Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 364 The Arrival of the Musket

Chapter 364 The Arrival of the Musket
Outside the blacksmith shop, a large group of blacksmiths blocked the outside, unwilling to leave.

It is also a kind of faith and opportunity for them to see the appearance of an artifact, and it is not an ordinary artifact.

At least the artifact forged by Lou Gao, a master craftsman, could not arouse the resonance of all the weapons in Gengxin City in an instant.

Some experienced old blacksmiths have even guessed what the meaning of the Dawn Sword represents, so they are even more reluctant to leave.

Lou Long and Lou Di were kicked out.

"Eldest brother, what are we going to do next? Look at the young... Junior brother's attitude is obviously more inclined to the elder of the Wuhun Palace. If the little junior really joins the Wuhun Palace, we must know that the Tang Sect and the Wuhun Palace that our teacher joined The Soul Palace is a hostile sect..." Lou Di and Lou Long both looked ugly.

Lou Long said in a deep voice: "Lou Di, you go to Tiandou City to find a teacher right now, only the teacher and his old man can keep the junior brother, the junior brother is a real genius, after forging a peerless artifact, the little brother The younger brother's blacksmithing skills may have surpassed the teacher's, he will be the future hope of our Blacksmiths Association, no matter what, we must not let him leave the Blacksmiths Association!"

"Yes, big brother!" Lou Di didn't care about other thoughts at this time. When he knew that what Lou Qing forged was a real artifact, all the thoughts in his mind disappeared, and there was only one thought, that is Leave Lou Qing.

No one knows better than him what a blacksmith who can forge real artifacts means to Gengxin City and the Blacksmiths Association!
Lou Di stepped on his horse and rushed towards Tiandou city crazily.

In the blacksmith's shop, Lou Qing was a little moved after hearing Chen Hu's description.

Dionysus City is a city, and it doesn't want other sect forces to have strict requirements on disciples.

The news that he forged the divine weapon has already spread, Gengxin City is obviously not suitable for him anymore, Dionysus City may also be a good choice for him.

Moreover, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, one of the three schools on the mainland, also chose to join the Dionysus City. Lou Qing still fully recognized the reputation of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Lou Qing asked: "If I go to Dionysus City, what should I do?"

An ordinary city naturally cannot lack blacksmiths.

But the most embarrassing thing about the blacksmith profession is that in this world where soul masters are paramount, weapons are useless to soul masters, and ordinary blacksmiths can still have certain effects on ordinary people. The status is not as high as imagined.

Lou Gao, the former president of the Blacksmith Association, one of the three great master craftsmen in the mainland, in Gengxin City, a holy place for all blacksmiths, his status is not comparable to that of a bishop of the Wuhunzi Temple.

If the city of Dionysus is really as Chen Hu said, then does he, the master craftsman, really play an indispensable role in the development of the city of Dionysus?

Lou Qingdao: "You should know that I forged a divine weapon like the Wanxiao Knife. In addition to the foundation of the divine weapon itself, your soul skills are also indispensable. You want me to forge such a divine weapon again. It's almost impossible to have an artifact."

"I know, take a look at this drawing first!"

Chen Hu took out the blueprint of the musket he designed.

"Oh? You also know forging? It shouldn't be, but if your talent really becomes a blacksmith, the upper limit may be higher than mine. It's a pity!"

Lou Qing shook his head, took the blueprint in Chen Hu's hand and looked at it, "What a strange blueprint, the requirements for the components are so high, but there is neither a sharp edge nor a solid one, but a hollow round tube. What is the use of this thing?"

The structure of the musket is very simple, and the initial power is not too strong, so it can cause some harm to ordinary people. The era of the Tang Sect had the initial prototype of the musket, otherwise the Tang Sect would not have any resistance to gunpowder. use.

When Chen Hu made the musket reappear in the Douluo Continent, naturally he would not just reproduce the oldest musket, but a new musket that incorporates a part of the special ignition device in the soul guidance technology.

It is said to be a musket, but combined with the more advanced technology of the previous life, it is no different from a rifle.

"This is a weapon, a terrifying weapon that can span the ages!" Chen Hu said firmly.

The appearance of the musket will definitely change the future pattern of the Douluo Continent, and it may also lead to the loneliness of the era of soul masters, but it may also lead soul masters to take another path.

Heroes are forbidden by martial arts.

Soul masters are not like this.

It is a disaster for ordinary people to have weapons that threaten soul masters, but it is a good thing for ordinary people.

"Terrible weapon?" Lou Qing smiled. Lou Qing walked to the smoldering fire and said, "I'm also curious about how terrifying the terrible weapon you are talking about is!"

The hammer hit a piece of iron ore, and the ordinary iron ore quickly deformed in Lou Qing's hands...

Barrel, magazine, buttstock, trigger, front sight...

Each component quickly appeared on the forging platform, and began to shape under the control of martial soul and soul power.

It is true that this world does not have developed modern technology, but the skill of a master craftsman is no less than any machine.

