Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 306 Qualitative leap

Chapter 306 Qualitative leap
The golden light dissipated, and a dark soul ring appeared on Chen Hu's body.

The color of this soul ring was much darker than all his previous soul rings. In the pitch-black light, traces of reddish gold could be vaguely seen.

The red color is the soul ring of the old spirit monkey whose soul ring has been close to 10 years, and the gold color is the blood of fighting in the old spirit monkey's body.

The seven soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, and black shone beside Chen Hu, which also represented that Chen Hu had finally broken through the realm of the soul sage.

The golden light beams in the eyes seemed to pierce the emptiness, condensing Chen Hu's huge spiritual power into one, and a huge spiritual coercion bloomed from his body.

If the old dean was by Chen Hu's side, he would find that Chen Hu's mental strength was no less than his.

And the mental power of the old dean is much stronger than that of the titled Douluo of the same rank.

Now, even a peak Douluo above level 96 would not dare to say that he could suppress Chen Hu in terms of mental strength.

The rapid advancement of spiritual power comes from a piece of head soul bone brought by the sacrifice of the old spirit monkey, the skull of spirit breaking delusion!
After the awakening of Dou Zhan's bloodline, the old spirit monkey obtained the Dou Zhan Holy Ape's pupil technique, which can destroy all illusions.

The accumulation of the old spirit monkey for tens of thousands of years has made his spiritual power vast, and with his sacrifice, the spiritual power of the old spirit monkey has also been completely condensed into the skull of the spirit-breaking delusion, bringing it to Chen Hu. An unimaginable boost in mental strength.

Under this huge mental power, Chen Hu felt that his mind was clearer than ever before, and his computing power and reaction speed had once again improved a lot.

What's more, the Lingming Skull of Delusion-Breaking also brought Chen Hu an unprecedented powerful soul bone skill, the Eye of Delusion-breaking!

After exercising this soul skill, Chen Hu's eyes can see through all the illusions in the world and point directly to the source.

This is an extremely powerful skill, which means that Chen Hu can clearly see the operation route of the soul power in the enemy's body, and even the flow of soul power that releases the soul skill, and make timely predictions or targets to achieve the effect of predicting the future.

In addition, Chen Hu's golden eyes looked at the sky, and he seemed to see intricate lines like a big net connecting everyone and everything in this world.


The Eye of Delusion can actually see the rules directly, you know, only gods can control the rules!

With the Delusion-Breaking Eye, even without the inheritance of Thor, Chen Hu believed that he would be able to reach the realm of the gods one day.

The golden light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and the monstrous aura on Chen Hu's body also began to slowly subside, and finally he returned to his original nature and nature.

"Grandpa!" Xiao Qi on the side was already in tears, and the breath of the old spirit monkey had completely dissipated in the world.

Sacrifice, the sacrifice is not only the cultivation of the soul beast, but also his blood and soul.

From then on, Chen Hu's body will be filled with the blood of the Dou Zhan clan, but the old Lingming monkey will also completely disappear from this world.

Chen Hu's body is full of great strength, but his heart is also full of sadness.

No matter who you are, you don't want your strength to come from the dedication of your elders who gave up everything!
Do not……

There is still a turning point for everything!

Chen Hu remembered the two suzerains of the Haotian School that appeared in the second part of Douluo's original novel, the Sky Blue Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

In the original book, these two were also sacrificed to the protagonist Tang San, but they reappeared in the second part, which means that the sacrifice is not without a chance.

At this moment, Chen Hu had another belief that he must become a god.

"Xiao Qi, let's go out!" Chen Hu looked at the sad Xiao Qi, sighed, and said.

After the sacrifice of the old spirit monkey, everything dissipated in the world.

The dead are dead, and the living should forge ahead!
What's more, the follow-up troubles caused by the sacrifice of the old spirit monkey have not been completely resolved.

When casting the Eye of Delusion, Chen Hu saw several powerful forces coming to this valley.

The volatility of the old spirit monkey's sacrifice has exposed this isolated valley to the eyes of the world, and the spirit monkey family must find another way out.

But before that, he had to solve the trouble in front of him.

Xiao Qi suppressed the sadness in his eyes. He knew what the old Lingming monkey was thinking a long time ago, and he also agreed with the old Lingming monkey's actions. Although he was sad, he didn't blame Chen Hu.

Regardless of whether Chen Hu appears or not, the old spirit monkey's lifespan is exhausted, and it won't last long.

And the appearance of Chen Hu can allow the life of the old spirit monkey to continue in another form.

Next, he will follow the old spirit monkey's last wish and arrange for his clansmen!

Among the mountains and cliffs, a black figure galloped towards the valley where the spirit monkey clan was located.

However, there was a whistling sound of wind and thunder, and a blue thunder light approached in the sky, stopping in front of the visitor in the air.

"Old principal!" Chen Hu said respectfully.

The person who came was none other than the strongest Titled Douluo who was closest to the valley, the old dean Fang Yuan.

The old dean looked at Chen Hu rushing out of him, he was not inferior to the aura of ordinary Titled Douluo, but there was no trace of joy on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Where is Xiao Qi, where is he?"

Chen Hu was stunned for a moment, and said dumbfoundedly: "Old director, don't worry, Xiao Qi is fine!"

Hearing this, the solemn face of the old dean instantly relaxed. In his opinion, Xiao Qi should be a 10-year-old soul beast, and the strong fluctuations in soul power on Chen Hu's body obviously came from the soul beast. Sacrifice, this made the old dean have to think about it.

