Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 305 The Blood of Fighting

Chapter 305 The Blood of Fighting
The special blood substance in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi fused with Chen Hu's body.

Not only did it endow Chen Hu with a strong affinity for ice and fire elements and resistance to ice and fire, but it also produced a faint dragon power in his blood.

Combined with the supreme power of the snake among the ten fierce yang snakes, it has a miraculous effect in the face of Dugu Bo's attack.

Only Chen Hu, who was at level 60, was able to escape from Dugu Bo's hands, and this was due to Long Wei's contribution.

At that time, Chen Hu knew that the power contained in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi was not simple, but no matter how much he studied later, he could not figure out the source of the power of Binghuo Liangyi's eyes.

At this time, the fighting bloodline of the sacrifice of the old spirit monkey finally inspired the power of the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye, but this was definitely not a good thing for Chen Hu.

Dragons have been sacred beasts since ancient times, and their majesty is sacred and should not be violated lightly!

But the Holy Ape and the Battlefield are the most rebellious beasts. When two different bloodlines meet, they use Chen Hu's body as the battlefield and start a fierce battle...

Chen Hu felt like his blood was about to burn. An extreme coldness and heat interacted in his body, constantly colliding fiercely with the fighting blood that wanted to transform Chen Hu's blood.

The sacrifice was still going on, and the violent energy fluctuation spread out. The first to feel this violent fluctuation was the old dean and his party who were not far from the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest.

I saw the old dean stopped in an instant, and looked at the valley where the spirit monkeys lived in shock and doubt.

This it a 10-year soul beast sacrifice?Could it be that Juhuaguan and Guimei succeeded, but why did the 10-year-old soul beast live outside the Star Dou Forest, and this aura was also different from the 10-year-old soul beast five years ago. ...

The old dean realized something, and his expression changed.

"You guys are waiting for me here, I'll leave!"

After finishing speaking, the old dean has turned into a black mysterious light and disappeared in an instant.

In the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, where the silvery white moonlight was reflected in the clear small lake, like a fairyland on earth, two huge figures suddenly appeared.

One is a mountain-like existence that looks like both an ape and a gorilla. The muscles bulging all over the body are like raised rocks, a giant beast full of explosive power.

The king of the forest, the titan great ape, is an existence more terrifying than the Baboon King Kong in a single body.

The other was a huge spirit beast with the head of a bull and the body of a snake. It protruded from the calm lake with a bull's head and half of a snake's body, and looked in the direction of the valley outside the Star Dou Forest with incredible eyes.

"Da Ming, Er Ming, is there a 10-year-old soul beast in that direction?" A heavenly voice sounded, and there was a beautiful girl standing on the shoulder of the titan great ape.

If Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were here, they would recognize that this was exactly the goal of their trip, Xiao Wu.

"I... don't know, that's the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest. It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for a 10-year-old soul beast to exist, but that breath is undoubtedly a 10-year-old soul beast. Moreover, this force is too similar to ..."

Sky Blue Bull Python shook his head, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Both Xiao Wu and Titan Giant Ape knew the meaning of the Azure Bull Python, Xiao Wu's eyes showed a touch of deep yearning, looking at the lovesick heartbroken red with a faint red light on his chest, he said infatuatedly: "How is it impossible?" , Da Ming, Er Ming, you don’t understand human emotions, and being able to make a 10-year-old soul beast sacrifice willingly is a kind of happiness in itself for a 10-year-old soul beast.”

If one day in the future, she will be willing to dedicate her all!


Brother, can I see you again?

The two titled Douluo, Juhuaguan and Guimei, led people to sneak into the Star Dou Forest, how could they hide from the kings of the Star Dou Forest, the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python.

No one knows better than Xiao Wu why the two Title Douluo came here.

A 10-year soul beast is certainly powerful, but is it really much stronger than a human Titled Douluo?This is not necessarily the case!
Titled Douluo with a 10-year soul ring rarely appears in the Douluo Continent. This does not mean that 10-year-old soul beasts are invincible, but 10-year-old soul beasts are rare, and generally live in the deepest part of the soul beast forest .

In this kind of place, there are a lot of soul beasts. Once an ordinary Titled Douluo comes here and is besieged by many ten thousand year soul beasts, he is in danger of falling.

Titled Douluo is already the strongest in the human world, with no shortage of status and power, and they don't need to hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings. The number of Contras who killed 10-year-old soul beasts was extremely limited, so under normal circumstances, 10-year-old soul beasts rarely fell.

But the two titled Douluo have every chance to hold back the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, plus the twenty soul saints led by Juhuaguan and Guigui are also a huge threat to Xiao Wu.

Now is Xiaowu's infancy in the form of a soul beast, and it is also her weakest period, and it is also a matter of narrow escape from the hunting team of the Wuhun Temple.

Er Ming, the titan great ape, was a little restless.

Tianqing Niuban couldn't help asking: "Er Ming, did you find anything?"

The titan giant ape nodded, and a look of disbelief appeared on his honest face, "Brother, Miss Wu, I may know the origin of the 10-year-old soul beast that was sacrificed in the periphery, but I didn't expect that it has been so long, He's actually still alive, but he's probably going to run out of oil and burn out, right now!"

"Oh, who is it?" Sky Blue Bull Python asked curiously, Xiao Wu was also somewhat curious, looking at the Titan Giant Ape beside him.

