Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 310 Migration

Chapter 310 Migration
When Chen Hu returned to the valley where the Lingming monkeys lived in seclusion, the Lingming monkeys had already heard the news of the death of the old Lingming monkeys. All the Lingming monkeys gathered in the valley with humanized sadness on their faces. central.

The old spirit monkey lived for countless years, not only the patron saint of the spirit monkey family, but also the ancestor of the spirit monkey family, watching their relatives grow up.

Now that the old spirit monkey has passed away, all the spirit monkey clan is filled with sorrow.

The wisdom of the spirit monkey family is not inferior to that of humans, and they also know that the power that erupted in the valley came from the sacrifice. They gathered in the valley to wait for Chen Hu and Xiao Qi to announce the old spirit monkey's last words.

Toli and Zhong Lixue stood beside Xiao Qi, silently expressing that they would always stand by Xiao Qi's side.

Xiaoqi remained silent. He wanted to wait for Chen Hu to come back before announcing the old spirit monkey's last words.

There was a whistling sound of wind and thunder in the sky, Chen Hu's body fell beside Xiao Qi, and all the eyes of the Lingming Monkey Clan were focused on him.

An old spirit monkey came out and asked Xiao Qi in a low voice.

Since the sacrifice of the old spirit monkey made Chen Hu also have the blood of fighting, Chen Hu already has the ability to understand the language of the spirit monkey family.

Chen Hu bowed to all the spirit monkeys, the fighting blood on his body boiled, and a surge of fighting spirit soared into the sky.

All eyes are gathered here.

It is impossible for the spirit monkeys to forget this aura that comes from the blood.

All the spirit monkeys looked at Chen Hu with other colors besides sadness.

It can be said that anyone who has the blood of Dou Zhan is their clansman, and this cannot be changed.

Regarding the sacrifice of the old spirit monkey, the spirit monkeys did not say that they understood the old spirit monkey's choice, but it is impossible to say that there is not a trace of complaint in their hearts.

The smart monkeys are kind, but that doesn't mean they don't have other emotions. They have their own emotions just like humans, and they can't maintain absolute rationality in many things.

And the fighting blood that appeared on Chen Hu's body dissipated the resentment of the Lingming Monkey Clan towards him.

In the history of the Spirit Monkey Clan, everyone who has awakened the blood of Dou Zhan is their patron saint, protecting the inheritance of the Spirit Monkey Clan.

The old Lingming monkey only said that Chen Hu would inherit the position of the patriarch of the Lingming monkey clan, but did not give any proof, because the blood of fighting on his body was the best proof.

Chen Hu was slightly silent, and said: "Seniors should be familiar to me, so I won't introduce myself here, I think everyone knows what happened here, that's right, Grandpa Hou died, he took his own Everything was given to me using the sacrifice skill!"


The group of Lingming monkeys boiled up. When they really heard the old Lingming monkey's death, many Lingming monkeys couldn't help crying, and there was a sad atmosphere in the valley.

Chen Hu continued: "I know that everyone is very sad, and I am the same, but I think everyone is very clear about the purpose of Grandpa Hou's sacrifice. From the beginning, I am the patriarch of the spirit monkey clan!"

"The dead are gone, and the living should forge ahead. We must carry on our hope for Grandpa Hou and the countless ancestors of the monkey clan, and live unswervingly, so that the blood of fighting will always exist in this land." Under the stars!"

"Patriarch!" The sadness in Xiao Qi's eyes was introverted. He walked up to Chen Hu and bowed respectfully. The blood of the battle was boiling, and a rich golden light spread from his body. shouted loudly.

Xiao Qi's behavior undoubtedly represented his recognition of Chen Hu's identity.

The respected elders of the Lingming monkey clan looked at each other. The two people with the blood of fighting had already made a decision. They also walked out one after another, saluted Chen Hu, and shouted: "Patriarch!"

"Patriarch!" The remaining Lingming monkey clan in the valley also saluted Chen Hu.

Chen Hu was able to get the approval of the Lingming Monkey Clan so easily, except that he had the fighting blood sacrificed to him by the old Lingming Monkey. Chen Hu lived in the valley for a year and taught the Lingming Monkey Clan humans Knowledge and stick method is also a very important reason.

In the eyes of many spirit monkeys, Chen Hu himself is a very respected person. Now that he has the blood of fighting, it is easier for people to accept his identity.

Chen Hu took a deep breath and looked at the thousands of spirit monkeys in front of him. At this moment, he suddenly felt a little more responsibility on himself.

From today onwards, he will be the patriarch of the Spirit Monkey Clan, shouldering the mission of the rise and fall of the Spirit Monkey Clan.

"Thank you everyone, I will definitely not disappoint Grandpa Hou and everyone's expectations, and I will not disappoint the fighting blood that I possess!"

