Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 98 Small meeting and reconciliation!

Chapter 98 Small meeting and reconciliation!
94 kilometers away from the outskirts of Beizhixing, there is such a team. They are covered in darkness and equipped with advanced weapons.

Their target was also the North Star, and they were led by two black-armored soldiers. The tall black-armored soldier had a vicissitudes of life on his face, but he was wearing a pair of sunglasses and sitting on the co-pilot of a truck.

Another slightly shorter black armored soldier is sitting behind the tall black armored soldier, and he is currently hooking up with a blonde beauty in a green military uniform next to him.

It seems that the two are like a couple, regardless of the situation of those soldiers and the tall black-armored warrior, they show affection like no one else.

At this moment, the officer in the driver's seat turned his head to look at the tall black-armored soldier and asked, "Xiao Lun, we'll be arriving at the North Star soon, probably. It will take another five or six hours."

He looked at the watch on his wrist. It is now in a time of war, and electronic products are useless, and only this retro watch can come in handy.

"Well, there will definitely be a fierce battle at that time, and we have to cheer up." The tall black-armored warrior was Ge Xiaolun, and he took off his sunglasses.

"It's alright, Lord Xin. I'll accept your supernatural powers. You're almost at the North Star and show off your affection."

Ge Xiaolun turned his head, looked at Xin Zhao and the blonde beauty who were crooked, rolled his eyes and said.

"Alright Xin Zhao, someone is watching." The blond beauty shyly shyly pushed Xin Zhao away.

"They are jealous." Xin Zhao said and looked at Ge Xiaolun, "naked jealousy."

"If Zhixin didn't stick to you, do you think you can find a girlfriend with your dick-like appearance?" Ge Xiaolun rolled his eyes at the proud Xin Zhao, and hit him mercilessly.

Ge Xiaolun knew what Xin Zhao looked like in the Xiongbing Company, and he was as stupid as Ge Xiaolun.

But Ge Xiaolun only has unrequited love for Qiangwei, and Xin Zhao is even more powerful. Although he didn't say anything, his image of an old ghost in sex from time to time is indeed reflected in the hearts of all the members of the Xiongbing Company. It's simply disgusting. no.

Xin Zhao didn't get angry when he heard Ge Xiaolun's words, he knew that Ge Xiaolun was being stubborn, he couldn't eat grapes and said grapes were sour.

If his IQ goes up, wouldn't it be very easy to catch Qiangwei?

Ge Xiaolun's IQ never came up.

The troops quickly returned to the place where they were stationed: Feng Taicheng, they had previously built several armored vehicles through Ge Xiaolun's "Xiongxin", which could attack the gluttonous spaceships from a long distance.

It's just a pity, Ge Xiaolun is a liberal arts student, even though he has a fast learning master like Zhixin, there are still many things he doesn't understand, and it is estimated that he will have to play "Xiongxin" for decades or so.

"Xiao Lun, are we rushing into the North Star before dark?"

Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, Zhi Xin and several Huaxia military officers sat around a table, one officer looked at them and asked first.

Ge Xiaolun nodded, now he feels that the most urgent thing is to enter the North Star immediately.

"But... will it be too urgent?" Xin Zhao was a little worried about the physical strength of the soldiers.

"Well, although everyone is a little tired from the journey, if you arrive at Beizhixing earlier, you can also feel at ease earlier." Ge Xiaolun thought for a while and continued: "Then we will officially set off at 06:30 tomorrow morning."

It's okay in the next day, anyway, they have already come to the door, and it's not a few steps away. Let the soldiers rest and get ready for tomorrow's battle.


All the soldiers and officers started to do their own things, Xin Zhao took Zhi Xin back to the room to play.

Only Ge Xiaolun was sitting on the roof of a building, looking at the beautiful moon in a trance.

His goddess gradually appeared on the moon: Rose.

"Qiangwei, where are you, I miss you so much." Ge Xiaolun stared blankly at the moon and muttered to himself.

