Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 378 Everyone's Assessment Level

Chapter 378 Everyone's Assessment Level
Seahorse Douluo glared at Chen Hu, with a powerful aura coming over him. From his point of view, Chen Hu's actions were undoubtedly deceiving Lord Sea God, which was absolutely unforgivable to him.

Chen Hu's expression did not change, as if the pressure from Seahorse Douluo did not exist, he calmly replied: "Senior, do you think Lord Seagod would not know that I used a trick, but since Lord Seagod still let Na Na's assessment stays at the level of the top seven examinations, which means that this is also approved by Lord Seagod, doesn't it?"

"Hmph!" Seahorse Douluo's face was uncertain, he knew that what Chen Hu said was probably correct, but he still didn't like Chen Hu, a person who repeatedly broke the rules.

"Chen Hu, can you help me raise the level of the assessment later?" Ning Rongrong tugged at Chen Hu's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

Bai Chenxiang also cast a curious look.

Seeing this scene, Seahorse Douluo's face became even darker.

Chen Hu glanced at Ning Rongrong and Bai Chenxiang, and shook his head slightly, "Probably not, although the Dawn Sword can fuse with you, it can't directly improve your talent. Nana can use him to improve the assessment level, which is very important." Part of the reason is that the Death God Domain engraved on the Wanxiao Dao stimulated the power of the Death God Domain in her body, you don’t have the Death God Domain, it may be difficult for the Wan Xiao Saber to help you.”

Hearing these words, both Ning Rongrong and Bai Chenxiang couldn't hide their disappointment.

Seahorse Douluo also nodded secretly, perhaps this was also the reason why Lord Seagod didn't pursue them for cheating.

Bai Chenxiang came to Hu Liena's position just now, and the Seagod's Light descended, changing from blue to white, then to yellow, then stagnated, no longer changing.

After Huang Ji took the test, a normal person finally came.

Looking at a yellow light curtain in front of Bai Chenxiang, Seahorse Douluo was even more excited when he saw a yellow test than he was when he saw a black and top level test. In fact, this was the most normal soul master he had ever seen.

Huang Ji took the test, unexpectedly only Huang Ji took the test, the yellow light curtain cannot deceive people, Bai Chenxiang's eyes were full of disappointment.

Xiao Qi's clear eyes moved, Chen Hu put something in his palm, and said softly: "Give it to Chen Xiang!"

With a thought, Xiao Qi came to Bai Chenxiang and put a crystal clear blue triangle in front of Bai Chenxiang.

A miraculous scene appeared again, the yellow light on Bai Chenxiang's body began to change to purple, and the light curtain changed from one to three.

"This... Impossible!" If there is still a trace of Hu Liena's assessment level raised by the Dawn Sword, the increase of Bai Chenxiang's assessment level by Seagod's Heart is really beyond Seahorse Douluo's understanding.

Ning Rongrong squeezed Chen Hu's arm angrily, "You also said that you can't help everyone improve the assessment level!?"

"I said that the Dawn Sword can't help you, go try it, maybe your talent can get the top-level assessment without my help!" Chen Hu said.

Three purple light curtains were branded between Bai Chenxiang's eyebrows, Bai Chenxiang gave Chen Hu a grateful look, and then returned the Sea God's Heart to him.

Ning Rongrong then walked up, waiting for the Seagod's Light's assessment.

Seahorse Douluo came back to his senses, the Seagod's Light shrouded Ning Rongrong's body, the color of the beam of light changed rapidly, from blue to white, white to yellow, yellow to purple, purple to black, and then black from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar Rise up, quickly over two-thirds, and then turn red.

Seven red light curtains appeared in front of Ning Rongrong, and a proud smile appeared on Ning Rongrong's face.

And Seahorse Douluo was already stunned, he thought that there would be top-level assessment personnel in this group of people, but he didn't expect it to be this ordinary-looking little girl.

Seahorse Douluo looked at Ning Rongrong carefully for a while, apart from being beautiful, he really didn't see any difference in Ning Rongrong!

The seven light curtains turned into heptagrams and melted into Ning Rongrong's eyebrows. Ning Rongrong walked happily to Chen Hu's side, and said with a smile, "I never thought that my exam would also be the top seven exam!"

Chen Hu smiled gently. He was not surprised by this result. Ning Rongrong was the top seven test in the original book.

Everyone in Seahorse Douluo was paralyzed. He glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao and Chen Hu. Except for Bai Chenxiang, these people had top-level examinations. None of the seven people from the previous batch were so outrageous.

"Miss, may I know your name and martial spirit?" Seahorse Douluo couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, and asked respectfully.

In fact, after Chen Hu and the others appeared top examiners, it didn't matter whether they were from the Spirit Hall or not.

The hatred between Wuhundian and Sea God Island was only in the first battle more than 20 years ago, but that time Wuhundian was defeated, and they didn't suffer much.

There is no doubt about the status of top-level examiners in Sea God Island, not to mention that there are already three top-level examiners among the six people in this group, and the other two may also be top-level examiners...