After Chen Hu signaled all the monkeys to get up, he said seriously: "Now, I am here to announce my first decision after becoming the patriarch. This is also Grandpa Hou's decision before his death. Three days later, I will take everyone out of the Star Dou Forest , to live in the human world!"

"What?" Hearing this news, the valley boiled again.

To tell the truth, except for Liu Aqi and Chen Hu before thousands of years ago, no humans have ever arrived in the valley where the Lingming monkeys live in seclusion, and there is no hatred between them. Also limited to books and stories.

With the examples of Liu Aqi and Chen Hu, the smart monkeys also have a certain liking for humans who are similar in intelligence and appearance to themselves, but their wisdom also knows that it is impossible for them to live in human life.

No matter how similar they are to humans, they are still soul beasts after all.

The conflict between human soul masters and soul beasts is irreconcilable, they know how difficult it is for them to survive in the human world.

Moreover, it is difficult to leave the country. This valley is the place where these smart monkeys have lived since childhood. It is difficult for them to suddenly leave here.

"Patriarch, do you want to think about it again? Both you and Xiaoqi can be regarded as human beings, and there is no problem living in the human world, but our spirit monkey clan is fundamentally different from humans. Human soul masters need to hunt and kill souls. If the beast gets the soul ring, will they let us go? Moreover, humans have a saying that people who are not of our own race must have a different heart..." An old Lingming monkey elder said worriedly.

The other spirit monkeys also showed such worries. If it is not a last resort, they don't want to leave the valley where the spirit monkeys have lived in seclusion for generations.

"Grandpa Hou's sacrifice has exposed this valley to the vision of the top spirit beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest. It is no longer safe here. Even if Xiao Qi and I have been guarding the valley, we cannot completely guarantee everyone's safety. , the matter of migration is inevitable!"

Chen Hu seemed to see through everyone's thoughts, and said loudly: "As for everyone's concerns, I have already thought it through clearly. I also have a certain status and connections in the human world. Counting me, we have four titled Douluo on one side. The support of strong people at the same level is enough to protect the Lingming monkey family safe and sound!"

Others don't know, but it's impossible for the elders not to know what Titled Douluo represents in human beings. This is the top power of human beings, equivalent to the existence of 10-year-old soul beasts in the soul beast world.

Several elders were even more pleasantly surprised when they heard that Chen Hu also included himself in the ranks of Titled Douluo.

This means that Chen Hu himself has the strength close to the heyday of the old spirit monkey.

Chen Hu continued: "I still have a territory in the human world, and I have built a city there. I will set aside a part of the city for the Lingming monkeys to live in, and people who can enter this city , are kind people, I believe that the Lingming Monkey Clan will be able to perfectly integrate into them."

"Patriarch, I'm fine now, I wonder when we will start migrating?" the elders asked.

What Chen Hu said was right, the Star Dou Forest was no longer suitable for the life of the Lingming Monkey Clan.

It is true that the smart monkey has a certain ability to protect itself under Chen Hu's teaching, but once the smart monkey is exposed to everyone's vision, in addition to facing the pressure between the soul beasts, there are also dangers that may appear at any time. Human soul masters...

That being the case, why didn't they believe in the choices of the old patriarch and Dou Zhanzhixue, and venture into the human world.

The spirit monkey family bears the blood of fighting, they are not afraid of fighting and challenges, otherwise the spirit monkey family without fighting skills would not be able to survive in the Star Dou Forest.

They don't know what will be waiting for them when they go to the unknown human world, but this is already the best choice.

"The sooner the better, the aura of Grandpa Hou's sacrifice made most spirit beasts dare not approach this place for a short time, but before long, there will definitely be powerful spirit beasts coming here to investigate!" Chen Hu said.

"Okay, how about we start migrating in three days?" an elder asked.

The roots of the Lingming monkey family have been here for generations, and it took three days to prepare for the migration, which was already too much for them.

Chen Hu nodded and said, "Okay, then I will trouble the elders to organize the relocation, and we will set off in three days."

"Yes, patriarch!" Several elders said.

There are currently 780 members of the Lingming monkey clan, and the long-distance migration of nearly 3000 people naturally requires a certain amount of planning. Fortunately, the nine thousand-year-old soul beast-level elders of the Lingming monkey clan can help Chen Hu. few.

After arranging the migration of the Lingming Monkey Clan, Chen Hu looked at Toli and Zhonglixue, and said, "Tori, Senior Sister Zhongli, please both of you patrolling outside the valley, although Yu Weiyou, who was sacrificed by Grandpa Hou, is here. , but I can’t guarantee that there won’t be any powerful soul beasts coming here, so the outside matters will bother you two.”

"It's a small matter, just leave it to the two of us!"

Toli and Zhong Lixue nodded, leaped out, and disappeared from sight within a few leaps.

(End of this chapter)

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