Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 301 Star Flower Sea

Chapter 301 Star Flower Sea
After staying here at Yu Leixiao's until midnight, Chen Hu bid farewell to his master, and walked alone on the winding path of Wuhun Mountain.

From Yu Leixiao, Chen Hu undoubtedly learned more about Thor's deeds.

Thunder God is also a god born from Douluo Dalu.

In ancient times, there was a fierce war between human gods and spirit beasts. Countless gods and beasts fell in that war, and Thunder God fell in that war.

However, Thunder God is also the most powerful type among the first-level deities, and when he is seriously injured and dying, he still has the ability to condense his god position into the Thunder Mystery Realm and pass it on.

The Eight Great Families of Thunder God also came from this.

However, it has been too long since the Thunder God fell. No one in the eight major families has inherited the throne of the Thunder God. The power of the Thunder Mystery Realm is also constantly weakening. Perhaps ten thousand years later, the Thunder Mysterious Realm will really cease to exist.

Lei Ting also has the power to create yin and yang, and it should be the most suitable one among the many gods inherited from Douluo Dalu. Chen Hu also doesn't want to give up this very suitable god...

Thinking wildly in my heart, a tall figure appeared in front of me.

"Big sister...Little!" Chen Hu saw the person in front of him clearly, and couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

A black armor outlines her tall body, and her clear eyes are sharp, adding a bit of heroism to her beautiful face.

Chen Hu didn't know that Lin Xiaoxiao and the others would return to Wuhun City, and he couldn't hide the joy in his heart when he suddenly saw someone he had missed for a long time.

The body appeared in front of Lin Xiaoxiao in a flash, and hugged Lin Xiaoxiao's soft and delicate body tightly.

Lin Xiaoxiao's body trembled a bit, and finally hugged Chen Hu's waist back, and couldn't help but put her head into Chen Hu's body, feeling the familiar and warm breath.

The fierce expression on Lin Xiaoxiao's face also gradually softened.

In the past five years, she has been in desperate situations countless times. The power of the soul master cannot guarantee her safety in the battlefield. Many times, she needs her firm belief and fearless courage to help her avert danger.

And a large part of this was brought to her by the man in front of her.

Every time she was in a desperate situation, all she thought about was the promise made five years ago, no matter what, she would come back alive.

"Xiao Xiao, you have been wronged!" Chen Hu couldn't help feeling a little bit distressed when he felt the murderous aura coming from Lin Xiaoxiao.

This is not inferior to the murderous aura he cultivated in the killing capital!

However, unlike the murderous aura cultivated in the special domain of the Slaughter City, the murderous aura on Lin Xiaoxiao's body could not be condensed into a solid body, but the murderous aura was not inferior to any killing god who came out of the Slaughter City.

The influence of the Killing God Domain on people like Lin Xiaoxiao will also be infinitely weakened.

This is the murderous aura that only veterans who have lived their lives on the battlefield can cultivate.

It's hard to imagine what Lin Xiaoxiao has experienced in just five years.

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled, and in an instant, all the cold and bloody breath disappeared, and said softly: "I am not wronged at all, but very happy, at least I can help you."

"Furthermore, the Overlord Spear itself is the most powerful martial spirit in the battlefield. Although it is dangerous in the battlefield, my strength has also improved by leaps and bounds. Regardless of the erhu, you are already at level [-]. But before you get the seventh spirit ring, you may not be my opponent!"

The battlefield is indeed the most suitable place for Lin Xiaoxiao to practice. In just five years, her soul power has reached the peak of level 68, and she is only one step away from level 69.

If there were no natural treasures such as the Fire Feather Golden Crow Eggshell and the Ten Thousand Year Fire Maple Tree Heart, and Chen Hu practiced step by step, his current soul power might not be as small as Shang Lin's.

Moreover, even if the soul power is two levels lower than Chen Hu's, Lin Xiaoxiao has the confidence to compete with Chen Hu.

Five years have passed, even after countless experiences, Lin Xiaoxiao is still the familiar Lin Xiaoxiao.

Being with Lin Xiaoxiao is the most relaxing time for Chen Hu.

Chen Hu's heart moved, and he said: "Xiao Xiao, I know a good place, how about I take you to see it!?"

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly, "You are not talking about the sea of ​​stars and flowers, are you? Are you not afraid of encountering wild mandarin ducks?"

"Uh!" Chen Hu was stunned for a moment, and asked a little embarrassedly: "When did you come back, Xiaoxiao?"

Lin Xiaoxiao suppressed her smile, with an unhappy expression on her face, "I came when you and the saintess of the Wuhun Temple were in love with each other."

"No, Xiao Xiao, don't get me wrong, there is nothing between me and Hu Liena, it's all clean..." Chen Hu said with a guilty conscience.

Seeing Chen Hu's nervous look, Lin Xiaoxiao burst out laughing, "I know, Erhu, you're not a big philanderer, okay, you've never been tempted by Ning Rongrong or Hu Liena!"