It didn't take long for the world's first musket to come out.

Waiting for the musket to cool down, looking at this streamlined metal musket made of pure metal, Lou Qing also had to admit that this unknown weapon naturally has a unique charm.

"Erhu, this is the musket you mentioned before, the weapon that can change the world?" Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the long metal strip in front of him, but couldn't connect it with the gun no matter what.

There is no gun head, how can it stab people?

Moreover, it is so short and the body of the gun is uneven, it does not look like a weapon in any way.

Lou Qing also looked at Chen Hu curiously, can this thing be called a gun?

Chen Hu grasped the barrel of the musket, the soft metal curve is simply the romance of modern people.

With a gun in his hand, Chen Hu also exudes a strong self-confidence and pride. Even though he knows that a gun may not be able to hurt him now, the strong pride engraved in his soul is hard for ordinary people to understand of.

Just like when Tang San holds the top hidden weapon of Tang Sect, that kind of pride will not be afraid even in the face of Title Douluo.

Chen Hu's concentration and self-confidence exuded made the forger of this musket unable to help suspecting that this thing is really a terrifying weapon! ?
"There is still one thing missing!" Chen Hu's fingers touched a mechanism on the butt of the gun, and an empty magazine appeared in his hand.

"The kind of small iron pellets?" Lou Qing frowned, and used the remaining materials to forge ten small iron pellets and ten cylindrical bullet casings.

Bullets are no less demanding to blacksmiths than muskets themselves.

But for Lou Qing, it is not a difficult problem to solve.

With the bullets and shell casings, Chen Hu took out the self-made smokeless gunpowder from the Sumeru Ring and filled it in, followed by the primer.

Ten bullets appeared in Chen Hu's hand, and there was a crisp metallic sound when they collided in his palm.

Load all the bullets one by one, and the real musket came out.

Maybe he really won't let us down!

Lou Qing and Lin Xiaoxiao also began to gradually believe that this might really be a weapon, even though they couldn't see the mystery of this weapon, but judging from Chen Hu's attention, Lou Qing didn't believe in such an exquisitely constructed thing It would be a piece of scrap metal.

Don't look at his forging muskets so lightly, but any ordinary blacksmith may never be able to forge such precision weapons.

In Lou Qing's opinion, it is possible to forge the components of the musket at least at the master level, but to ensure that every step is perfect, at least the master level is required.

"Erhu, hurry up, let me see its true power!" Lin Xiaoxiao said eagerly with a flash of fighting intent in his eyes.

Since it is a weapon, it must be effective in actual combat.

This was everyone's perception, but Chen Hu himself didn't know how lethal the thing in his hands was, so how could it put Lin Xiaoxiao in danger.

"Xiao Xiao, don't be joking, step aside, this thing is too lethal, you may not be able to catch it."

Chen Hu shook his head, looked at Lou Qing, "Brother Lou Qing, do you have a place here to test the lethality of weapons?"

"Yes, come with me!" Lou Qing nodded, and led the two of them to the backyard, where there are many stakes for testing the sharpness of weapons.

Looking at the wooden stakes, Chen Hu shook his head. He saw an alloy shield in the corner. His eyes lit up. He tied the alloy shield between the two wooden stakes. Then, feeling that it was not safe enough, he tied a few more shields behind the shield. face shield.

Then, Chen Hu exited the courtyard with a musket and returned to the forging room just now.

"Brother Chen Hu, you are sure you are not joking. This place is at least 100 meters away from the place where the stake is. It is impossible for a weapon to produce such a great power at such a long distance." Lou Qing looked at Chen Hu's movements. , said with certainty.

The attack range of most soul masters' soul skills is also within ten meters, and the only soul masters who can kill the enemy at a distance of 100 meters are the soul masters of the long-range attack system.

There is no doubt that Chen Hu, whose weapon is the Faint Dawn Sword, may also be a long-distance attack system soul master.

And this is a test weapon, which means that Chen Hu believes that his weapon can exert powerful power even 100 meters away.

Lou Qing felt a little ridiculous!
Lin Xiaoxiao stared curiously at Chen Hu who had raised his gun. She knew that Chen Hu had never been a person who spoke out loudly.

The cold barrel was aimed at the alloy shield more than 100 meters away, and Chen Hu slowly pulled the trigger.

Chen Hutuo's shoulders with the gun butt trembled suddenly, and a huge roar rang in everyone's ears, and the bullet burst out of the chamber.

This thunder-like sound spread almost throughout the entire Gengxin City, as if it was venting the advent of terrifying weapons that did not belong to this era.

What a strong anti-shock force!

Chen Hu shook his tingling arm. The musket has the power, but there is still a big gap between it and the real modern rifle. Whether it is the sound or the unloading device, we should continue to study, otherwise ordinary people may be shot once. The arms have to be useless.

Both Lin Xiaoxiao and Lou Qing were still immersed in the thunderous voice, unable to react.

(End of this chapter)

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