Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 308 The Seventh Soul Skill!Fighting Mami

Chapter 308 The Seventh Soul Skill!Fighting Mami

"He can really fight Title Douluo!"

Seeing Chen Hu whose aura continued to rise as the spirit rings on his body lit up one by one, the ghost came up with this idea.

Then, he will go all out next.

"Ghost real body!" Ghost yelled loudly, and the pitch-black seventh soul ring suddenly burst into an extremely dazzling light. In this black light, Ghost's body became completely transparent, like a ghost.

This is his martial spirit avatar, which not only makes his speed even more terrifying, but also makes him immune to all physical attacks.

The Tai Chi Domain and the Killing God Domain spread, and the suppression effect on the ghosts who used the Ghost Avatar was also greatly reduced.

"Boy, be careful!" The ghost shouted, and appeared behind Chen Hu in an instant, and Chen Hu, as if he was a prophet, suddenly drew his knife and slashed behind him.

In the eyes of others, the ghost seems to be the saber light that slams into Chen Hu on its own initiative.


There are blue electric arcs dancing on Chen Hu's body, and the mental power boost brought to Chen Hu by the skull of Ling Ming Delusion, so that Chen Hu can predict the attack of ghosts and ghosts and respond in advance.

Lei Ting's improved reaction power made Gui Mei, a soul master of the agility attack system, restrained to a certain extent in front of Chen Hu.

The light of the sword cut out, even if Chen Hu's powerful sword intent was attached to it, it could not cause substantial damage to the ghost.

With the characteristics of their own martial souls, ghosts are also the most difficult type among Title Douluo.

The ghostly figure passed through the light of the knife and came to Chen Hu, turning the imaginary into reality, and the ghost's claws moved towards Chen Hu's chest.


There was a flash of light in Chen Hu's eyes, and he seized the moment when the ghost turned into reality, blocked it with one hand in front of his chest, and kicked towards the ghost with a dark blue light shining on his left leg.

Chasing the wind's left leg moving forward at extreme speed!

Although he didn't use the soul bone skill, his left leg, which was fused with the soul bone of Zhui Feng's left leg of Extreme Speed, attacked faster than other positions.

The left leg was kicked out, the timing was just right, and a powerful force erupted. The ghost is not good at strength, but was kicked out by Chen Hu directly, and turned into a ghost again in the air.

At the same time, the ghostly claws also left a dark palm print on the left arm that Chen Hu used to block, a scorching tingling sensation came, and the whole arm was quickly falling into paralysis.

Guimei can occupy a place in the Title Douluo, not only relying on his speed, Guimei's ghost poison is also unique in the world, not only can corrode soul power, but also can corrode spiritual power.

The yin-yang wine gourd suddenly released a terrifying suction power, gradually removing the ghost poison on the arm.

The fourth and sixth soul rings on Chen Hu's body had already lit up, and the ice blue armor with countless fire ant runes appeared, guided by the extremely cold and fiery aura emanating from the fighting blood in Chen Hu's body, Become more exquisite and transparent.

At this time, the ghost's second attack also came to Chen Hu's side, the state switching speed was faster, and the attack was more fierce.

The attack was indeed the weakness of his martial spirit avatar, but with his speed, the change of reality and reality only takes a moment, and ordinary people simply cannot seize this opportunity.

The timing of Chen Hu's attack just now was excellent, but Gui Mei didn't believe that someone could really catch the flaw of his martial soul's momentary change from reality to reality.

However, the strength and speed displayed by Chen Hu have really reached the threshold of the Title Douluo. With the help of the two major domains and many soul bones, he may not be able to fight the Title Douluo.

This result also surprised Gui Mei. You must know that the other party is only in his 20s, yet he already has the strength to compete with Title Douluo.

The thoughts in his mind changed, but the ghost's attack did not stagnate in the slightest. The ghost energy condensed into claw blades, and under the blessing of huge soul power, he swung towards Chen Hu at a faster speed than before.

No way, the old ghost used all his strength to fight against a soul sage...Ju Douluo couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the speed and strength displayed by the ghost.

With the ghost's speed, even Ju Douluo didn't dare to be careless about the melee attack under the spirit's avatar, and could only rely on the soul skill of the large-scale attack to push the ghost back.

But Chen Hu obviously didn't have the soul ability to attack in a large area, but Chen Hu's performance made Ju Douluo's mouth wide open in surprise.

I saw Chen Hu condensing the Killing God Domain on the Faint Dawn Saber in his hand, the saber intent was fierce, and he kept slashing out with the saber, each time blocking the direction of the ghost's attack just right.

In the sky, ghost shadows came from all directions, and the wind was blowing.

Chen Hu responds to all changes without change, with blue electric arcs beating on his body, he has an incomparably accurate insight into all the attacks of ghosts and ghosts, and the speed of his swords is not fast, but he can always predict the attack angle of ghosts and ghosts in advance, and make predictions in advance. response.

The ghostly figure backed away, looking at Chen Hu with a serious expression, and the real body transformed by the thick ghost energy also fluctuated somewhat violently.

In the fight just now, he did not have the upper hand.

The combination of the Killing God Domain and Sword Intent, as well as Chen Hu's sixth soul skill, Fire Ant, both have limited damage to ghosts and ghosts.

Now why doesn't he understand that Chen Hu's ability to seize the opportunity of his martial soul's transformation from reality to reality was not opportunistic.

With simple conventional methods, it is already very difficult for him to win Chen Hu.

Moreover, the other party has not used his spirit avatar for a long time, of course Guigui would not think that the spirit avatar bestowed by the seventh spirit ring from the sacrifice of a nearly 10-year-old spirit beast would be an ordinary skill .

