Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 303 The Valley

Chapter 303 The Valley
The old dean, Ye Liyuan, Ji Xue, the seven members of Jiwu, and the three of the golden generation left from Wuhun City early in the morning.

Among the few people, the one with the lowest spirit power has reached level [-], and the speed surpasses all horses. In addition, Wuhun City is not too far from the Star Dou Great Forest, so he traveled fast all the way, and probably reached the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest in the evening up.

Several people decided to rest for one night in a small town built around the Star Dou Forest.

After a long day's journey, several people went back to their rooms to rest after eating.

There was a knock on the door of Chen Hu's room. Chen Hu opened the door, and the person standing at the door was Xiao Qi.

"Xiao Qi? What's the matter? Come in and talk." Chen Hu was a little surprised, and turned sideways to let Xiao Qi in.

Xiao Qi said: "Brother, I plan to act alone tomorrow and go home, will you come with me?"

Chen Hu was stunned for a moment, and after counting, Xiaoqi had been away from the valley where the Lingming Monkey Clan lived in seclusion for seven or eight years, and it was time to go back and have a look, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go with you, it's not appropriate Chi, I'm going to talk to the old dean now, and then we'll go straight away!"

"So anxious, brother, don't you need to take a break?"

This time, Xiao Qi was a bit surprised. Although he had already returned home, he didn't think about leaving immediately. Tonight, he just wanted to ask Chen Hu for his opinion, to see if he would go back with him.

Chen Hudao: "The Lingming Monkey Clan is isolated from the world. I don't want anyone to disturb their peaceful life. Even though I am sure that I can completely trust the old dean and the others, the more people know the valley where the Lingming Monkey Clan lives in seclusion. The more convenient the place is, the more dangerous it is, so it is the best choice to start at night!"

"As for the rest you mentioned, we are all soul sages, but it's just a day's journey. If we are not worried about Teacher and the others, and the Star Dou Forest at night is too dangerous, it is really not suitable for traveling. We have to go to the Star Dou Forest Do you want to rest overnight?"

As soon as he said he would leave, Chen Hu immediately brought Xiao Qi to the old dean's room and put forward his own ideas.

The old dean glanced at Xiaoqi, who was eager to return home, nodded, and said: "Okay, you go back early, and remember to call Tori and Zhonglixue later, with Tori here, you guys You can also find us anytime!"

Tori's current soul power has only just broken through level 61, but in terms of survivability in the Star Dou Forest, Tori is not necessarily worse than Chen Hu.

Tori's second soul skill dog sniffing in the special environment of the Star Dou Forest is even more a divine skill.

With this skill, Tori also helped the rangers solve many difficulties. The combination of him and Zhong Lixue has become the absolute core of the rangers in Hoshino City.

With Tori by his side, even in the huge Star Dou Forest, Chen Hu and the others can quickly find the old dean and the others.

As for why Zhonglixue was brought along, it was because of Zhonglixue's and Tori's martial soul fusion skills. With their two martial soul fusion skills, even if Chen Hu and his party encountered any difficulties, they would have a great chance to escape birthday.

"Of course, if it's inconvenient, you two can go by yourself. We will leave a mark along the way and wait for you to follow." The old dean hesitated for a moment and said.

The old dean is Xiao Qi's teacher, after so long, how could he not have discovered anything, but Xiao Qi is his disciple, he can break through the Title Douluo, Xiao Qi's family's Fountain of Youth is very important, so no matter Xiao Qi Human or not, the old dean will not hurt Xiaoqi.

"It's okay, teacher, I believe Brother Toli and Senior Sister Zhongli." Xiaoqi said.

"Okay, then be careful all the way!"


The next day, after the three of Hu Liena finished packing, they joined the old dean and others and stepped into the Star Dou Forest.

There were four people missing in the team, and the one she was most concerned about was Chen Hu. Finally, Hu Liena couldn't help asking: "Elder Zhentian, why aren't Chen Hu and the others here?"

Xie Yue and Yan also cast curious eyes, they naturally found that Chen Hu and the others had disappeared, but they were not familiar with the old dean, so they were curious, but it was difficult to ask questions.

The old dean glanced at Hu Liena, knowing what Hu Liena was thinking, and explained, "Chen Hu and Xiao Qi have important matters to deal with, and they will catch up after they are done, don't worry."

"Oh!" Hu Liena was a little disappointed, but she still nodded without saying anything.

On the other side, Chen Hu, Xiao Qi, Toli and Zhong Lixue had already arrived in front of a steep mountain.

Passing through this precipitous mountain range is the paradise where the Lingming monkey family lives in seclusion.

The spirit monkeys are naturally intelligent, but lacking in strength. They are not powerful among spirit beasts, so the valley where they live in seclusion is also located in the outer part of the Star Dou Forest.

The speed of the four of them was very fast, and they were not far from the hermitage of the Lingming Monkey Clan after a night of rapid travel.

However, the road ahead will be difficult. It took Chen Hu and Xiao Qi a long time to walk out of this stretch of strange peaks.