He watched Chen Hu grow up, while Xiao Qi was his direct disciple. No matter what, he didn't want to see Xiao Qi sacrifice.

However, if it wasn't Xiao Qi, then...

The old dean looked at Chen Hu hanging in the air, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, could it be Xiao Qi's elder?
"Old dean, listen to my explanation!" Chen Hu sighed, spread his electric wings behind him, and came to the old dean, and then told the old dean in detail what happened here.

This valley is obviously not suitable for the Lingming Monkey Clan to live in. Chen Hu intends to take the Lingming Monkey Clan to leave the Star Dou Great Forest and move to Dionysus City to settle down. With his talent and strength, he is already enough to protect the Lingming Monkey Clan.

After all, apart from Xiao Qi, the strongest among the spirit monkey clan is only a thousand-year-old soul beast.

Chen Hu believed that no short-sighted soul master would offend him, a future star, for the soul ring of a thousand-year-old soul beast.

However, to be on the safe side, Chen Hu still hopes to get the support of the old dean.

After listening to Chen Hu's explanation, the old dean couldn't help but take a deep look at Chen Hu.

They all knew that the key to Chen Hu's rise lies in the Star Dou Great Forest, but Chen Hu didn't say anything, and they never asked. They never thought that all of this actually originated from such a special group of soul beasts.

Whether it is the kindness of the spirit monkey group or the final choice of the old spirit monkey, the old director has sincere respect for this group of spirit monkeys.

"You want to take them out?" the old dean asked, he had already guessed what Chen Hu was thinking after Chen Hu told him all this.

Taking a group of soul beasts to the human world, even though these soul beasts showed enough intelligence, the old dean still had some concerns.

Chen Hudao: "That's right, Grandpa Hou's sacrifice made this valley no longer suitable for the Lingming monkey clan to continue to survive. I have a private territory in the border area of ​​the Tiandou Empire, and the Extreme Martial Arts Academy and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will be relocated there." That place is safe enough, I plan to take them to live there temporarily."

It is also the old Lingming monkey's decision to take the smart monkey to the human world.

For so many years, under the leadership of the old spirit monkey, the spirit monkey family has been living in hiding in the XZ. Relying on the strong spiritual power of the old spirit monkey, this valley is isolated from the outside world. If it is not a coincidence, It is actually not easy for the soul beasts from outside to find this valley.

But with the death of the old spirit monkey, it is no longer safe here.

Chen Hu taught the Lingming Monkey Clan stick techniques, which gave the Lingming Monkey Clan a certain amount of combat power, but such combat power was not enough for the Lingming Monkey Clan to continue to survive in the Star Dou Forest.

After taking shape, Xiao Qi no longer has the long lifespan of a soul beast. With the power of the fountain of youth and the immortal peach tree in the valley, Xiao Qi may live for a thousand years, but once Xiao Qi dies, who else can protect Lingming? Monkey family?
The plan of the old Lingming monkey is also to hope that Chen Hu or Xiaoqi can break the boundary between man and god, and prove the Tao and become a god.

As long as either Chen Hu or Xiao Qi becomes a god, the Lingming monkey clan will have a chance to change their fate.

The sacrifice of the old Lingming monkey was also intended to create an inseparable friendship between Chen Hu and the Lingming monkey family. With Chen Hu's character, as long as Chen Hu becomes a god, he will definitely not disappoint the Lingming monkey family.

"Okay, as long as you have a plan, the Fountain of Youth comes from the Spirit Monkey Clan. I can become a Titled Douluo, and the Fountain of Youth has contributed a lot, so I owe it to the Spirit Monkey Clan. As long as I am still in the world, Then he will protect the spirit monkey family for a day." said the old dean.

If there is no Fountain of Youth, the old dean may have died due to the exhaustion of lifespan, just like the old spirit monkey.

It was the Fountain of Youth that changed his fate. The old dean is a person who knows how to repay his kindness, so he intends to protect the spirit monkey family.

Of course, this is also the wisdom and innate kindness of the monkeys who are almost the same as humans, which moved him.

Otherwise, if it was another race of soul beasts that drink blood, tyrannical and bloodthirsty, even if the old headmaster owed them favors, he would not approve of Chen Hu's choice.

"I thank the old headmaster on behalf of the spirit monkey family!" With the promise of the old headmaster, the future of the spirit monkey family will be safer.

After all, Chen Hu was not sure about his own strength, whether he could fight a normal Title Douluo.

Feeling the abundant strength and strong soul power in his body, even if he didn't use the martial soul avatar, Chen Hu's strength had a qualitative leap compared to before.

For the simplest soul power alone, Chen Hu has now reached level 74, and there is only a thin line between level 75 and level [-].

Moreover, the improvement brought to Chen Hu by the blood of Dou Zhan can be summed up by the improvement of soul power alone?

"However, even with my help, it will not be easy for you to let the spirit monkey gain a foothold in the human world." The old headmaster nodded and looked towards the sky ahead.

A ghostly phantom is approaching rapidly.

"Before that, you still need to prove your own strength!"

As the old dean said, one hundred and eight mysterious steles flew out of his body, suppressing all his aura and hiding in the thick fog.

Facing two powerful auras rapidly approaching in the distance, the old dean chose to let Chen Hu face it alone in order to verify his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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