Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 363 Lou Qing's Choice

Chapter 363 Lou Qing's Choice
With one strike, ten thousand soldiers surrender.

This is the Wanxiao Knife, the good fortune Zhong Shenxiu, the Hunxiao Knife that cuts Wanxiao with yin and yang.

After the fusion of essence and blood with the Dawn Knife, Chen Hu felt a breath that was connected to his flesh and blood was born from the Dawn Knife.

After coming out of the Killing City, he had this feeling when he was holding the Dawn Knife, but now this feeling has become even stronger.

He could feel Wan Xiao Dao's excitement and dependence on him.

Hunxiao Dao jumped into the sky like a newborn child with countless sword aura and murderous aura.


Looking at them with fiery gazes, several powerful soul masters soared into the sky.

"This magic sword belongs to the Wuhun Temple. Anyone who snatches the magic knife is the enemy of my Wuhun Palace!" A man shouted loudly, seven spirit rings appeared on his body, and a powerful aura rushed towards several snatchers. The people who are not familiar with the sword are oppressed and go away.

"People from Wuhundian!" Several soul masters who snatched the divine sword heard the name of Wuhundian, and their aura weakened a little.

"Wuhundian, it's so majestic. This magic knife is the painstaking effort of my junior brother. When did it become a part of Wuhundian?" Lou Long also had seven spirit rings on his body, holding a forging hammer , not to be outdone.

"Hmph, how dare a mere blacksmith who is strong in the outside world dare to act presumptuously in front of me?" Frodo sneered, a huge aura bloomed, and he punched out, soul power surging out like a tsunami.

Lou Long's expression changed, and he released his soul power to resist.

However, his soul power is not as good as Frodo's, and he is an orthodox blacksmith after all, and his soul power is also used for forging, so his combat power is limited.

With one blow, his body flew upside down, his breath sluggish.

A soul sage was defeated with one move, and the faces of the other soul masters who snatched the magic knife changed, and their figures stagnated.

Frodo laughed, appeared in front of the Dawn Knife, and grabbed the handle of the Dawn Knife with his big hand.

This magical mine now.

"Get out!" At this moment, there was a cold shout, and a huge aura burst out from Chen Hu's body undisguisedly, and the Wanxiao Knife flashed away, appearing in his hand.

"Who?" Frodo shouted angrily, looking in the direction of Chen Hu.

"This is what Mo Qianqiu taught you about embarrassing things." Chen Hu's cold voice came out, and at the same time, he threw out a token with six patterns engraved on it.

"The order of the elders?" Frodo said with a change of face.

"Since you know this token, why don't you get out?" Chen Hu said coldly.

"Get out, kid, it's you who should get out, Tang San, I didn't expect that you would dare to appear in Gengxin City, and you want to use the same trick a second time. I don't know where you stole the elder order from." You came, but today you can't escape with your wings." Frodo sneered and said confidently.

"What, Tang San?"

When Lou Long heard Frodo's words, he couldn't help looking at Chen Hu in surprise.

Is this young man Tang San pretending to be?But why did Tang San hang out with his junior brother?

However, a voice quickly resolved his doubts.

"Frodo, you idiot, can't even the elders of the Spirit Hall recognize you?"

A middle-aged man leaped forward, and within a few blinks, he had already arrived in front of Chen Hu, and knelt down on one knee, "Bai Luo, the cardinal of the Wuhun Temple of the Star Luo Empire, has met you."

"Bai Luo, are you a fool? He is not an elder of the Spirit Hall at all, but Tang San in disguise." Frodo said angrily.

Bai Luo's face was cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Frodo, you idiot, this is not some Tang San, but the youngest elder in the history of Spirit Hall, Elder Chen Hu!"

"Chen... Elder Chen Hu?"

A portrait appeared in Frodo's mind, and it overlapped with the man in front of him. His face turned pale immediately, and he fell to his knees with a plop, "My lord, I beg you to forgive me!"

"The youngest elder in the history of Wuhundian, could it be him?" There was a burst of noise from the crowd.

"Who is he? He is so majestic. The cardinal of the Wuhun Temple is actually terrified in front of him?" Someone asked puzzled.

"He is the Scarlet Man Tu Chenhu, the youngest elder in the Wuhun Hall. It is said that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, one of the three sects on the mainland, was destroyed by him. The head of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Yu Yuanzhen, A powerful Title Douluo died at his hands."

"It is said that in the battle of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus, countless soul masters of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus died in his hands. It was after this battle that he became the youngest elder in the history of the Spirit Hall."

Lou Long's complexion completely sank, the junior brother actually got mixed up with the people from Wuhundian.

"Still leaving?" Chen Hu said coldly.

"Yes, thank you, my lord!" Frodo and Poirot fled away in despair, relieved.

It was only after Frodo's Poirot left that Chen Hu felt the new Dawn Sword carefully.

The original material of the Hunxiao Knife was black, but the blade was polished too smooth, so half of it was pitch black and half was white.

However, after the recasting, the back of the Wanxiao knife was fused with Ruyi fine gold and azure silver stone, turning it into azure color, while the blade turned into a cloudy red under the influence of Ruyi fine gold and the killing god domain.

Tianqing and Xiahong correspond to dawn and dusk.

The blade is crisp and sharp, and the blade is sharper than before. The thin blade can easily break through all defenses.