The four of them are now Soul Emperor and Soul Sage, and they walked very cautiously.

Except for the best climbing apes and the birds in the sky, it should be very difficult for anyone to pass through this precipitous mountain and come to the hermitage of the spirit monkey.

Even with their speed, they did not arrive at their destination until noon the next day, a valley covered by thick fog.

Standing outside the valley, it is difficult to find traces of life in the valley.

This thick fog persists all the year round, and it is a natural barrier for the hermitage of the spirit monkeys.

"Xiaoqi, is this the place where your family lives?" Tori couldn't help being a little curious. There are traces of human life in this kind of high mountains. You know, this is the Star Forest!

However, perhaps it is precisely this kind of place that cultivates such outstanding disciples as Xiao Qi and such miraculous things as the Fountain of Youth!

Xiaoqi opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain.

Chen Hu coughed, his expression became extraordinarily dignified, and he said seriously: "Tori, Senior Sister Zhongli, I shouldn't hide it from you now. In fact, Xiaoqi is not a human being, but a soul beast. , Xiao Qi's people are not human beings, but a family of spirit monkeys living in this valley."

"What? Xiaoqi, you are also a 10-year soul beast?" The eyes of Tori and Zhong Lixue were filled with shock.

Even if they came to the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest with Xiao Qi, Toli and Zhong Lixue never thought that Xiao Qi would be a 10-year-old soul beast.

If Xiaoqi is really a 10-year-old soul beast, in a place like Wuhun Temple, where there are so many strong people, it makes no sense that no one would find out his true identity.

You must know that Xiao Wu from Shrek Academy, who is also a 10-year-old soul beast, has not escaped the eyes of the Wuhun Hall even under the cover of Acacia Heartbroken Red, let alone Xiao Qi who has been active in the eyes of many strong people. Under the nose.

"I'm sorry, Brother Tori, Senior Sister Zhongli, I didn't mean to hide it from everyone." Xiao Qi said with a bit of guilt.

"Heh, Xiao Qi, why are you apologizing to us, no matter you are human or spirit beast, you are our brother, besides, you also have difficulties, how can we blame you." Tori patted Xiao Qi's shoulder, said with a chuckle.

"Tori is right, Xiao Qi, whether you are human or not, you are our partner, don't worry, we will not tell anything we know today." Zhong Lixue also said.

The two of them have dealt with spirit beasts all year round, and they have no affection for the spirit beasts with low spiritual intelligence.

But Xiao Qi is different. Xiao Qi is a partner who lives with them, grows together, and fights together. For so many years, they have long regarded the innocent and kind Xiao Qi as their relatives, so why would they care about Xiao Qi's identity!
"Brother Tori, Senior Sister Zhongli, thank you!" The tension on Xiaoqi's face finally relaxed.

Chen Hu also opened his mouth and slowly introduced the origin of the Lingming Monkey Clan, as well as the origin of Xiaoqi.

After listening to Chen Hu's introduction, the last trace of resentment in Toli and Zhonglixue's hearts completely disappeared.

He has a lot of affection for the smart monkey family, whose intelligence and habits are similar to humans.

In particular, the kindness and simplicity of the spirit monkeys made them more determined not to leak any information about the spirit monkeys.

Moreover, the two of them also owe a great favor to the Lingming Monkey Clan.

If there is no Fountain of Youth of the Spirit Monkey Clan, whether it is Toli or Zhong Lixue, they are very clear that although their talents are excellent, they are at best comparable to or even inferior to the golden generation of Hu Liena and others. It is impossible to achieve the current achievements.

It was the Fountain of Youth that made them who they are now!

In the same way, they also know that there are such miraculous soul beasts in the world.

If it wasn't for the fact that their appearance is different from that of humans, and there will be soul rings condensed after death, they would no longer be any different from humans.

"Okay, let's go in!"

In the area shrouded in dense fog, it is difficult to see the road ahead, and the mountain road is rugged. If Xiaoqi hadn't lived here since childhood and is quite familiar with the environment here, this area shrouded in dense fog would be able to discourage most human spirit beasts. .

Passing through the thick fog, the house seemed like a paradise, and a paradise appeared in front of several people.

However, it is not human beings who come and go, but monkeys walking upright and wearing sackcloth.

The spirit monkeys know how to farm, and there are many fields in the valley, and there are spirit monkeys farming in the fields.

" it really a soul beast?" Tori was dumbfounded, and Zhong Lixue's cold eyes couldn't help trembling slightly.

Anyone who sees this scene in front of them will feel incredible!
In the eyes of all human soul masters, soul beasts represent barbarism and backwardness. Even if the ten-thousand-year soul beast has a certain degree of wisdom, life is still like drinking blood.

Absolutely no soul beast would consider whether the food would taste better if it was cooked when eating, and there would never be a soul beast to cultivate food by itself.

However, the existence of the spirit monkey family subverted their cognition.

Perhaps it is precisely this kind of place that bred such a talented person like Xiao Qi!
(End of this chapter)

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