Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 100 The Earth!

Chapter 100 Back to Earth!
In a certain hall, the inside is dim, and the light is not too bright, but it is enough.

"So they took what they thought was a very decisive method, and hijacked the sun's light Lena with extremely unfriendly behavior. The purpose is to obtain stellar energy to drive this advanced technology to crack the ultimate fear, which is of great importance to the entire universe. Meaning!" Inside the hall, a blond man in a black robe sat on the sofa and said, looking at a man with the appearance of an ancient general opposite him.

"So the ultimate fear is concrete."

"I don't want to listen to what you say about fear or not." The ancient man tapped his head with his fingers and said, "There is a 1-year-old city here. Anwei and my God's safety!"

Obviously this ancient man is Lie Yang's new Pan Zhen.

"The safety of the Lieyang star and the safety of the sun's light, which one would you choose?" asked the blond man in black robe, the God of Death Karl.

"How could you ask such a sharp question, hehehe, I think it's the same thing." Pan Zhen said with a smile.

"This statement is bad."

"My grand master has studied you for many years." Pan Zhen interrupted Karl's words with a wave of his hand.

"I remember 60 years? Of course, for you, a 3-year-old god, they can only study a little bit of you." Pan Zhen said.

"Hehe. Then what did they study about me?" Carl smiled slightly, looked at Pan Zhen and asked.

"They said you were a phantom." Pan Zhen thought about it for a while.

"This is the first time I've heard of this term." Carl said with a smile.

Pan Zhen smiled slightly, and waved his right hand at Karl.

Carl's entire body is burned away, you're left with head and shoulders.

"So rude!" Carl stood up and glared at Pan Zhen.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to try it out. Assuming you were burned to death, there's no need for me to sit here and waste time chatting with you, right?" Pan Zhen apologized, but his tone and appearance didn't sound like an apology at all.

"Are you sure that I dare not fight back?" Carl said lightly.

"When your people captured my god Leina, they used a god-killing sniper rifle." Pan was staring at Karl standing there, and said in a majestic tone.

"They are not my people, and Reina has been rescued by the Holy Star God of War," Carl said, recovering his burnt body, and sat down slowly.

"I know, but I think it's necessary to inform you about this matter. Don't go too far." Pan Zhen said slowly, his tone full of threats.

"As far as your ultimate fear is concerned, I want to study it. From now on, it will take 80 or [-] years. The war between you and the earth, the war between angels and demons has long been over.

I just want to find a way to allow Lieyang civilization to survive perfectly. "Pan Zhen said.

"First of all, I am not the culprit of the war." Karl frowned slightly, looking at Pan Zhen and said.

"But what is your position, is it a sin.?"

Carl waved his hands and said in a flat tone: "It doesn't matter, you call me Death, anyway, studying death and void is my greatest pleasure."

"The Lieyang star has been tortured by the bed, and my god Lena has just become a god, so I can't stand the devastation of you and the angels and demons." Pan Zhen continued to look at Carl and said: "You want to use the stars to blow up the black hole and release the void. .”

"It is to drive multiple stars and black holes to interact, and in the process, many new substances that are beyond the understanding of the times will be produced.

Because assuming that the rotation of the stars is not the same, or if a god like me controls it personally, the stars may be swallowed by black holes. "Carl explained.

"Hiss~ Angels will fight with you to the end."

"and you?"

"I only think about how the Sun civilization can survive perfectly." Pan Zhen looked at Carl seriously and said.

"Interesting. Why don't you change a planet?" Karl asked.

"Where God is, there we are.

Whether it's a planet or a star, we don't care. "Pan Zhen leaned forward, looked at Karl and said.

The camera returns to the dark universe.

Mo Yu was holding Taotie and the others with a rope.

Through the calculation of the 'super core', Mo Yu can easily hack into their consciousness, and then completely paralyze their bodies.

"Leina, are you alright?" Mo Yu immediately went to the glass cover where Leina was being held after he was done.

And Lena is expressionless now, and she can't see her moodiness.

Mo Yu didn't care about it, and used the wormhole to transfer Leina out, and changed her into another set of clothes by the way.

"Super gene suppressor?" Mo Yu looked at a small round ball on the top of the glass cover. Mo Yu had six such balls, so he recognized them.

With a wave of his hand, he put the super gene suppressor into the dark space.

"Leina, are you okay? They didn't abuse you, right?" Mo Yu asked worriedly looking at Leina.

Seeing Leina sitting on the ground like that, without saying a word, Mo Yu continued: "How dare you kidnap the goddess of our Xiongbing Company, these gluttons really want to die."

"Where are they?" Lena turned her head to look at Mo Yu and said.



"I locked them in the room at the end over there." Mo Yu said, pointing to the corridor next to him.

"Give me energy."

"Okay." Mo Yu didn't refuse, and immediately began to transfer energy to Leina.


After recovering her energy, Lena let out a soft breath.

He got up and walked towards the room where Taotie was imprisoned.

Mo Yu also guessed that Leina must have suffered a lot of grievances these days, and now she wants to vent.

Soon, there were explosions and few screams in the room.

Suddenly, the entire spaceship where Mo Yu was located began to shake.

Mo Yu immediately went to the glass window to check.

All I saw was Lena standing on the flying platform of the spaceship, throwing the energy ball in her hand to the surrounding fireships and escort ships.

The originally pitch-black universe suddenly lit up with color, and the light shone at the speed of light, and then the light color disappeared into this universe.

"Leina, don't blow up our current airship, or we won't be able to go back." Mo Yu was afraid that Leina would blow up this ship as well, so he ran out and said to Lena.

"I know, you don't need to say it." Lena also finished venting, stopped and returned to the ship.

"Okay, let's go back."

"Can we go back?" Lena stopped and said in a daze.

"Everyone is fine, and I don't blame you. You are still the captain of our Xiongbing Company." Mo Yu walked to Leina's side and said with a smile.

"But...but me." Reina knew that although her entire body was controlled by someone at that time, her consciousness was very clear.

Lena watched helplessly as she blew up the Great Strait, and her hands were already stained with the blood of ordinary people.

She has become an evil god.

"There's nothing wrong with it. You have to face it when you make a mistake. What's the point of hiding like this?" Mo Yu loudly reprimanded the timid Leina.

Reina lowered her head and thought for a long time.

"Well, I want to go back!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Leina had made a decision, Mo Yu smiled and activated the spaceship.

"Target Earth at full speed!"

A solitary gluttonous spaceship flew towards the depths of the universe, where the destination was a blue, white and green planet.

The earth, Mo Yu's 'cue ball', has not returned for more than ten days.

(End of this chapter)

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