"I..." Chen Hu moved his lips, but he couldn't say a word.

He is an ordinary person, but he is also an emotional person. It is precisely this kind of character that makes him wonder how to reject Ning Rongrong, Hu Liena and the others.

Both Hu Liena and Ning Rongrong are very good girls with top-notch appearance and talent, so that man will not be tempted.

However, over the years, Chen Hu had already understood that what he cared most about was still Lin Xiaoxiao, so this afternoon, when Xingchenhuahai knew Hu Liena's intentions, he would pretend to be stupid and prevaricate.


When facing Lin Xiaoxiao, Chen Hu still felt somewhat guilty.

Lin Xiaoxiao gently held Chen Hu's hand. Her hand was a little cold, but it gave people a kind of calm strength, which made Chen Hu's heart calm down involuntarily.

"Erhu, I know, you are not a playful person, but you will not reject others, and you are so good, it is inevitable that there are many flowers and plants around you, but you have to promise me, no matter how many people are around you, The person I love the most in my heart must be me, okay?" Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes were a little downcast, and she looked at Chen Hu in a daze.

No matter how dull Chen Hu's feelings are, he knew what to say at this time. He took Lin Xiaoxiao into his arms and said softly: "Xiaoxiao, I love you. I don't know when it started. In fact, I already love you unconsciously. I fell in love with you, until the day I came out of the Star Dou Forest, I was even more sure of this."

The figure of Lin Xiaoxiao waiting alone in Shrek Academy was forever engraved in Chen Hu's mind. It was also at that time that Chen Hu already understood that the person he really liked was Lin Xiaoxiao.

At that time, Chen Hu began to deliberately alienate Ning Rongrong, and he only maintained a pure friendship with Hu Liena, and never crossed that line.

However, Chen Hu is a person who will not reject people. When he saw Ning Rongrong again in Qibao Glazed Tile School, he knew that he might not be able to reject this innocent girl.

As his entanglement with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School got deeper and deeper, he and Ning Rongrong became more and more separated.

However, on Lin Xiaoxiao's side, he didn't know how to deal with it.

In his previous life, how could he not have thought about the life of three wives and four concubines, but that was just thinking about it. When he really went to another world, facing such a scene, Chen Hu still subconsciously limited himself to the moral order of his previous life middle.

This makes him very conflicted.

Therefore, most of the time he uses cultivation to deliberately avoid these problems.

He didn't expect Lin Xiaoxiao to be considerate, but the more he was like this, the more he felt sorry for this girl, which was unfair to her.

"Erhu, this is the first time you've said such things to me, how nice!" Lin Xiaoxiao leaned against Chen Hu's arms and murmured.

"I'll tell you every day from now on!" Chen Hu said.

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled and broke free from Chen Hu's arms, "Erhu, how about we go and see the sea of ​​stars and flowers? I have never seen the sky full of stars and flowers blooming!"

"Okay!" Chen Hu nodded.

In the sea of ​​stars and flowers outside Wuhun City, two young men, a man and a woman, were lying on the soft grass. With a gentle breeze, countless seeds of the stars and flowers flew into the sky, shining brightly in the moonlight, like extremely A little bit of stars.

Being in such a sea of ​​flowers is like being in a sea of ​​stars.

"Little, do you know that the place we live in is actually a planet similar to the stars in the sky, but these stars are too far away from us, so what we see in front of our eyes are only insignificant and tiny spots of light !" Looking at the light of the sea of ​​stars and flowers all over the sky, Chen Hu couldn't help being slightly absent-minded.

Lin Xiaoxiao was obviously aware of this for the first time, but she never doubted Chen Hu, and asked curiously: "Then there may be life in these stars."

"Perhaps, who knows?" Even in the previous life, human beings have begun to contact the starry sky, and it is impossible to determine whether there is any alien life.

However, Douluo Continent is a magical world, and many things may no longer be explained by pure science.

Even Chen Hu is very unfamiliar with this world.

"Little, I once had a very real dream. I dreamed that I used to live in another world. In that world, Douluo Continent is a story in a book. I can't remember the specific content of the story. But I vaguely remember that the Wuhun Palace will be destroyed in the hands of two great empires and a god..." It has been many years since Chen Hu confided about his past life in front of people for the first time, but he felt inexplicably relaxed .

"Two great empires and one...God, is this the enemy you have been afraid of all this time?" Lin Xiaoxiao was stunned, with a bright light in his eyes, "Erhu, the Wuhun Palace is our home, and I will guard it with you Yes, even if it is a god, I will make him pay a certain price!"

God, once existed in this world.

The creatures in Douluo Dalu are different from Chen Hu. They have a natural belief and awe of God in their hearts.

But Lin Xiaoxiao dared to challenge the majesty of the gods.

Chen Hu felt that Lin Xiaoxiao was not just talking, she really dared to challenge God and defend what she wanted to protect.

Chen Hu smiled, "The gods are not invincible, give me time, and I will eventually become a god!"

(End of this chapter)

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