Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 304 Sacrifice!Change of blood

Chapter 304 Sacrifice!Change of blood

Several people stepped into the valley, and the working spirit monkeys saw the four people stepping into the valley suddenly, and immediately started to shout, and soon, a strong spirit monkey with iron and wooden sticks surrounded them, vigilant looked at the four of them.

"Uncle Ming, Uncle Six, it's me, I'm Xiao Qi!" Seeing the leading monkeys, Xiao Qi shouted excitedly.

Possessed by a martial soul, he incarnates in the form of a monkey family, with piercing eyes and a furry face with a thunderous mouth.

Xiao Qi showed his real body, and the spirit monkeys also recognized Xiao Qi and Chen Hu, relaxed their vigilance, and surrounded them chirping.

A vicissitudes of eyes came from the group of Lingming monkeys, Xiao Qi looked up and looked at the old Lingming monkey who was getting old and lifeless, his eyes suddenly became moist, and he threw himself into the arms of the old Lingming monkey, shouting: "Grandpa! !"

"Good boy, you are finally here!" The old spirit monkey patted Xiao Qi's shoulder with his skinny hands, and said with golden eyes looking at Chen Hu.

"Grandpa Hou!" Chen Hu bowed and saluted.

It has been seven years since he left this valley, and Chen Hu can also see that the old Lingming monkey has run out of fuel and his lamp is dry, and his lifespan is coming to an end.

Similarly, the old spirit monkey is not what he guessed at the beginning, it is just a soul beast of 6 to [-] years.

Although the aura of the old spirit monkey is exhausted, the vast power in him is probably not far from the 10-year-old soul beast.

It's a pity that the old spirit monkey continued his life by relying on the peach tree of immortality and the spring of immortality. Now the source of life has been exhausted, and it is impossible to go further.

Chen Hu is an auxiliary soul master and a doctor. Seven years ago, there was no cure for the old spirit monkey's condition, even immortal products.

He has really lived too long.

Chen Hu didn't spend much time with the old Lingming monkey, but in his heart, the old Lingming monkey was also an elder worthy of respect and admiration.

There was also a trace of sadness in Chen Hu's heart.

The wise eyes of the old wise monkey glanced at Tori and Zhonglixue. No one was more familiar with the power of the Fountain of Youth than him. With a kind smile on his face, he said, "Xiaoqi, Xiaohu, introduce me to you." Introduce these two friends of yours!"

Xiao Qi held the old Lingming monkey's arm, and said, "Grandpa, these are my partners who fought side by side with me, Brother Tori and Sister Zhonglixue!"

"Hello, Grandpa Hou!" Toli and Zhong Lixue said respectfully.

Before stepping into the valley, they already knew the old spirit monkey, and knew that he was a respectable elder who had lived for countless years.

There was a smile on the face of the old Lingming monkey, "Hello, Xiao Qi has been outside all these years, thank you for your care, Xiao Hu, take your friends around the valley for me, Xiao Qi, you and Here I am, I have something to tell you."

Under the respectful eyes of the spirit monkey clan, Xiao Qi helped the old spirit monkey to leave.

Chen Hu said to Toli and Zhong Lixue: "I'll take you to the place where I lived before!"

"Is it the place where Dr. Liu Aqi lived?" Tori asked curiously. He had heard about Liu Aqi's story from Chen Hu a long time ago, and he had long been curious about Chen Hu's experience here.

Chen Hu nodded with a smile, and brought Toli and Zhong Lixue to the stone room where he used to live.

The stone room is not big, and the decoration is extremely simple, but Chen Hu has lived here for nearly a year, so he is so familiar with everything here.

On the stone table in the stone room, there are also engraved traces left by Chen Hu's study of Liu Aqi's medical books. Every bit of it here makes people feel nostalgic.

After visiting here for a while, Toli and Zhong Lixue ran outside.

Compared with the cold stone room, they were more curious about the spirit monkey, a peculiar race of spirit beasts.

Chen Hu opened Liu Aqi's medical book and read it quietly.

In recent years, Chen Hu's soul power has improved by leaps and bounds, and his medical skills have also improved a lot.

But it is undeniable that, compared to the effort spent on Wuhun, Chen Hu's thought and energy on medical skills are not comparable to the former.

Returning to his hometown, Chen Hu recalled the old days, subconsciously immersed in the medical books left by Liu Aqi, and had a clearer understanding of many medical principles recorded in the medical books.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Qi came over, his eyes were slightly red, and said: "Brother, Grandpa asked me to invite you to come over."

"Okay!" Chen Hu nodded.

In fact, he more or less guessed what the old Lingming monkey was thinking in his heart. There was too much information in the words of the old Lingming monkey back then. Chen Hu was shocked and ignored a lot of things, but in retrospect , Why can't I understand these things?
But, is he really willing to accept such a gift?

Liu Aqi's medical books, Fountain of Youth, Flowers of Yin and Yang... He already owes too much to the monkey clan.

Looking back on my life, the one year in this valley is the key to my rise.

If there is no chance here, Chen Hu may still be an ordinary soul sect or soul king, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve the current achievements.

