled into a meat paste by the cavalry.

The Soul Emperor also seemed a little weak in the battle of this kind of army.

What's more, among the iron cavalry led by Lin Xiaoxiao, there are also soul masters, and the three commanders all have the strength of soul emperors.

Three thousand cavalry arrived at the royal city, and Lin Xiaoxiao's shot had already frightened the defenders of the Yi'er royal city and demoralized them.

The iron cavalry led by Lin Xiaoxiao was originally the elite of the elite. When the city gate was wide open, the iron cavalry drove straight in, and the defenders of the royal city could not resist it.

Three hours later, Lin Xiaoxiao, who was covered in blood, brought her iron cavalry to the palace of the Kingdom of Ill. The king of the Kingdom of Ill, Eddie Kyle, brought all the ministers of the Kingdom of Ill to the palace, and asked The Caton Kingdom or the Wuhun Palace expressed their surrender.

Alan, the number one expert in the Kingdom of Il, was trying to stop Lin Xiaoxiao's peak soul saint outside the city, and he also stood by the Kingdom of Eddie Kyle at the cost of losing an arm.

All the dignitaries of the Kingdom of Il looked at the stunning female general in front of them, and they knew that the future of the Kingdom of Il depended on the thought of this peerless female general.

Lin Xiaoxiao picked up the surrender letter in Eddie Kyle's hand with the overlord gun, looked at a commander beside him indifferently, and said, "Lin Chengbing, I leave everything here to you!"

"General, are you leaving now?" Lin Chengbing asked.

"That's right, during the time I'm away, you will be in charge of the Overlord's cavalry!" Lin Xiaoxiao said, and got on his horse.

Soon, the steed under her had galloped away with her.

Lin Xiaoxiao hid her identity and practiced in the military camp. In less than five years, she brought out an invincible iron cavalry, which she named the Overlord Iron Cavalry.

Lin Chengbing has followed Lin Xiaoxiao since the beginning of her rise, and is one of Lin Xiaoxiao's confidantes.

Lin Xiaoxiao felt relieved when he handed over the Overlord Iron Cavalry to Lin Chengbing.

As for the Kingdom of Il, not to mention that the Three Thousand Overlord Railway is enough to suppress the city of Il King, the masters of the Spirit Hall are not jealous.

The Overlord Iron Cavalry was able to break into Il King City so easily, thanks to the masters of the Spirit Hall.

If you want to control a kingdom, Wuhundian will not just send an army.

Compared with the army, the top power among soul masters is obviously more suitable for controlling a kingdom.

Witnessing Lin Xiaoxiao's departure, although the Overlord Iron Cavalry was also curious about what was going on that would make their ice-cold female overlord leave so anxiously, but they had followed Lin Xiaoxiao countless times through life and death, obviously knowing that now The most important thing is the people who are optimistic about the city of Il.

There was even a hint of expectation in the eyes of some officers, expecting that the people of the Kingdom of Ill would be dishonest, so that they would have more fun.

It's a pity that Lin Xiaoxiao and his overlord iron cavalry have already scared the dignitaries of the Kingdom of Il, not to mention the suppression of the Wuhun Palace. They only hope that after surrendering the Wuhun Palace, they can still enjoy the previous experience. Prosperity and wealth.

Even, it is not that there are no existences who have long surrendered to the Wuhun Temple.

Toli, Zhong Lixue, Xiaoqi, Lin Xiaoxiao, everyone outside Jiwu was rushing to Wuhun Palace, and Chen Hu also set off from Qibao Liulizong to Wuhun City.

(End of this chapter)

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