Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 377 Cheating

Chapter 377 Cheating
Under the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, Seahorse Douluo stared fixedly at the Godly Sword of Dawn held in Ning Rongrong's hand, under the bloody light of the sword was the clear and turbid blade.

"Sacred weapon?" Seahorse Douluo couldn't help but said in a shy voice.

Hunxiao Dao turned into a ray of blood and flew into Chen Hu's body, and Seahorse Douluo came back to his senses. It's not that he hasn't met a soul master who can cross all the seas in the sea, but it's so light and understatement. This is the first time I have encountered it.

"Okay, stand up according to the order you took on the stage just now!" Facing the people of Wuhun Hall, Seahorse Douluo still had no good expression, and was still a bit vigilant in the cold.

The test just now only allowed him to see the talent of this group of people, but their true strength only revealed the tip of the iceberg. A soul master who killed a 10-year-old sea soul beast in the sea would be Is it as simple as it appears?
However, no matter what conspiracy they have, these people are still far from being able to threaten Seagod Island.

I saw him pressing his hands in vain, and an invisible force spread out, the sea in the sea returned to calm, and the light on the pillar gradually faded to disappear.

"Come forward alone!" The rules of Sea God Island cannot be changed by his own will, he walked in front of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, his eyes full of piety.

This kind of gaze is actually not unfamiliar to many people, and many people in Wuhundian also have this kind of gaze when facing Wuhun Mountain.

Xiao Qi stepped forward slowly, and stood still in front of Seahorse Douluo.

Several people had learned about the rules of Sea God Island before, and knew that there was no danger before the test.

On the contrary, for many of them, this test is more like an opportunity.

Only under tremendous pressure can they make more rapid progress.

Seahorse Douluo slowly raised his hands, in his devout eyes a mass of blue light condensed between his hands, the entire Seahorse Sacred Pillar was covered with a layer of azure blue.

Blue light soars up to the sky along the ancient stone pillars...

Seahorse Douluo turned around and pointed at Xiao Qi, blue light fell from the sky.

Xiaoqi was bathed in the beam of light, her expression was normal, and she didn't feel any discomfort.

Then, under the curious eyes of everyone, the blue beam of light began to change color, from blue to white, then instantly to yellow, then to purple, and the purple deepened and quickly turned to black.

Then, the black light became deeper and deeper in Seahorse Douluo's horrified eyes...

On the sacred pillar behind Seahorse Douluo, the unknown magic pattern also began to emit black light, climbing up to two-thirds of the stone pillar, and then the magic pattern on the stone pillar and the beam of light on Xiao Qi's body instantly turned into Crystal clear red.

The red light rose directly into the sky and broke into the sky.

On Sea God Island, one after another looked at him, their eyes full of disbelief.

In front of the steps at the foot of Sea God Mountain in the center of Sea God Island, seven young people saw the red light rising from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and they couldn't help but exclaimed, "Top Seven Tests?"

There was a trace of evil light in Dai Mubai's eyes, "There are still people participating in the assessment of Sea God Island, are they people from Sea God Island or... outsiders?"

Ma Hongjun said: "It should be from Seagod Island. Seagod Island is far away in the sea. Few soul masters on the mainland know Seagod Island. And even if they knew, they wouldn't be able to come here!"

"That's right, no matter who they are, we have to work harder. Sea God Island is really a good place. We haven't finished the first test yet, and our strength has made a huge leap forward. Besides, how can we pass the top seven tests? It’s not like he’s a genius who doesn’t have the top seven exams,” the handsome Oscar chuckled, and glanced at a girl in black beside him, with a hint of pride in his eyes.

The girl's demeanor looked very cold, and she also had a sense of loneliness, but when her eyes were on Oscar, there was a hint of softness.

Tang San remained silent, he thought of a person who put a lot of pressure on him, and this person was also very familiar with Sea God Island, could it be that he came?

Tang San felt a pressure in his heart, and walked up the steps of Sea God Island again...

Seahorse Douluo vaguely guessed in his heart, and secretly sighed, the top seven trials of several people from the Spirit Hall, he didn't know if this was a good thing for Sea God Island.

Fortunately, it was only seven tests. Although the boy's spirit power was not as good as last time, his talent was even better, and the test reached the level of nine tests.

The red light kept trembling on Xiao Qi's body, and finally calmed down. All the red light melted into the center of Xiao Qi's eyebrows, condensing into a strange red seven-pointed star.

Is it red?
Top seven exams.

Looking at the seven-pointed star between Xiao Qi's eyebrows, Chen Hu nodded slowly. The top seven exams are not bad for Xiao Qi.

However, this test is too gentle, the greater the pressure on the fighting blood in Xiao Qi's body, the more terrifying the potential that will burst out, the top seven tests cannot represent Xiao Qi's true talent.

Seahorse Douluo held back the horror in his heart, and explained conscientiously: "The test given by Lord Seagod is also divided into levels. Different levels have different levels of difficulty. From low to high, the order is white, yellow, purple, and black. For the assessment of five grades of red, the color also corresponds to the color of the soul ring."

