Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 309 The Eye of Delusion

Chapter 309 The Eye of Delusion
However, the strength of Dou Zhan's real body will inevitably lead to its consumption of Chen Hu's soul power to an extremely terrifying situation. Even the endless yin and yang Yin Xuan Gong cannot support the continuous consumption of Dou Zhan's real body.

Quick fight!

After turning into a giant, Chen Hu's speed did not slow down. The power of Fengquan condensed the tenth and No.11 wind whirls in his body...

It didn't stop until thirteen whirlwinds condensed in the body at the same time.

This means that even when Chen Hu does not use the left leg of chasing the wind to move forward at extreme speed, he can also explode at the extreme speed of thirteen whirlwinds.

The number of whirlwinds is not one more, not only the consumption of Fengquan's power has increased sharply, but also the requirements for Chen Hu's own mental control have also increased dramatically.

Only after merging the skull of the spirit-breaking delusion, can Chen Hu perfectly grasp the thirteen whirlwinds in his body.

The thirteen whirlwinds gathered at an extremely fast speed, just like the attack launched by Chen Hu, but they appeared in front of Ghost Douluo in an instant, and locked on Ghost Douluo's location with fists exuding a monstrous fighting spirit.

The ghostly illusory body seemed to be out of this world. Facing Chen Hu's domineering fist, he did not dodge or evade, and tried his best to maintain the ghostly real body.

The fist passed through the body, except for the slight shaking of the ghost's body, there was no change.

The fire ant rune attached to Chen Hu's fist could not harm Ghost Douluo's real body.

This is the helplessness of most soul masters against Ghost Douluo. Purely physical attacks can't do anything to Ghost Douluo, and ordinary mental attack methods can't be helped by Ghost Douluo's ghost energy. It is very difficult to hurt Ghost Douluo.

Ghost Douluo may not be the most powerful type of Title Douluo, but among all Title Douluo, his life-saving ability can be ranked in the top three.

Whether it's the astonishing speed or the ghostly real body, he can escape from dangers again and again.

Ghost Douluo has no fear, Chen Hu's most powerful spiritual attack is undoubtedly the combination of Saber Intent and Killing God Domain.

But Ghost Douluo could also see that the sword in Chen Hu's hand was indestructible and full of killing aura, but after all, it was not as good as the Wuhun who was connected with the spirit master.

After Chen Hu used the seventh soul skill to fight against the real body, his saber did not grow as big as his body. The four-foot-long Wanxiao Dao always felt a bit out of place in the hands of a ten-meter-tall giant.

This is also the reason why Chen Hu abandoned the sword!
What Ghost Douluo could see, Chen Hu naturally knew it well, and he also had a way to solve it.

Is the seventh soul skill sacrificed by the nearly 10-year-old spirit monkey, Dou Zhan Avatar, really that simple?

He can make his body bigger, and he can make his body smaller.

He appeared as a giant more than ten meters tall, not because the Dou Zhan Avatar could only appear in a gigantic form, but because it was the first time he used the Dou Zhan Avatar, and he was not proficient enough to control the Dou Zhan Avatar.

Manipulating soul skills to make oneself smaller may reduce strength and destructive power to a certain extent, but it must be more flexible, and it is more suitable to deal with Ghost Douluo, a title Douluo of the agility attack system.

However, apart from the Dark Dawn Saber, does he really have no other way to deal with Ghost Douluo?
Two dazzling golden lights shot out from Chen Hu's eyes, as if two golden flames were burning in his eyes.

The skull and soul bone skill that breaks delusion, the eye that breaks delusion.

Under Po Wang's eyes, Ghost Douluo had a feeling that there was nothing to hide from, as if nothing could escape Chen Hu's stern eyes.

While observing a Titled Douluo head-on with the Eye of Delusion, Chen Hu also discovered that there were complicated regular lines entangled on Ghost Douluo's body, some of which had been fused with Ghost Douluo's martial soul.

Title Douluo has already begun to contact and control the power of rules, even Ghost Douluo himself does not realize that his attacks more or less carry the power of rules.

And the place where the rules of Ghost Douluo's body meet is the weakness of his seventh soul skill, Ghost Avatar.

In the next moment, the thirteen whirlwinds condensed again, and Chen Hu's body disappeared in a flash.


It was the first time that Ghost Douluo felt the mortal danger, his body turned into a phantom and disappeared the moment Chen Hu's body disappeared.

However, the next moment, a black figure flew upside down from the sky and crashed into a cliff with a bang.

"Old ghost!"

Ju Douluo exclaimed, pulled out the ghost inlaid in the cliff, looked at the fist mark on the ghost's chest and the weak breath, his eyes were full of horror.

Chen Hu's body disappeared in a flash, and he came to Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo again.

He has faded his fighting body, but his eyes are still golden, but the light is not as blazing as before.

Shen Ning's eyes met Ju Douluo's eyes, and from the extremely fast flowing soul power in Ju Douluo's body, it could be seen that he was definitely not as relaxed as he showed at this time.

Juhuaguan has partnered with Guimei for more than 60 years. No one knows Guigui's strength better than him. Even Title Douluo cannot defeat Guigui in a short time.

But Guimei actually lost to a soul sage who had just acquired the seventh soul skill in a head-on battle!
And that gaze that seemed to be able to see through everything brought enormous pressure to Juhuaguan.

