Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 314 Dionysus City

Chapter 314 Dionysus City

In Wuhun World, what was originally just a small plain turned into an endless grassland.

A vigorous old flat peach tree is stationed in the center of the grassland. The rich vitality emanates from the old flat peach tree, filling the bare plain with vitality. Countless weeds burst out of the ground and grow wildly.

The immortal peach tree endowed the world in Wuhun Yinyang Wine Gourd with real vitality, making it exactly the same as a real world.

Although people could live in Wuhun World before, but at that time, Wuhun World was also a dead thing, but the old flat peach tree made Wuhun World a real small world. If it continues to grow, it may become Grow into a real big world.

The not old flat peach tree is also connected with the heaven and earth in the Wuhun Yinyang wine gourd, and the aura of the two blessings is also completely complemented, exuding the ancient rhyme of Taoism, nourishing the world.

Chen Hu walked to Xiao Qi's side, grabbed Xiao Qi's shoulders, and with a thought, he and Xiao Qi had already arrived under the immortal peach tree in Wuhun Tiandi.

Seeing this world full of vitality, Xiao Qi's eyes were filled with disbelief, and he asked, "Brother, what is this place?"

Stepping on the ground, Xiao Qi feels that this is a real world.

Chen Hudao: "This is the world I opened up after the evolution of my martial soul, but after the old flat peach tree came in, this world seems to have undergone new changes."

As the master of this world, Chen Hu is undoubtedly the person who is most aware of the changes in Wuhun Tiandi.

No, strictly speaking, this is already a small world, and creatures can even live and thrive in it. It is no different from the real world except that it is a little smaller.

Moreover, the immortal flat peach tree is rooted in the earth, and it is also devouring the power in the chaos, slowly opening up this world, allowing a world to grow continuously.

Xiao Qi also saw the potential of this world, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said: "Brother, can you..."

"Yes, but not now!" Chen Hu nodded, and said, "As you can see, this small world has only just been born, and no one knows what changes it will have in the future, and I can't guarantee that the creatures will be real. It can continue in it."

Chen Hu is also very clear about Xiaoqi's idea, that is, he wants the spirit monkeys to live in a small world. In this world, they have no natural enemies, so they can definitely continue.

However, as Chen Hu said, this world is too small after all, and it’s okay to stay for a short time. Living here for generations is not protection for a race, but a kind of restraint, no different from a prison .

Moreover, this small world exists relying on Chen Hu's martial soul. Chen Hu is not sure that if one day he dies, it can still exist.

If this is the case, this is not helping the Lingming monkey family, but harming them.

Xiao Qi nodded and said: "Brother, I understand, since the old flat peach tree has produced a wonderful change with this world, then let it be planted here, I believe that there is no place that is safer than this place .”

"Okay, but this old flat peach tree still belongs to the Dou Zhan family, you can take it away at any time!"

With a thought, Chen Hu grasped it in the void, and a cloud of black and white qi gathered in his palm, condensing into a Yin-Yang seal and handing it to Xiao Qi, saying: "This Yin-Yang seal can allow you to enter and exit this world at any time!"

Xiao Qi didn't accept the Yin-Yang seal, shook his head and said: "It's not necessary, if I want to come in, I'm sure big brother won't let me in!"

The small world originated from Chen Hu's martial soul, and is closely related to his martial soul. If Xiao Qi can really enter and leave this world freely, it is tantamount to putting his weaknesses in front of Xiao Qi.

Xiaoqi was moved in his heart, but he was unwilling to take away the Yin-Yang seal.

"Okay, let's go out! There are immortal flat peach trees in this small world, which is a treasure land for plants. We can plant some herbs in the medicine garden here." Chen Hu said, leaving the small world with Xiao Qi, Start transplanting the outside herbs.

Most of the medicinal herbs in the medicine garden have been transplanted by the Seventh Elder, leaving only a part that is difficult to transplant. These Chen Hu and Xiao Qi have planted them into the small world without hesitation. With the help of the immortal flat peach tree, these medicinal herbs can also be better. growth.

After transplanting all the medicinal herbs, Chen Hu and Xiao Qi came to another important place in the valley, where the Fountain of Youth was located.

Chen Hu took about one-third of the fountain of youth with him when he went out last time, and the fountain of youth stored in the valley is probably enough for 24 people to drink.

For soul masters with few lifespans in the mainland, the Fountain of Youth is a magic medicine that can change fate against the sky, and every mouthful of the Fountain of Youth is the existence of immortal herbs that are not inferior.

Apart from their own efforts, the Fountain of Youth is very important for the seven members of Jiwu to achieve their current achievements.

The old dean also relied on the Fountain of Youth to prolong his life, complement the source of life, and advance to the Title Douluo.

Taking away all the fountains of youth is also an extremely precious wealth for Chen Hu.

Although he can't drink the fountain of youth again, the people around him need it very much, especially the porter and Xue Tianming.