"Nine Treasures turn out to have colored glaze!" Ning Rongrong smiled, colorful lights shone from her body, and the noble Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda had appeared on her chest.

"Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, so that's how it is!" Seahorse Douluo suddenly realized, even Sea God Island had heard about the famous Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda on the mainland.

"No, my martial spirit is not the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, but the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda!"

Ning Rongrong smiled, and said: "Ning Rongrong, the soul emperor of the 63rd auxiliary system, the Wuhun Nine Treasure Glazed Tower!"

"After the evolution of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, even if you are an auxiliary system soul master, your talent is no worse than anyone else!" Seahorse Douluo commented.

Then he looked at Lin Xiaoxiao, a little curious about what kind of assessment this girl he looked forward to would have?

Chen Hu nodded slightly, Lin Xiaoxiao stepped out of the team and came to Seahorse Douluo, with black clothes flying around, releasing a fierce aura.

When the Seagod's Light descended, it also began to rapidly change its color. The white and yellow turned into purple almost instantly, and then the purple didn't last long before turning into black.

Looking at the speed at which the light changes, Seahorse Douluo's gaze also contained some anticipation, maybe this person's test is not the ordinary top seven tests.

The red color bloomed, and the stone pillar was dyed with red magic lines, which rushed to the top of the stone pillar, and then eight light curtains appeared in front of Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Top Eight Tests, as expected, you are the one with the most outstanding talent." Seahorse Douluo exclaimed.

The top seven exams are extremely rare, and the top eight exams have not appeared in a hundred years.

It's a pity that some people in the group a few days ago were better than her, and reached the unprecedented top nine exams.

Even so, Lin Xiaoxiao is one of the most outstanding soul masters Seahorse Douluo has ever seen, at least for the control of skills and timing, Seahorse Douluo has never seen anyone stronger than her.

So... what level will his assessment be?
Everyone looked at Chen Hu, and Seahorse Douluo vaguely knew that Chen Hu was the core of this group of people, just like the young man named Tang San in the previous group.

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Hu also came in front of Seahorse Douluo.

Seahorse Douluo was also very curious about Chen Hu's results, and immediately cast Seagod's Light again.

The blue Seagod's Light enveloped Chen Hu, part of it melted into the Seagod's heart in Chen Hu's chest, and the other part, the Seagod's Light exposed in front of people, began to change color instantly.

White, yellow and even purple all disappeared in a flash, and the black magic pattern spread along the stone pillar, constantly going up against the current, exceeding two-thirds of it at an unstoppable speed...

Undoubtedly, the red color reappeared, and the brighter red color appeared on the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and the bright red magic pattern rendered the air red.

Then the red is still deepening continuously, wisps of gold are floating on the sacred pillar, getting deeper and deeper, when the golden color gradually spreads to the entire stone pillar, the golden light fades like the tide, and disappears in an instant, only the bright red is constantly flowing shine.

Nine red light curtains appeared in front of Chen Hu, with densely packed characters floating on them, but except for the first light curtain, the words on the other eight light curtains were blurred.

Top nine exams!
Seahorse Douluo didn't know what that golden light was, and all the facts presented in front of him at this moment all showed that Chen Hu's assessment was also the top-level top-level nine tests.

The nine-pointed star transformed by the nine light curtains shone with dazzling red light, and Chen Hu also knew what his first assessment was, and it was still the same as in the original book, the light that passed through the sea god.

The changes of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar were all presented in front of his eyes, and the moment the golden light appeared, his heart was also beating violently.

Gold and red represent two different concepts, and only the golden Seagod Jiukao represents that he is qualified to inherit the inheritance of Seagod.

If he could replace Tang San as Seagod's successor, perhaps he could save a lot of trouble directly.

But it actually proved that even if he accepted the test of the Seagod's Light with the Seagod's Heart, he couldn't get the Seagod's Nine Trials.

He was somewhat disappointed in his heart, but it was far from despair. The golden light that appeared on the Seahorse Sacred Pillar represented that he was qualified to inherit the position of God, but he was not recognized by Sea God.

Sure enough, it's up to you in the end...

Chen Hu felt the crisp and numb power coming from the Thunder God's Key, and his body was under its tempering all the time.

"Top nine tests! Although I don't know what that unknown golden light represents, your talent is definitely not as simple as it seems."

Seahorse Douluo slowly looked at the six people, five top-level assessments, and one purple-level assessment, what kind of monsters are these!

"Everyone, please follow me. As long as you don't do anything that threatens Seagod Island, you are all VIPs of Seagod Island. Of course, if you dare to do anything that is detrimental to Seagod Island, Seagod Island will not let you go." Yours! There are seven guardians of the holy pillar like me on Sea God Island, and my strength is only the weakest among them. Above us, there is the High Priest!" Seahorse Douluo said lightly.

A Sea God Island has seven title Douluo and an even more unfathomable high priest. Except for Chen Hu who knows the details of Sea God Island, everyone else can't help but take a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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