Similarly, without the Fountain of Youth, it is impossible for Lin Xiaoxiao and others to rise so quickly, and the old dean will not become a Titled Douluo...

The key to everything lies in this nameless valley.

"You are here, child, you are a smart person, you should know the meaning of the agreement I made with you seven years ago, but I didn't expect that you would leave again after only seven years, not even ten years Now that I'm in front of me, I'm completely relieved." The breath of the old spirit monkey became weaker, and his energy and spirit were like a candle in the wind, which might be extinguished at any time.

"Grandpa Hou, how could your body..." In less than half a day, the source of life in the old spirit monkey was already on the verge of exhaustion.

Lightly chanting the soul mantra, Wuhun Yinyang Wine Gourd appeared in Chen Hu's hands, the first soul ring suddenly lit up, Zhuyeqing was led by Chen Hu into the old spirit monkey's body, and instantly turned into a strong vitality.

However, the old spirit monkey's body was like a piece of dead wood, Zhuyeqing's huge vitality circulated in his body, but none of it was absorbed by him.

"My child, it's useless. Don't waste your time. I don't have much time. While I can talk, I have one thing to entrust to you!" The old monkey shook his head and said lightly.

He was dying, but there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

He has lived countless years and is already tired of it, but he still has responsibilities that he can't let go of.

"My child, your heart and talent are the only ones I have ever seen in my life. I am very relieved to entrust the spirit monkey family to you!"

"From today onwards, you are the patriarch of the Lingming Monkey Clan, and all members of the Lingming Monkey Clan will obey your orders!" The old Lingming Monkey's eyes widened, staring at Chen Hu closely, and said.


Chen Hu was stunned for a moment, and said: "Grandpa Hou, did you say something wrong, the patriarch of the Lingming Monkey Clan should be Xiao Qi, Grandpa Hou, don't worry, I will help Xiao Qi protect the Lingming Monkey Clan. "

"No, I'm not wrong. From today onwards, you are the patriarch of the Lingming Monkey Clan. Everyone in the Lingming Monkey Clan, including Xiao Qi, obeys your orders. I hope you can lead the Lingming Monkey Clan to a more prosperous future. A bright future!" the old spirit monkey said firmly.


Before Chen Hu finished speaking, a dazzling golden light had already burst out from the old spirit monkey's body, covering the entire valley in an instant.

In this golden light, everything has solidified, and time has also fallen into absolute stillness.

Except for the old spirit monkey in the golden light center, the thinking and actions of everyone in the valley have come to a standstill.

"Son, I'm sorry, please forgive my selfishness!" The old Lingming monkey whispered and came to Chen Hu.

He has lived for tens of thousands of years, how could he fail to see Chen Hu's growth, but he has no intention of giving Chen Hu a chance to refuse.

The huge cultivation base of nearly 10 years and the fighting blood flowing in his body began to burn violently, turning into golden flames and burning on his body.

However, Chen Hu didn't feel any hot breath.

This is not an ordinary flame, but a blood flame that contains the spirit and energy of the old spirit monkey.

In this golden blood flame, the body of the old spirit monkey is reflected particularly transparently.

A golden circle condensed out of the blood flames, surrounding the gradually illusory old Lingming monkey and Chen Hu.


With a huge force pouring into his body, Chen Hu's consciousness also began to recover.

He had already guessed what the opportunity the old spirit monkey promised was, but he didn't want to accept such a gift.

When he returned to the valley, he just wanted to see the old man.

The old spirit monkey has no lifespan, and he may not survive in the future. This may be the last time they meet.

However, Chen Hu didn't expect that the old spirit monkey didn't even give him a chance to refuse, and started the sacrifice directly.

Although the old Lingming monkey was weak, Chen Hu didn't even have a chance to resist with the brilliance of life finally blooming.

Huge energy poured into his body, like an endless ocean, this is the cultivation level of the old spirit monkey close to 10 years!
However, unlike absorbing the soul ring after hunting the soul beast, the power condensed by the old spirit monkey is extremely gentle. Although it is huge, it does not have the slightest load on Chen Hu's body.

With the help of this force, the bottleneck of Chen Hu's body was shattered, and his soul power began to grow rapidly at an extremely terrifying speed.

In Chen Hu's body, strands of golden blood mist merged silently with his blood.

The blood of fighting!

This is the greatest pride of the spirit monkey family. They have the blood of the ancient god beast Dou Zhan in their bodies. The old spirit monkey is also the only one in the spirit monkey family who has awakened the blood of Dou Zhan.

The old spirit monkey chose to sacrifice, but it was actually a little selfish.

Chen Hu, who inherited the blood of Dou Zhan, has the same blood as that of the Spirit Monkey Clan lying in his body, and there are more bonds between him and the Spirit Monkey Clan...

But no matter what, the blood of fighting is strengthening Chen Hu's body, which is an unimaginable benefit to Chen Hu.

However, when the golden blood of Dou Zhan and Chen Hu's blood began to fuse, something happened suddenly.

A crimson flame and a faint blue flame bloomed from Chen Hu's blood at the same time, and the two extreme powers of fiery heat and extreme cold were venting his dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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