Chrysanthemum Guan was thinking, if the young man in front of him attacked him now, could he and the seriously injured ghost be able to escape?

Speed, strength, attack, defense...

Chrysanthemum Guan can't see any flaws in this young man!
Chrysanthemum was concerned, and there was no doubt that the battle between Chen Hu and Ghost Douluo had greatly shocked him.

The way he looked at Chen Hu no longer seemed to look at an outstanding junior, but wanted to treat a strong man with the same status as him.

Chen Hu stretched out his hand, and a chill gathered in his palm.

"What are you going to do?" Ju Douluo was startled, and stood in front of the seriously injured ghost, and said vigilantly.

Chen Hu smiled, without explaining, the first of the seven soul rings that were somewhat dim on his body lit up, and Zhuyeqing flew out of the yin and yang wine gourd, and condensed into an ice flower under the effect of the cold air between them .

Feeling the strong vitality of the ice flowers on Chen Hu's fingertips, Ju Douluo was a little dazed, and then recalled that the young man in front of him was still a food-type soul master, and his tense heartstrings were also loosened, and he turned his body slightly.

The ice flower flew to the ghost's chest and fused with the ghost's body, releasing a rich vitality instantly. The scorched fist print on the ghost's chest quickly recovered under the effect of this cold vitality.

"Thank you!" The icy breath of the life-death talisman relieved the scorching power in the ghost's chest, and the ghost couldn't help but snorted softly, and stood up and said.

Chen Hu withdrew his martial soul, and said: "Elder Ghost is serious, I should be the one who pleaded guilty to you. If Senior Ghost Douluo hadn't let me, he wouldn't have been injured. When I return to the Hall of Martial Spirits someday, I will definitely visit you Ghost Elder, please forgive me!"

Chen Hu's humility made the bitterness of Ghost Douluo's defeat at the hands of a soul saint lessen a bit, and he said with a bit of admiration: "It's my skills that are inferior to others. It's really a hero out of youth. Although Dean Chen is still It's not a titled Douluo, but you should be named among the top powerhouses in the mainland."

Chen Hu, who was able to defeat him, is already qualified to stand among the top powerhouses in the mainland.

Counting the entire continent, how many Title Douluo are there?
At the beginning, perhaps he somewhat underestimated the enemy, but Chen Hu didn't go all out as soon as he came up, but revealed his true face of Lushan step by step, and finally defeated him with extremely strong combat power.

Once again, Ghost Douluo couldn't guarantee that he would be able to defeat Chen Hu.

In any case, Chen Hu has the capital to compete with Title Douluo.

"We still have tasks to do, so we won't bother Dean Chen this time, and next time we're in the Hall of Spirits, let's get drunk again!" Gui Mei took a deep breath, and left hand in hand with Ju Douluo.

Zhuyeqing removed the most difficult blazing power on his body, the remaining injuries didn't affect him too much, and he still has the mission of the Spirit Hall, so it's naturally not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Chen Hu's strength, ghosts and Juhuaguan were horrified, but also a little fortunate. Fortunately, this genius was not their enemy, otherwise once Chen Hu really grew up, ghosts and Juhuaguan would not dare to imagine how terrifying he would be.

With such a genius in Wuhundian, they have no worries about the Soul Hunting operation a month later.

Zhentian Douluo, the two of them, and Chen Hu, who can fight against the title Douluo, this lineup is no worse than Bibidong's previous lineup.

With the existence of the four titled Douluo series, if the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family can't be wiped out, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family would have already become the number one sect in the world.

After Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo left, the old dean also walked out of the thick fog, looking at Chen Hu with a bit of surprise, "Fighting Ghost Douluo alone without losing the wind, If this battle gets out, it will definitely shock the entire continent! Tang Hao, the Clear Sky Douluo back then, is not as good as you."

Before the rise of Chen Hu and others, Tang Hao was the number one genius in the Douluo Continent, but compared to Chen Hu's current talent and strength, Tang Hao's brilliance in Haotian Douluo would also be eclipsed.

Not only Chen Hu, Xiao Qi, Lin Xiaoxiao, even Toli, Zhong Lixue and others, their talents are not inferior to those of Haotian Douluo Tang Hao back then.

Hu Liena, Xie Yue, Yan, and the original Shrek Seven Monsters, this is a bright era, and Chen Hu is undoubtedly the brightest star in this bright era.

Chen Hu, who has the fighting power of the title Douluo, has already grown up completely.

As a witness of Chen Hu's growth, the old dean also sighed a lot.

"Your current strength is enough to reassure me. I won't escort you and the spirit monkey clan's migration. However, Xiaoqi's seventh spirit ring needs to be considered as soon as possible. After you arrange the spirit ring of the spirit monkey clan, matter, come back to Star Dou Great Forest to find us!" said the old dean.

He also knew that Xiao Qi would not have the intention to obtain the seventh spirit ring if he did not arrange the spirit monkey clan well. Anyway, Dionysus City is not too far from Star Dou Forest, and it only takes ten days to go back and forth. The old dean can afford to wait for so long.

"Okay, the old dean will leave!" Chen Hu saluted respectfully, and watched the old dean leave.

(End of this chapter)

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