Chapter 313
"Brother, congratulations!" Although Xiaoqi didn't know exactly how much benefit Chen Hu had gained from the immortal peach tree, judging from Chen Hu's outward aura, he definitely gained a lot.

Chen Hu said gratefully: "Xiao Qi, thank you very much!"

The blessing of the immortal peach tree is no less than the fountain of youth that he drank back then.

The Fountain of Immortality endowed Chen Hu with a long lifespan, but the blessing of the Immortal Peach Tree gave him infinite possibilities and a deeper foundation.

The aura of the Immortal Peach Tree is dim, and even if a third person with the blood of fighting comes here in a short period of time, I am afraid that he will not be able to accept its blessing.

It has to be said that every celestial tree in the world is something capable of changing fate against the sky, and the old flat peach tree is the best among them.

Xiao Qi looked at the Blessed Peach Tree, and said with a little pity: "It's too difficult to transplant the Bold Peach Tree, otherwise we can also transplant it to Dionysus City!"

Transplanting immortal peach trees?

Chen Hu pondered for a moment, and said, "Maybe I have a way to transplant immortal peach trees!"

"Really, what can I do?" Xiao Qi was a little surprised when he heard that, the Bulao Peach Tree is a sacred tree that has been guarded by the Lingming Monkey Clan for generations, so he would not be reconciled to giving it up just like that.

However, although the immortal peach tree is not huge, its aura is damaged. Once it loses the nutrients from the soil, not only will its growth stagnate, but the vitality of the flower buds that gestate the branches will also be unable to support, resulting in the failure of the immortal peach to bear fruit normally.

"Medicine to life to eliminate alcohol gourd!" Huge fluctuations of soul power emerged from Chen Hu's body. Two soul powers with different attributes, one black and one white, flowed through his meridians like two fierce rivers. The power is displayed in front of Xiao Qi without hindrance.

In terms of the strength of his soul power, Xiao Qi is also much inferior to Chen Hu.

The black and white light was shining brightly, and the Yin-Yang wine gourd full of mysterious Taoism was suspended in front of Chen Hu.

Seven soul rings hovered around him, each soul ring exuded a faint coercion, and a wonderful rhythm made the seven soul rings hook up with his body.

Chen Hu let out a low cry, and poured the surging soul power into the Yin-Yang wine gourd together with the seven shining soul rings.

As the soul power merged with the soul ring and martial soul, the Yin-Yang wine gourd became heavier and heavier, and the space around it was rippling.


Thunder and lightning roared in the sky, and silver snakes danced wildly, as if God was angry.

This is?

Xiao Qi looked towards the sky, and also glanced at Chen Hu.

The yin and yang wine gourd on Chen Hu's chest has already flown to the sky above the peach tree, and an illusory world is thrown into reality from the void.

Martial Soul World!

This is a small world opened up inside by Chen Hu after his martial soul evolved, but apart from the fact that he used the difference in the speed of time between the two to practice swordsmanship at the beginning, this martial soul world didn't show much power.

However, since his soul power reached the seventieth level, Chen Hu found that he seemed to be slightly arousing the power of the world of Wuhun.

With the improvement of his strength, Xiaotiandi has become a small plain from the original foothold of one or two people, with a dry spring in the center.


Chen Hu yelled in pain, and the Wuhun Heaven and Earth condensed, and he also had to bear tremendous pressure, as if a world was pressing on him.

The body transformed by four spirit bones and seven spirit rings is also somewhat difficult to bear such pressure.

Four colors of light bloomed from all over the body, and all four spirit bones were also activated, and the four colors of light wanted to connect together.

But the gap between the golden light on the head and the light on the right arm and left leg was too great, and it was still impossible for the breath of the four spirit bones to fuse together.

The blessing of the immortal peach tree made up for the defects of the spirit bones, and also made it possible for several major spirit bones to grow and evolve, but in terms of their age, their age has not changed in any way.

The existence of soul bone fusion skills cannot appear!
In the Eye of Delusion, the appearance of Wuhun Tiandi bends the lines originally woven in the world, erupting a powerful repulsive force.

There are also countless lines in the world in the yin-yang wine gourd, among which the lines of black and white are the most, which are the foundation of the world.

The rules of heaven and earth in the yin and yang wine gourd are fighting against the rules of the world.

In the sky, a dark force locked onto Chen Hu.

Clouds gathered in the sky, silver snakes danced wildly, and it seemed that monstrous thunder might fall at any moment.

Outside the sky, there seemed to be a series of eyes on this place.

Chen Hu's face was pale, his delusion-shattering eyes spanned the endless void, and he saw pairs of gazes staring at him.

Chen Hu's eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the most central pupils, a gust of coldness and coldness from the soul rushed in, the faint dawn knife appeared, and the killing god domain boiled violently, making him shiver uncontrollably.

Looking at Chen Hu's eyes with Tianwai's eyes, he couldn't help being startled for a moment.

At the same time, the sound of thunder in the sky became more and more intense, and a wave of panic-stricken heavenly power had locked onto this place.

Heavenly Tribulation!

Xiao Qi felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, thinking of the time when he transformed into form.

