Chapter 99 Master?

In the Taotie fleet, a mecha Taotie looked at the beaten and retreating Taotie, and said angrily, "Why is an angel so difficult to deal with!"

"Bumblebee, according to the test data, it shows that this angel has become a god." Another white mecha glutton said while looking at Bumblebee.

"Becoming an angel of God? Hmph, if I hadn't been approved by my god Karl, the angels who waited for my Void Engine to be more powerful would have to die!" Bumblebee said uncomfortably when she thought of losing the Void Engine. .

"Lead the fleet to retreat first." Sumblebee felt that it was better to slip away first, so that the green hills would not be afraid of running out of firewood, and the fleet could not be wiped out by this angel who became a god.

And Yun who is far outside.

"Ah!" With a yell, the flaming sword in Yun Yi's hand burst into flames.

The fire light quickly climbed to the tip of the sword, and emerged from the tip of the sword, forming a blow similar to a barrage.

This is a skill developed by the angels imitating the sky blade strike, and its power is still very powerful against aerospace-grade technology.

The sound of the explosion immediately covered the fireships and frigates that wanted to retreat, making them all submerged in the high temperature of the explosion.

"What's going on, Taotie has run away." Yun Yi looked at the dust scattered by the gunpowder smoke, and the two Taotie motherships that had been staying on the outskirts of Beizhixing had disappeared.

Although very puzzled, Yun Yi didn't say anything, and quickly flew to the roof.

"Yun Yi's battle is over so quickly?" Angel looked at Yun Yi who rushed over in disbelief.

"Sister Leng, judging from the situation, Yun has already become a god, and the battle must be easy." Yitian said.

"Sigh~ I don't know what happened to Yun Yi, she is already a god." Lingxi said the same.

Angel Leng saw that Yun Yi had arrived in front of him, and adjusted his sitting posture slightly to make himself look less embarrassed.

"Sister Leng, Yitian, Lingxi, are you all okay?" Yun Yi immediately came over to check on their injuries.

"It's nothing serious, if you can't die." Leng hurriedly pushed away Yun Yi who was checking him.

Yun Yi stared blankly at Angel Leng, then looked at Yitian and Lingxi, who shook their heads to indicate that they were fine.

"Yo, you've become gods, why don't you talk about it?" Angel said to Yun Yi with a playful face.

"Yes, how did Yun Yi become a god?"

"Tell me, we're curious."

Yitian and Lingxi are also very gossip, and follow Angel Leng to pester Yun Yi with questions.

Yun also had no choice but to tell them the ins and outs of the matter one by one.

"It turns out that you met the male gods of Yan's sisters. Didn't you expect Yan's male gods to be so useful?" the angel sneered.

"It's really worthy of being the male god recognized by Queen Keisha." Lingxi glanced at Yitian and Yun Yi and said.

"Yes, sister Yan's future is really wrong." Yitian said with some envy.

"Then Yan's male god, why didn't you see it?" Angel Leng continued to ask.

"I don't know, it seems to be saving someone." Yun Yi shook her head, she only knew that Mo Yu must be saving someone, but she didn't know who to save.

"En~~ I feel that there is a wave of energy fluctuating around the North Star." Yun Yi immediately opened her eyes of insight and began to scan.

But the person she saw was indeed Ge Xiaolun leading Xin Zhao, the Blue Armor Team and the Xiongbing Company to fight against a small group of gluttons.

"Sister Leng, Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, is leading a group of human soldiers with aerospace-grade technology who are being attacked by small-scale gluttony." Yun Yi immediately told Angel Leng.

"Cut, it's all aerospace-grade technology, and still can't deal with the gluttons of a small fleet? None of you are allowed to help them, let them fight by themselves." Angel Leng feels that aerospace-grade technology can't beat aerospace-grade technology, then you are too helpless used.

"Stop!" Ge Xiaolun yelled at a missile flying in the sky.

The missile really lost its target and fell from the sky to the ground alone.

Zhixin Watanabe walked up to the falling missile and knelt down on one knee, flipped a transparent screen operation panel with both hands and appeared on the missile.

〖Cracking the program

Crack complete
Modifying Powercore

Power increased by 100 times

Estimated time: 351 hours
Power increased by 10 times

Estimated time: 3 minutes 38 seconds

Start editing

Zhixin began to redefine the power of a missile through his secondary biological engine.