However, apart from the porter and Xue Tianming, Chen Hu would not use the Fountain of Youth lightly unless it was absolutely necessary.

The Fountain of Immortality is the wealth of the Lingming Monkey Clan. I don’t know when the next time the peach tree will bear fruit. The Yin and Yang flowers are rare, and it is impossible to brew the Fountain of Immortality.

This means that the 24 fountains of youth in front of me may already be the last fountain of youth in the world.

24 copies are not too many, but Chen Hu always wants to leave something for the descendants of the monkey clan!

Speaking of yin and yang flowers, with the transformation of Wuhun world into a small world, the withered yin and yang flowers stored in the small world by Chen Hu seem to have a faint vitality. Perhaps thousands of years later, this yin and yang flower There is also a day of rebirth.

After taking away the Fountain of Youth and the Peach Tree of Immortality, the Lingming Monkey Clan had almost cleaned up. On the third morning, more than 2000 members of the Lingming Monkey Clan gathered at the entrance of the valley. Looking at the place where they lived for generations, many spirits Ming monkeys shed tears of nostalgia.

Homeland is hard to leave!

This is not the case for the spirit monkey family.

Soon, under the guardianship of the spirit monkeys, all the spirit monkeys began to migrate from the nameless valley in the Star Dou Forest.

The Lingming monkey family is strong and strong, and the rugged cliffs can't stop their steps, but they still have some fear of the unknown in their hearts when they leave this place they have never left.

Xiaoqi led the team and guarded the people of the Lingming Monkey Clan.

Chen Hu, on the other hand, separated with Toli and Zhong Lixue to disperse the soul beasts on their way forward to ensure the safety of the Lingming Monkey Clan.

After merging with the skull of Lingming Delusion, Chen Hu's perception became more acute, and he could easily see through the disguises of all spirit beasts, and pull out all hidden dangers for the Lingming Monkey Clan to move forward.

And Tori's dog sniffing and Zhonglixue's perception are also the best among the soul beasts. With the joint efforts of the three of them to expel all the soul beasts, all the soul beasts have nowhere to hide, clearing a very safe path for the spirit monkeys. path of.

However, there was also a vajra tiger of more than 5 years who was not reconciled, and wanted to sneak up on a group of people in secret, and cut off the tiger's head with a single blow under Chen Hu's full force.

And the body of the Vajra Tiger naturally became the nourishment for the evolution of Chen Hu's soul bone.

The attributes of the Vajra Tiger match Chen Hu's right arm soul bone of the Vajra Tiger. After devouring the Vajra Tiger, Chen Hu's Vajra right arm has also reached the limit of 9000 years, which is only one step away from reaching 1 years .

Chen Hu had a premonition that a King Kong right arm soul bone had a lifespan of 1 years, and there was bound to be a transformation.

Through many experiments, Chen Hu also knew that although the lifespan of several of his soul bones can be improved by hunting soul beasts of the same attribute, the more compatible the attributes of devouring soul beasts with the soul bones, the higher the lifespan of the soul bones. faster.

After beheading a 5-year-old Vajra Tiger, the ten-thousand-year soul beast also developed fear, and did not dare to provoke Chen Hu and his party, and Chen Hu didn't want to cause trouble, so he didn't take the initiative to find the ten-thousand-year soul beast to devour and raise the soul bone. number of years.

The most important thing now is to escort the Lingming monkey family to migrate.

Three days later, a mighty group of people finally walked out of the Star Dou Forest, the endless forest sea disappeared in front of them, and sparse human towns gradually appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, all the smart monkeys are wearing cloaks, coir raincoats and large linen robes to cover their appearance.

The spirit monkeys and human beings are very similar in size. Although this kind of dress is very strange, no one would have thought that such a mighty group of people would be soul beasts.

With the identity token of Wuhundian to clear the way, here is a place where there are many kingdoms and duchies separated from the control of the two empires. The authority of Wuhundian even exceeds the two empires, and no one dares to stop the group from advancing.

But even so, the group is still very cautious.

Those who are not of my race must have a different heart, not just talk.

It is more or less troublesome for the identity of the Lingming Monkey Clan to be exposed.

Therefore, after leaving the Star Dou Great Forest, the group didn't dare to be careless. Under the leadership of Tori, they ate and slept in the open, and headed towards Dionysus City non-stop, avoiding human cities as much as possible on the way.

Finally, at the moment when the sun rose on the seventh day, a looming city appeared in front of everyone.

The huge city is looming in the morning sun, the tall city gate is more than 30 meters high, and the city wall built of granite is indestructible.

At the beginning of the establishment of this city, Chen Hu's requirement was that it could withstand thousands of troops.

A group of people came under the city wall and looked at the big characters of Dionysus City hanging high on the city gate plaque. For some reason, their hearts calmed down inexplicably.

Is this where we live in the future?
The eyes of the smart monkeys under the cloaks are shining, and they have never heard of cities in the human world.

At this time, several powerful auras suddenly rose from the city of Dionysus, quickly approaching everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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