Sure enough, the seventh soul ring surrounded by blood-red light around Chen Hu began to shine brightly.

The seventh soul skill, Dou Zhan Avatar!
I saw extremely rich golden light blooming from the Yin-Yang wine gourd. Chen Hu swallowed the medicinal wine in the Yin-Yang wine gourd in one gulp, and the extremely bright golden light spread from all over his body.

Under the effect of the golden light, Chen Hu's body swelled extremely rapidly, and soon turned into a ten-meter-tall giant.

The gigantic body brought indescribable terrifying power and a fighting spirit that soared to the sky.

The fighting spirit mobilized the golden blood of fighting in his body, which raised Chen Hu's aura again.


Chen Hu let out a low snort, and nine extremely fast-rotating cyan vortexes could be faintly seen on the golden body in the various acupuncture points on his body.

Under the real body of Dou Zhan, Chen Hu's fighting spirit soared to the sky, and he no longer had any thoughts of keeping his hands. The blood of Dou Zhan in his body was violently boiling under the traction of his real body, giving Chen Hu a physique beyond imagination improvement.

Under the Dou Zhan Avatar, Chen Hu not only combines his fighting spirit with his blood, but also can display his extreme fighting potential. The effects of the first six soul skills are also directly doubled.

What is the concept of doubling all six soul skills?
Even if Ning Rongrong at level [-] used the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda to fully assist Chen Hu, the effect achieved was nothing more than that.

Looking at the giant fighting giant in front of him, Guigui's expression became more solemn than ever. From this giant, he felt unprecedented pressure.

"The eighth soul skill, ghost prison!"

Ghost let out a low cry, the eighth spirit ring on his body suddenly lit up, and the eighth spirit ability was released without hesitation. Countless ghost figures rushed out of his body, forming a ghostly area with a range of more than [-] meters around him. Prison, swallowing everything around.

Darkness, endless darkness!

In the ghost prison built by ghosts and ghosts, Chen Hu lost all his senses, and except for the silence and darkness, there were no colors or sounds around him, and the soul master's premonition of danger was blinded to the greatest extent.

The pitch-black ghost prison was like a deep pool of water. In the ghost prison, Chen Hu's speed and strength were strongly suppressed.

This is not a domain skill. Once the ghost's eighth soul skill, ghost prison, is constructed, it cannot be moved. However, within the ghost prison, the effects it possesses are not different from domain skills, and are even more prominent.

The ghost prison that blinds all senses, under the control of ghosts, can even change the soul master's perception of space, making the enemy have a wrong perception of the external environment, and will never be able to break out of the ghost prison.

This is not Ghost's ninth soul ability, but it is more valued by Ghost than the ninth soul ability.

After Guimei obtained this soul skill, she put in countless painstaking efforts, and has already reached a state of perfection in the control of this soul skill.

"The old ghost actually used this trick!?"

The moment the pitch-black ghost prison appeared, a look of disbelief appeared on Ju Douluo's bewitching face, and he quickly retreated. No one knew better than him how difficult the ghost's eighth soul skill, ghost prison, was!

However, the next scene made Ju Douluo even more frightened.

I saw a flash of intense golden light blooming from the deep ghost prison, followed by a huge golden fist.

Vajra Right Arm Soul Bone Skill, Vajra Fist!

After the fist print blasted through the ghost prison, it blasted towards Ghost Douluo who had turned into a ghost.

The Vajra Fist Seal is a purely physical attack, but there is a limit to the ghost's immunity to all physical attacks.

Undoubtedly, the Vajra Fist Seal under Dou Zhan's avatar has already exceeded the limit that Ghost Douluo's Wuhun avatar can bear.

The moment the fist print came into contact with the ghost, the virtual figure of the ghost also condensed into a solid body, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.

"Old ghost!" Ju Douluo couldn't help shouting.

"I'm fine!" Ghost Douluo waved his hand.

Undoubtedly, the combination of Dou Zhan's real body and the Vajra Fist Seal, as well as the restrained Prajna soul skills and the fire ant runes attached to the Vajra Fist Seal represent a terrifying attack that even the Titled Douluo cannot bear, but this is still pure after all. The physical attack of the ghost, after penetrating the limit of the ghost's real body, the damage to the ghost is not fatal.

"How many times can you attack like this?"

The ghostly gaze looked at Chen Hu's right arm. It has to be said that such an attack is the pinnacle blow even for a titled Douluo of the assault system, but the load on Chen Hu's right arm must be unimaginable , after all, he is just a soul sage.

Under Dou Zhan's real body, the power accumulated in the King Kong soul bone poured out, which also made it difficult for Chen Hu's right arm to bear such power, and it was difficult to exert such power again.

Chen Hu's expression did not change. The gigantic body was not just a simple increase in size, but his strength, speed, and physical endurance had all been greatly improved, and the improvement of his first six soul skills undoubtedly made his strength even stronger. Once again there was an unimaginable transformation.

If it is said that Chen Hu had strength and speed comparable to ordinary Titled Douluo before using his Dou Zhan Avatar, but after using his Dou Zhan Avatar, Chen Hu's real combat power was not inferior to that of the veteran Title Douluo, and even surpassed it. .

If it wasn't for Ghost's special martial soul, the attack of Dou Zhan's real body combined with the Vajra Fist Seal would be enough to severely injure him.

This is the terrifying power that the old spirit monkey sacrificed to give Chen Hu's seventh soul skill fighting avatar!
(End of this chapter)

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