He hadn't seen Qiangwei for more than a year, and he didn't know if she was doing well.

Slowly, the light of the Chiwu star began to slowly shine on the earth.

seven in the morning.

Ge Xiaolun led his specially-made black armor company on the road to the north.

Along the way, you can see some desperate gluttons and giant wolves coming to trouble them.

But Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin have grown a lot now.

Ge Xiaolun stood on the ground and shouted, "Stop..Stop..Slow. Okay, that's it, yes,"

The spaceships of those aliens seemed to be controlled, obeying orders, and slowly landed on the ground.

As a result, many aliens were captured, but they were not treated well because they did not deserve it.

After processing.

A soldier quickly ran over from the front of the convoy, looking excited.

"We met a company just like us!"


Everyone was surprised.

"Where are they?" Ge Xiaolun thought it might be the armor made by the Great Black Wall. After all, he sent the drawings to the headquarters of the Great Black Wall some time ago.

"They are in the neutron village ahead." The soldier said immediately.

"Lord Xin!" Ge Xiaolun looked at Xin Zhao.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Xin Zhao didn't talk nonsense, he pulled Ge Xiaolun and led the team towards Zhongzi Village.

At the same time, in Zhongzi Village, the Xiongbing Special Forces (Blue Armor Team) also got the news that a company of soldiers with the same equipment as them was coming.

Wu Yi thought it was a member of the Xiongbing Company, so he went to meet immediately, but he didn't know that Ge Xiaolun could make armor.

The two groups of people looked at each other.

Ge Xiaolun walked towards Zhongzi Village, and Wu Yi stretched out his hand to greet him with a smile on his face.

Ge Xiaolun immediately reached out to reply, and the first wave of people successfully gathered.

In a lobby of Zhongzi Village, both parties were sitting on chairs and talking.

"Company Commander Wu, which local army are you from?" Ge Xiaolun looked at Wu Yi and asked.

"We came from Binnan area." Wu Yi replied with a smile.

"Company Commander Wu, your equipment is much better than ours." Ge Xiaolun said with a teasing smile.

From the first meeting, Zhi Xin told Ge Xiaolun that Wu Yi's armor was very different from their own.

Simply, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.Ge Xiaolun's battle armor, first, is not as simple as Wu Yi's, second, it does not have the defensiveness of substantial comparison, and third, it does not have a way to deal with wormhole attacks, while Wu Yi's and theirs have, and now the technology of the Black Great Wall is like this cow?
"On the way here, we met Mo Yu, the deputy captain of the Xiongbing Company, and he gave it to us." Wu Yi said Mo Yu without even thinking about it.

"Brother Yu? Where is he? Why didn't I see it?" Ge Xiaolun thought Mo Yu wanted to give him a surprise.

"He told us about that earlier. There was a nuclear fusion reaction at Taotie, Xiaoyu said to solve it." Wu Yi said.

"What? Taotie dares to catch my sister Na, if I can fly, I will go too." Ge Xiaolun heard the message in Wu Yi's words, and was also very angry.

"...Did nothing happen along the way you walked?" Xin Zhao immediately stumped Ge Xiaolun and asked Wu Yi.

To be honest, they all encountered a lot of problems, but most of them were caused by gluttonous or giant wolves, and all of them were solved by Yunyi.

"It was all solved by Yun Yi, by the way, Yun Yi is an angel." Wu Yi said.

"What about Yun Yi?" Zhi Xin, who had been silent beside Xin Zhao, suddenly said.

"Oh, Yun Yi seems to have gone to North Star first, and she still has companions fighting there."

North Star.
There are four angels sitting on the roof of a building in the southern urban area, and they have suffered traumas of varying degrees.

They are resting now, but their eyes are staring straight at the sky.

In the sky,
An angel is fighting with two gluttonous large fleets, and the battle is very fierce.

 〖Brightness is found by oneself〗

(End of this chapter)

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