"Generally speaking, white and yellow have only one test, purple has one to three tests, black has four to six tests, and red top-level tests have seven to nine tests. The more tests, the more difficult it is , the greater the authority you will gain after the assessment is successful, the test I experienced back then was only black level, but now I am one of the seven guardian pillars..."

After briefly introducing the rules of the assessment, Seahorse Douluo glanced at Xiao Qi with a bit of confusion in his eyes, and said, "Your assessment is the top seven tests, which means that you must pass the tests of the seven sea gods before you can join the Sea God." Island, of course, if it succeeds, the authority it will gain on Sea God Island will be beyond imagination, the previous High Priest was a top examiner..."

Seahorse Douluo's eyes were a little weird, "A group of soul masters came from the mainland before, and among them there were top-level examiners in red. Otherwise, if you pass the top-level assessment, you might be able to inherit the position of high priest. Palm Sea God Island."

"But the difficulty of the top seven exams is far beyond the black-level exams. Each exam is only for one year. If you still fail to pass the exam within one year, it will be considered a failure. Fortunately, the top seven exams and other exams Compared with it, there is an advantage, even if you fail the assessment, you will not necessarily die."

"Little brother, can you tell me your name?" Seahorse Douluo asked curiously.

"My name is Sun Xiaoqi!" Xiao Qi also saw his assessment, nodded and responded.

When the rest of the people heard about the High Priest of Sea God Island, their eyes couldn't help but light up slightly. If they remembered correctly, the last key of Thor that Chen Hu was looking for was in the hands of the High Priest of Sea God Island.

"Very good, do the others want to continue? Sun Xiaoqi's talent is very good, but you don't necessarily have such good talent and luck. Except for the top-level assessment, you will die if you fail the rest of the assessment, and mainland soul masters The difficulty of the assessment is far more difficult than that of our Seagod Island soul masters, think about it!" From Seahorse Douluo's point of view, only Lin Xiaoxiao and the unknown Chen Hu were the only ones among the six whose talents could be compared with Xiao Qi's. The probability of passing the examination is very low.

"I'm sure, senior, please start!" Hu Liena said shallowly, her eyes were a little curious, how big is the gap between her talent and those of Jiwu?
"Girl, your talent is good, but the possibility of top-level assessment is very slim, are you really not afraid of death? One year's assessment together is too difficult for all soul masters!" Seahorse Douluo couldn't bear it. Live again.

After all, the people of Sea God Island still retain some kindness.

Hu Liena didn't speak, but her gaze showed her determination.

She didn't back down even in the Slaughter City, let alone the test of Sea God Island?

"Okay!" Seahorse Douluo nodded, and a blue light shot out from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, covering Hu Liena's body.

White, yellow, purple, black!

The blue beam of light turned black, and the black magic pattern on the stone pillar continued to rise, and finally stopped at two-thirds of the level.

Black level six test.

Chen Hu nodded slightly. Hu Liena's talent is also the best among the golden generation of Wuhundian. The experience in the Slaughter City has transformed her talent again. The sixth test of the black level is already very good for her.

Sure enough...

Hu Liena glanced at the seven-pointed star between Xiao Qi's eyebrows, even though she had expected it in her heart, she couldn't help but a gloomy flash of light in her eyes.

"Black Level Six Trials?" Seahorse Douluo was no stranger to it. Are the current mainland soul masters already so powerful, so many geniuses have emerged one after another.

Hu Liena's black-level six-test Seahorse Douluo has also been expected. Hu Liena's martial soul is very powerful, and there is a strong blood light in the martial soul, which makes her hide a murderous intent in the charm, and her talent is even stronger stand up.

The six light curtains representing the six tests of the black level were about to melt into the center of Hu Liena's eyebrows, and at this moment, a bloody light rushed out of Chen Hu's body and melted into Hu Liena's body.

Then, the stagnant black light on the Seahorse Sacred Pillar began to jump slightly upwards, and the black light completely transformed into a crystal clear red light, and the six light curtains in front of Hu Liena also became seven.

However, compared with Xiaoqi's seven light curtains, Hu Liena's seventh light curtain is much dimmer, giving it a feeling of vacillation.

In the sky, a red light has already shot up into the sky.

At this moment, the guardians of the seven sacred pillars were a little numb. In the holy hall of Sea God Mountain, there was also a gaze cast in the direction of the seahorse sacred pillar.

The seven light curtains turned into seven-pointed stars and melted into the center of Hu Liena's eyebrows, condensing into a red mark.

At this time, Chen Hu recalled the Hun Xiao Dao, and the seven-pointed star imprint on the center of Hu Liena's eyebrows trembled, but it still didn't collapse.

Seahorse Douluo's ice-cold gaze has already followed, "Bold, how dare you deceive Lord Seagod?"

(End of this chapter)

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