The titan giant ape said in a low voice: "When I was very young, I once met a very old spirit monkey. The spirit monkey is the most common race among the ape-like soul beasts. The weakest of the soul beasts is not much stronger than humans."

"However, the blood of the ancient god beast fighting holy ape is flowing in their bodies. The wisdom of ordinary spirit monkeys is no less than that of 10-year-old soul beasts. Once the blood of fighting fighting is awakened, the talent and strength will not even be inferior. For our family of titan great apes."

"However, awakening the blood of Dou Zhan is too difficult. Most of the spirit monkeys are just ordinary spirit beasts, with great wisdom but insufficient strength. They cannot occupy a place in the world of spirit beasts where the weak eat the strong. In recent years, the spirit monkeys have disappeared. I thought the spirit monkey family was extinct!"

"The one who sacrificed this time should be the very old spirit monkey. I guess, he should be looking for a strong human to sacrifice in exchange for this strong human being to protect the spirit monkey family! "

The titan giant ape is simple and honest, but it doesn't mean he is stupid. From the known information, he quickly deduced the truth about the sacrifice of the old spirit monkey.

"Unfortunately, the people of Wuhun Palace are in the Star Dou Great Forest. The sacrifice of the old spirit monkey will definitely attract those titled Douluo, and the inheritance of fighting blood may really be extinct!" Tian Qing Niu Bog couldn't help sighing.

They couldn't take care of themselves, so it was impossible for them to spare their efforts to rescue the Lingming Monkey Clan.

A gleam of light flashed in Xiao Wu's sly eyes, "Da Ming, Er Ming, human beings who can accept the sacrifice of 10-year-old soul beasts will definitely not be weak, and maybe they will die. Shall we sneak there and wait for them to lose both... ..."

The Sky Blue Bull Mang shook his head, rejecting Xiao Wu's idea, "Miss Xiao Wu, but we can't rule out whether the human beings on the two sides might be together, we might have thrown ourselves into a trap by diving in, and now the best The most important thing is to protect your safety, when you successfully reach level [-], you will be indistinguishable from human beings, and the Spirit Hall will not be able to find you by then!"

In another place, the prowling Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo stopped at the same time, and the twenty soul saints behind them also stopped silently.

"Old ghost, have you felt it? Could it be that power is..." Ju Huaguan said with a somewhat ugly expression on his face.

"That's right, it's a sacrifice from a soul beast. I want to see who dares to snatch food from a tiger's mouth!" Ghost also said with an ugly expression.

Sacrifice is a skill only possessed by ten-thousand-year soul beasts, but except for soul beasts with human emotions over 10 years old, almost no soul beast chooses this method of sacrifice. After all, this means the destruction of body and spirit!
Moreover, this power seems to have come from the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest. It can be transmitted from such a long distance, there is no other possibility except for the 10-year-old soul beast.

The old spirit monkey is still a long way from the cultivation base of a 10-year soul beast, but the blood of fighting made everyone misjudge the strength of this aura.

After Juhuaguan and Guimei gave orders, they left twenty soul sages and rushed towards the valley where the Lingming Monkey Clan was located.

There is a world of difference between the speed of the twenty soul saints and the Title Douluo, so they can only move separately, with the two Title Douluo going first, and the rest slowly coming.

"Juhuaguan, your speed is too slow, I'll take you away!" The ghost snorted, grabbed Ju Douluo's shoulders, turned into a phantom, and moved forward quickly.

He is the title Douluo of the Sensitive Attack Department, and his speed far surpasses that of Chrysanthemum Douluo.

They have already decided that even if they don't get the soul ring of the 10-year-old soul beast, they still have to bring back the soul bone of the 10-year-old soul beast.

In the valley, the figure of the old spirit monkey has become illusory to the extreme, and the power in the soul ring is also merging with Chen Hu's body, but the blood of Dou Zhan is always entangled with the power of the ice and fire Yin Yang, and it has been too long to be able to get along with Chen Hu. The blood of the lake blends together.

A trace of surprise flashed in the illusory eyes of the old spirit monkey.

Unexpectedly, there is still a blood power in Chen Hu's body that can be compared to the blood of Dou Zhan.

Neither of these two bloodlines that generate and restrain each other is inferior to the blood of Dou Zhan, but when the two are combined, even the blood of Dou Zhan cannot expel them.

The last time Chen Hu came, he was sure that Chen Hu didn't have strong blood power, this should be Chen Hu's later opportunity.

The old Lingming monkey sighed, and his body completely dissipated.

At the last moment when the body dissipated, it turned into a golden light and shadow and hit the center of Chen Hu's eyebrows, and a little bit of bright golden light bloomed from the center of Chen Hu's eyebrows, instantly covering Chen Hu's entire head.

The golden light converged and condensed in Chen Hu's pair of pitch-black eyes.

Chen Hu's eyes turned into pure gold in an instant, and the light in his eyes seemed to shoot out like two golden beams of light.

Fierce eyes, eyes that break delusion!
Under the power of this golden light, the blood of Dou Zhan instantly suppressed the special blood in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and merged with Chen Hu's body.

However, the hot and extremely cold power in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi was not expelled by the blood of Dou Zhan, but fused with the blood of Dou Zhan strangely...

(End of this chapter)

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