Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 302 Target!Star Forest

Chapter 302 Target!Star Forest
Reunited with Lin Xiaoxiao again, Chen Hu completely opened his heart and gained more firm strength.

Even if the enemy is the two great empires, Tang San, Sea God, Shura God, or even the whole world, he won't have the slightest fear anymore.

Chen Hu was still the same Chen Hu, but his aura was a little more vigorous than ever before.

As his state of mind changed, Chen Hu's spiritual power also quietly evolved, reaching the realm of Titled Douluo.

The powerful state of spiritual power feeds back the physical body, making Chen Hu's combat power to a higher level.

It wasn't until the sun came out in the early morning that Chen Hu and Lin Xiaoxiao returned to the old dean's elder hall hand in hand.

In the main hall, several familiar figures appeared in front of Chen Hu.

"Erhu, big sister!" Tori laughed loudly, and hugged Chen Hu vigorously.

Zhong Lixue also showed a gentle smile, and nodded slightly to the two of them.

Having not seen each other for five years, Tori and Zhong Lixue seemed to have matured a lot, and when they got along, there was a little more affection between their brows, and it seemed that their relationship had been established.

The two formed a deep friendship as early as in the Intermediate Spirit Hall Soul Master Academy, and also possessed the two major martial arts fusion skills of Tengu and Divine Bow, so it is very normal for them to come together.

On the contrary, what Zhong Lixue didn't expect was that Chen Hu's dull personality would actually walk with Lin Xiaoxiao!
Zhong Lixue was sincerely happy for Lin Xiaoxiao!

Seeing Tori and Zhonglixue again, Chen Hu was also very happy. When his eyes passed over Toli and Zhonglixue and landed on that tall and straight figure that was like jade, he couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth , strode to Xiaoqi's side, hugged him vigorously, and said with a smile: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

Among so many people, Xiao Qi worried Chen Hu the most.

The world of soul masters is full of intrigues, and Xiao Qi's character is too simple, traveling alone in the mainland, it is easy to be deceived.

When Xiaoqi returned to Wuhun City safely, Chen Hu's heart was relieved.

"Brother, I'm sorry to make you worry."

Xiao Qi's delicate eyes couldn't help showing a bit of excitement. Xiao Qi has always treated Chen Hu as his own big brother. Seeing Chen Hu again, how could he not be excited in his heart.

The return of Xiao Qi, Toli, and Zhong Lixue also means that all seven members of the original Ji Wu Academy team have returned.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed, and the seven of them got together again, and the youthfulness of the past was a little less, but the relationship between the seven of them has not faded because of time, but has become more profound.

Five years later, it is undoubtedly a matter of gratitude for the seven to be able to gather together again.

However, there was not much time left for the seven to reminisce about the old days. The old dean walked in from outside the hall, followed by Ye Liyuan and Chen Hu's teacher Ji Xue.

"Teacher!" Chen Hu bowed respectfully in front of teacher Ji Xue.

Although his soul power now surpassed Ji Xue's, he never forgot that when he was weak, every time he was injured, Ji Xue carefully helped him apply medicine.

After Chen Hu was able to soar into the sky, the six-year accumulation in Snow City was indispensable.

In those six years, the one who helped Chen Hu the most was undoubtedly his teacher Ji Xue.

It's just that ordinary people's parents rarely accompany Chen Hu when he goes out to practice. The role played by the teacher Ji Xue is very much like his mother.

Ji Xue's eyes couldn't help but turn slightly red. She has no children, so Chen Hu is like a son and daughter to her.

Everyone could see Chen Hu's great talent and strength, but only Ji Xue knew how hardworking his disciple was in private.

A bright green light bloomed from Ji Xuehao's wrist and fell on Chen Hu.

Bathed in the bright green light, Chen Hu suddenly felt lazy all over his body, and the dark wounds left on his body when he used the heart of the fire maple tree to hit the soul sage realm were quickly healed with the help of this light... …

Although Chen Hu's realm has surpassed Ji Xue's, his control over soul power and soul skills is not as good as Ji Xue's.

Ji Xue is the person Chen Hu has ever seen with the most exquisite control over her body.

Chen Hu's first soul skill, Zhuyeqing, also has the power to heal, but limited by Chen Hu's own control over the soul skill, he cannot go deep into the extremely microscopic level to heal all minor injuries in a short period of time.

However, with the passage of time, Chen Hu can also slowly wear away this slight injury.

What Ji Xue is doing now is to help Chen Hu save this period of time.

However, this kind of subtle control of the soul skill consumes a lot of mental energy of the soul skill controller. In just a short while, a deep tired look appeared on Ji Xue's face.

Chen Hu said: "Teacher, I'm fine, so don't waste your soul power!"

Ji Xue gave Chen Hu an angry look, "It's up to me to decide what to do."

After about a few breaths, the light dissipated, Ji Xue let out a long breath, and Chen Hu hurried over to support her.

Under Ji Xue's healing, there is no doubt that Chen Hu's body has reached its peak state.