"Cover me for 3 minutes!" Although it can be defined, the time is difficult to change. Zhixin's core computing frame rate is not high, and Ge Xiaolun is not as proficient in using sub-biological engines as Zhixin, so Zhixin has to do it by herself.

Xin Zhao and the other two human soldiers nodded and began to be vigilant for Zhi Xin.

On Ge Xiaolun's side, he saw a gluttonous warrior stepping on a flying machine rushing towards the tank company.


Ge Xiaolun roared loudly, and the gluttonous aircraft malfunctioned for a short time.

He seized the opportunity, jumped with both legs, and rushed over. This jump covered more than 40 meters.

Ge Xiaolun passed through the wormhole, took out his big sword, and hit the Taotie whose aircraft had recovered.

The Taotie did not survive for 10 minutes, and died on the spot with the explosion of the aircraft.


Ge Xiaolun then fell back to the ground, looked behind himself, and sighed slightly.

If his wings were still there, it would definitely not be such a battle situation, and it would definitely be easier to fight than it is now.

Weng buzz~~~
There were several sounds of piercing the air, and Ge Xiaolun immediately felt a strong sense of crisis behind him.

Immediately turned around, but what was oncoming was the crazy bombardment of two fireships.

bang bang bang~~~
Although Ge Xiaolun made timely defensive preparations, he was still bombarded by artillery fire.

It was blown away for dozens of meters and stopped when it hit a burning tree.

Ge Xiaolun looked at the two fireships attacking him with a disheartened face.

Suddenly, a blue ray passed through one of the fireships.

Immediately afterwards, several shells hit the attacked fireship and exploded in the sky.

Xin Zhao saw that one of the two fireships attacking Ge Xiaolun had been destroyed, so he immediately contacted Ge Xiaolun: "Xiaolun, let's cooperate with the tank troops on the ground to destroy that one."

"it is good!"

After Ge Xiaolun agreed, Xin Zhao jumped and rushed towards the fireship.

Ge Xiaolun followed closely behind.

The two reached the top of the fireship immediately.

Ge Xiaolun took out his big sword and started slashing wildly without any hesitation.

Xin Zhao has no weapons and can only use his fists.

"No, super fighters jumped to the top of the ship again, throw them off quickly." The co-pilot of the fireship kept paying attention to the monitor, and when he saw Ge Xiaolun and Xin Zhao 'obscene' their spaceship, he immediately Talk to the driver.

"Okay!" The fireship driver swerved frantically.

A whole fireship is like an untamed wild horse, wandering around in the sky, turning left and right.

Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin were like warriors wanting to conquer this horse, and a certain one had to 'ride' it, and they dared not let go, just hugging the fireship so fiercely.

There is no way, if you let go, both of you will fall down.

"Stop!" Ge Xiaolun felt that he couldn't stand it any longer, his head was already dizzy, and he immediately yelled at the fireship.

The effect is also obvious, the fireship obediently took it to the sky and did not move.

"Lord Xin, hurry up!" Ge Xiaolun pulled Xin Zhao and jumped down from the sky hundreds of meters high.

"Hey, I'll go."

〖Modification and increase completed

Target: Small Gluttonous Mothership〗

And the burning heart on the ground also completed the definition.

Zhi Xin stood up slowly, took a few steps back, and looked at the missile that could no longer fly.

And the tail of the missile flickered with sparks, and rushed straight to the small gluttonous mothership.

The hull of the small gluttonous mothership immediately ignited fireworks, and instantly turned into a wreck and fell to the ground.

bang bang bang~~~
The tanks on the ground also fired shells when Ge Xiaolun and Xin Zhao interfered.

Just when they jumped down, they destroyed the fireship.

north star

"Sister Leng, with the power of the Milky Way, Ge Xiaolun and the others won." Yun Yi was a little thankful that she didn't embarrass the earth.

"Well, it is equipped with advanced weapons, and it is relatively skillful to use." Angel Leng nodded slowly and analyzed.

"It doesn't look good, someone is approaching!" Angel Leng was about to say something, but suddenly realized that their positions had been locked, and immediately became vigilant.

The other angels also took out the flame swords one after another.

Sure enough, someone locked them.

A black figure suddenly landed in the middle of them.

This voice has brown hair, dark golden silver armor, thick eye shadow, a light scar on the left eye, and a pair of black wings.

Angel Leng exclaimed after seeing the person coming:

 How would you like to make angels cold?
  Cool or alive?
(End of this chapter)

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