Do you want to inspire the blood of fighting?
Xiaoqi's eyes burst into fierce fighting intent, and his body was rendered with a layer of gold. Ruyi's iron rod, golden chain mail, lotus root silk walking cloud shoes, and phoenix-winged purple gold crown appeared on him, staring at the sky in the sky. thunder.

The sound of thunder was loud, and the silver snakes were ready to go.


God Realm, all eyes are watching here.

Poseidon looked at the bloody domain rushing out of Chen Hu's body, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "Shura, the way you choose to pass it on is really helpless!"

God Shura is also the owner of the pair of eyes that Chen Hu saw, and he frowned slightly. He felt that his divine power had not merged with that person, but he said without changing his face: "I didn't force them to , They chose to accept my divine power."

The way God Shura chooses to inherit the god position is like raising Gu. As long as he inherits the killing god domain, he is theoretically a candidate for his succession to the god position. This way of casting a wide net makes Sea God speechless.

Both of them are the gods of Douluo Dalu, and God Shura is also his competitor in a sense.

Unfortunately, he couldn't defeat God Shura.

Chen Hu triggered the rules, and several gods also noticed the valley in the Star Dou Forest.

Poseidon sensed the God of Death domain in Chen Hu's body, and also saw that Chen Hu's talent had the potential to inherit the position of God, so he couldn't help being slightly dissatisfied.

The martial spirit of this genius is wine, and wine is also a kind of water, so it's only natural to accept his Sea God position.

However, this little guy also let God Shura take the first step, and also made God Shura notice him, so he couldn't do it even if he wanted to poach the wall.

After all, they are all gods from the God Realm, and they can't see them when they look down.

However, at this moment, a bolt of thunder burst out from Chen Hu's body and blasted into the thunder in the sky.

In an instant, the clouds opened and the sun rose, and all the thunder disappeared.

God Shura couldn't help frowning at this scene, and there was a bitterness in Gu Jing Wubo's eyes.

"Hahahaha!" The Sea God also saw the thunder light rushing out of Chen Hu, couldn't help laughing loudly, and said gloatingly: "It turns out that this kid has already got his name, hahaha, Shura, now you The bamboo basket fetching water will be empty!"

"Poseidon, do you want to fight with me?" God Shura's voice was somewhat cold.

Sea God quickly restrained his smile, he was the one who really suffered in a fight with God Shura.

Sea God sighed and said: "After so many years, Thor has finally found a successor who is suitable for him. The remaining power of Thor has been getting weaker and weaker. We still have countless years to wait, but Thor has not much time left. !"

The moment the Thunder God's Key appeared, the Sea God knew that it was impossible for the Shura God to choose to snatch the Thunder God's descendant, even if the Thunder God had already fallen.

In addition to the second-level gods, the first-level main gods, and the two god kings, the gods in the God Realm.

There are also three powerful first-level gods, who together with two god kings form the God Realm Committee.

God Shura is one of the law enforcers in the God Realm.

Before God Shura, it was Thor who served as the law enforcement officer of the God Realm Committee.

It's a pity that Thor was targeted in the last battle of gods, and fell helplessly in the last battle of gods.

His successor, several gods do not want to snatch it.

After Thor's death, the rules in charge merged with the rules of Douluo Dalu. With the key of Thor, Douluo Dalu's Heavenly Tribulation could not hurt Chen Hu.

The spirits of the gods were somewhat dispirited, and they shook their heads and looked away.

The gods also need to pay a big price for spying on the lower world.

In the medicine garden in the valley, the yin-yang wine gourd bloomed with a strong light, and the immortal peach tree rose from the ground, turning into a green light and disappearing into the yin-yang wine gourd.

The phantoms of heaven and earth dissipated, and the Thunder God Key that soared into the sky returned to Chen Hu's hands. Everything was calm, but Chen Hu could never forget that pair of cold eyes in his mind.

"Is it a god? Asura God?" Holding the Wanxiao knife, he felt the murderous aura engraved on the blade of the Wanxiao knife. It seemed that some other changes had taken place in the killing god domain just now, but Chen Hu couldn't tell the specifics what is it
However, from the changes in the killing god's domain, Chen Hu also vaguely guessed the owner of the pair of eyes seen by Poxuan's eyes.

Unexpectedly, he actually received the attention of a god, and he was the most powerful god like Shura God.

There is no record of Thor in the original book, so Chen Hu is not clear about the status of Thor in the God Realm, but no matter what, he will not be stronger than God Shura, the law enforcer in the God Realm.

It's a pity that Tang Chen is the King of Slaughter, and it is almost impossible for Chen Hu to snatch the succession of God Shura from Tang Chen.

However, Thor, who can easily dispel Tianwei, is not weak.

Holding the Thor's key, Chen Hu made up his mind to gather all the Thor's keys as soon as possible and accept the Thor's inheritance.

"Brother, are you alright?" The golden light on Xiao Qi's body was subdued, looking at Chen Hu who was still a little pale, he couldn't help asking with concern.

"I'm fine, it's just that my soul power has been consumed too much, and I'll be fine after a while." Chen Hu smiled and said, feeling the changes in the world in the yin and yang wine gourd, he couldn't help being startled.

(End of this chapter)

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