At this time, Ye Liyuan walked up to the seven of them, took a look at the seven of them, and said, "I didn't expect that you have grown to this extent in a blink of an eye!"

"Five soul emperors and two soul saints, who would have thought that seven little guys who were only soul masters would have grown to this level in less than ten years!"

Five years later, Ye Liyuan has already broken through the bottleneck of level 69, advanced to Soul Sage, and now he is even level 75 Soul Sage.

However, Ye Liyuan couldn't help shaking his head when he thought that when he was in the realm of Soul Emperor, these little guys had just awakened their martial souls, and when he reached the realm of Soul Sage, two little guys had already caught up with him. .

"Let's talk about the old days later, I will set off with you on this trip to the Star Dou Great Forest, everyone, get ready, and leave for the Star Dou Great Forest in half an hour!" The old dean interrupted Ye Liyuan and said .

"Old Dean, didn't you say that Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo will lead the team this time?" Chen Hu couldn't help asking.

The old dean said: "So that's the plan, but the target of Juhuaguan and Guigui is the little girl from five years ago. It's just a way to help you guys hunt down the soul beasts you need, but I didn't expect Xiaoqi to also kill them." We have reached level [-], time is tight, and the two of them still have tasks to do, so let me lead a team alone, and take you guys to hunt the soul beasts."

This time, people who need soul rings include Xie Yue, Yan, Ye Mei, Ge Ding, and Chen Hu and Xiao Qi whose soul power has reached level [-]. So many people need soul rings. In just one month, Juhuaguan And ghosts may not necessarily help them find the soul ring they need.

They simply split into two groups, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo led a team to search for Xiao Wu's traces alone, while the old headmaster led a team to help a few people hunt down the needed spirit rings.

The seven members of the extreme martial arts, and the three members of the golden generation, these ten young people are undoubtedly the future pillars of the Spirit Hall, even Bibi Dong has to pay attention to the existence of these people, so the old dean is specially in charge of several The problem of the human soul ring.

"That's good, with the old dean by his side, it will be easier for us to hunt and kill soul beasts." Chen Hu nodded.

Unless Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo jointly display the spirit fusion technique of the bipolar static domain, there is nothing more suitable for assisting others in hunting spirit beasts than the suppressing power of the old dean's Zhentianxuanbei Wuhun.

Even if the Old Dean's Heaven-Suppressing Profound Stele encounters a 10-year-old soul beast, it can be suppressed for a period of time, and even a [-]-year-old soul beast can be suppressed easily.

With the old dean around, hunting soul beasts can be said to be foolproof.

In addition, although Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo are also titled Douluo of the Wuhun Temple, they are not as reliable as the old headmaster.

It is also a good thing for Chen Hu and the others that the old dean is involved.

"Old Dean, Toli and Senior Zhongli, are they going with me too?" Chen Hu continued to ask.

The old dean said: "That's right, although they don't need to obtain the soul ring for the time being, but the seven of you haven't seen each other for so many years, and your actions after a month are very dangerous. This time is a good opportunity for you to get acquainted again The abilities of each other can also be better coordinated.”

In the soul hunting operation one month later, the old dean planned to take the seven members of Jiwu together to participate in this operation.

Five years have passed, and the seven members of Jiwu have fully grown up. Even Ye Mei and Ge Ding, who are at the lowest level, are capable of fighting against soul masters in the realm of soul saints.

Toli and Zhonglixue's martial soul fusion skills pose a certain threat even to Title Douluo.

Lin Xiaoxiao also has the power to threaten Contra.

Needless to say, Chen Hu and Xiao Qi, once they have the Wuhun avatar, there should be few opponents in the Contra realm, and those in the title Douluo's hands are enough to protect themselves.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is one of the top three sects, and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Wuhun is even more famous throughout the world.

After this battle, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family will definitely become famous in the world.

The old dean is also unwilling to give up such a good opportunity to hone.

Of course, the old dean also has another idea.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family has a long history and has always been the top sect in the world. There must be many treasures in the sect, and there is no shortage of soul bones.

This time, if all the seven members of the Extreme Martial Arts participate in the battle, they will surely be able to share a lot of spoils, and it is not impossible to get a spirit bone.

After all, the ten people including the three of Hu Liena are the leaders of the younger generation of the Spirit Hall, and the spirit bones this time most likely fell on their heads.

But the number of soul bones is limited, and it is impossible for each of these ten people to get soul bones, so a certain amount of credit is necessary.

This time, the old dean didn't want to give up any soul bones of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. All the seven members of Jiwu participated in the battle. In addition to being able to experience them, there are also reasonable reasons to directly assign them to plunder from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. All spirit bones.

With justification and evidence, even Bibi Dong would not say anything more because of a few spirit bones!
As the old dean said, the few of them naturally would not have any objections, they looked at each other with passion in their eyes.

It's been five years, it's been five years, and they all miss the days when they fought side by side.

Star Dou Great Forest, here we come!

(End of this chapter)

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