Moreover, after holding the Hunxiao Knife, the feeling of the fusion of flesh and soul came, making Chen Hu and the Hunxiao Knife one, giving him a very powerful feeling.


After holding the Dawn Knife, it is very similar to the feeling of a soul master using the seventh soul technique, soul avatar.

But the current Hunxiao Saber is more powerful than Qihunzhen.

Hunxiao Dao has a spirit, like a soul master who can perfectly fuse his own breath with Chen Hu. The combination of the two is more like the combination of martial soul fusion skills.


There is no doubt that the Dawn Sword is now a true artifact.

A real artifact connected with Chen Hu's soul, vitality, and flesh and blood.

Holding the divine weapon, the Dark Dawn Knife, Chen Hu now has the confidence and Tang Hao in his prime to compete.

"Okay, okay, okay, I guessed right, this is absolutely not comparable to the so-called divine weapon created by humans, it... no, it is him, he is a real divine weapon, only the gods are qualified to hold it Weapons." Lou Qing fixed his eyes on the Hunxiao Dao that was integrated with Chen Hu, and said excitedly.

In his eyes, the Wanxiao Dao with its own life is no longer a dead thing, but a real living creature.

"A real artifact?"

Lou Long put his eyes on the Hunxiao Knife, felt the breath of life on the blade, his face froze, his body trembled violently, "The legend is actually true, weapons can really give birth to life and soul!"

Lou Long's eyes fixed on Chen Hu's faint knife.

No one knew that for a blacksmith, a living artifact was more attractive than any peerless beauty.

If he hadn't been afraid of Chen Hu's identity and strength, Lou Long would have even tried to snatch the Hunxiao Dao from Chen Hu's hand.

If he gets this knife, he is sure to step into the realm of a master craftsman.

This magic knife is already a weapon beyond the human world, even his teacher Lou Gao couldn't create such a magic weapon.

Not only him, but all blacksmiths who knew the meaning of this magic knife looked at the magic knife in Chen Hu's hand full of greed and a trace of fiery faith.

"Thank you, Brother Lou Qing, for your success!" Chen Hu bowed respectfully to Lou Qing.

If it weren't for him, the Dawn Sword would not have evolved into a real artifact.

"No, I should be the one who should say thank you. For a blacksmith, it is a supreme honor for a blacksmith to have such a magic knife born from his hands. If it weren't for you, I would never have seen it in my life. The real artifact, not to mention that it came from my hands, thank you for giving me this opportunity!" Lou Qing shook his head and respectfully bowed to Chen Hu.

Chen Hu quickly helped Lou Qing up, and said: "Brother Lou Qing is serious, I got a magic weapon, no matter what, I took advantage of it, but brother must be famous in the world now, I don't know what plans he has in the future?"

Lou Qing glanced at Chen Hu indifferently, and said, "I won't join the Wuhun Palace!"

"That's right, Xiaoqing is a member of our blacksmith association, he will not join the Wuhun Temple, Elder Chen, you should give up your mind!"

Lou Long walked to Lou Qing's side, smiled and said: "Xiao Qing, long time no see, congratulations on finally achieving your wish, the teacher will be happy when he finds out."

After Lou Qing saw Lou Long's eyes flashed a trace of gentleness, but after hearing the teacher Lou Long said, his face became extremely cold again, and said: "I have nothing to do with him anymore."

Lou Long said: "Little brother, I know you are still blaming the teacher these years, but the teacher..."

"That's enough, senior brother, let's go, I have no relationship with the Blacksmith Association, and you don't want to mention that person to me in front of me." Lou Qing interrupted him directly, and said coldly.

"Little brother, the teacher is your father after all, blood is thicker than water, the teacher's health is getting worse and worse, that incident has passed for so many years, do you really have to wait until heaven and man are separated forever before you will regret it?" ?” Lou Long asked.

A complex look flashed in Lou Di's eyes, and he said: "That's right, little brother, there is no unresolvable enmity between father and son, your achievements are not inferior to the teacher's now, the teacher is getting older, and sooner or later the blacksmith association will into your hands."


Lou Qing shouted, and said coldly: "Xiao Liu, see off the guests!"

"Little Master..." Lou Long still wanted to speak, but Lin Xiaoxiao burst out with a powerful aura, and directly rushed the two of them away.

"You two are laughing at me!" Lou Qing said with a wry smile, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"Every family has a scripture that is difficult to recite, this is also human nature!"

Chen Hu smiled, and said: "I haven't finished what I just said, I am not inviting Big Brother Lou Qing on behalf of Wuhun Palace, but I am inviting Big Brother Lou Qing to join Dionysus City on behalf of Dionysus City."

"The City of Dionysus? I have traveled all over the world, but I have never heard of the city of Dionysus!" Lou Qing frowned.

If Chen Hu represented Wuhundian, he would never join Wuhundian no matter what. The master of Wuhundian in Gengxin City was greedy and suppressed the blacksmiths in Gengxin City. Lou Qing was also a member of Gengxin City, so naturally he would not Have any good feelings for Wuhundian.

However, Chen Hu gave him the opportunity to witness the birth of an artifact from his hands. He is a person who values ​​kindness and righteousness, and he will not let this great kindness go unrewarded.

There is a play!

Chen Hu's face changed, and he began to introduce: "The Dionysus City is a newly established city..."

(End of this chapter)

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