Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 97 I think we can talk!

Chapter 97 I think we can talk!
〖Locking target distance: 91 light-years〗

Mo Yu travels through the universe, the dimmed universe still has a slight blue light, the flowing Milky Way, and the brilliant starlight set off the charm of the universe.

But human beings also see the pictures of the depths of the universe made by scientists on TV and the farthest place that astronauts have reached: Mars.

There are still many crises in the universe, meteorite turbulence, super large space junk, black holes, all these crises, except for black holes, Mo Yu is not afraid of others at all.

And there is a "super core" to draw up a fast and safe flight route for him, and black holes are not a problem.

〖Locking target distance: 76 light-years〗

"It's quite far away." Mo Yu really obeyed these gluttonous tricks, and he couldn't beat the thief who ran right and left.

And he also discovered a feature, in the few galaxies he passed by, all the civilizations were basically the highest, that is, in the era of cold weapons.

Others are either uninhabited or primitive.

In addition, the number of stars has decreased, and there is only one star between three or four galaxies for life.

Is this obviously protecting Reina's stellar energy?

"Although I can't use any dark energy, I still feel my heart is rough." Gu Yu, the supreme commander who held Leina hostage this time, walked to a mechanical door.

"The data is normal!" Deputy Commander Shi Meng manipulated the instrument, and said to Gu Yu after seeing that there was no problem.

Gu Yu nodded slightly.

The automatic mechanical door opened, and one could see Reina locked in a glass space cover.

Her hair was disheveled and flew in the air, her clothes were only close-fitting underwear including underwear, her hands were bound by two blue energy belts, and her almost flawless body was reflected in the eyes of several gluttons.

But they are beings with animal bodies, and the charm of the Kamigawa body makes them unable to arouse sexual interest at all.

"They were going to strip you off, but out of respect for the moral values ​​of Kamigawa not being naked, I also respect Lieyang Xing, so under my strong request and hard persuasion, I will keep it for you. Underwear." Gu Yu walked slowly towards Leina alone.

"What are they afraid of?" Leina was expressionless. Now she has become an evil god, and she is also the main god, so Lena felt that she should not be afraid, but those gluttons.

"They are afraid that there are some uncontrollable and strange substances in your clothes that can help you drive nuclear fusion reactions, so blow up the spaceship." Gu Yu shrugged and guessed by himself.

"Hmph" Reina snorted coldly, looked at the glass barrier that closed her, and continued: "This glass space is very considerate to me."

"We really want to have the stellar driving ability of you and the Holy Star God of War." Gu Yu paced and began to hover in front of Leina.

"No." After hearing what he said, Lena directly denied it without even thinking about it.

"Of course you won't give it, and we don't dare to provoke him, the Holy Star God of War.

So we'll just have to work hard to catch you. "Gu Yu said.

"I've already caught it, so I don't care about that much." Reina smiled.

"We don't want to touch the moral bottom line of Kamigawa."

"It's pretty good now, isn't it?" Lena glanced at her charming body.

〖Alarm. Alarm, there is an unknown powerful energy body approaching〗

"it is good"

Originally, Gu Yu wanted to talk, but the siren of the spaceship started to sound.

Gu Yu glanced at Leina first, then led Shi Meng and Yu Mu to the control room.

Lena also heard the siren, a powerful energy body?In her opinion, only Pan Zhen could be counted.

"What's going on?" Gu Yu came to the control room and asked a Taotie who was in charge of the investigation.

That Taotie manipulated the instrument in front of him, and said: "Report, we have detected a powerful energy that is slowly approaching.

Expect to arrive in no more than 10 minutes. "

"Has anyone been detected?" Gu Yu said.

"No, I only know that the target is traveling very fast, without the help of a spaceship, and there is still a lot of energy to support it as a driving source." Detective Taotie continued to talk to Gu Yu.

"Could it be an angel?" Gu Yu guessed.

But it is impossible for an angel to have such a powerful energy body. Although the people of the Fiery Sun Star can also fly at high speeds, they will not know the flight trajectory as well as this high-speed flying person.

Because angels shuttle in the universe all the year round, they promote their so-called "dictatorship", that is, justice and order, and they already know the route in the universe.

But Gu Yu didn't understand, why did the angel help the main god of Lieyang Star to establish diplomatic relations?Or some kind of benefit?

Gu Yu wasn't sure, but he didn't dare to act rashly. If he accidentally provoked this god, not only would he not be able to complete the task assigned to him by his superiors, but he might even be submerged in this lightless universe.

In order to successfully complete this mission, he took Reina to escape to a universe that is several galaxies away from the stars. If there is no precise indicator of the instrument, Reina will be trapped here, alone for tens of thousands of years .

"The information is quite sufficient, hiding so far away."

Mo Yu looked at the dim universe around him, without even a little bit of starlight, and then looked at a group of small gluttonous fleets in the distance, and continued: "There is no energy emitted by stars around, if you pair it with a gene suppressor If not, Reina may also be caught by them."

Mo Yu shook his right hand, took out the holy blade, his body turned into a beam of light and merged into the giant. Cough cough cough.
The whole body emits a slight golden light, rushing towards Taotie's small fleet.

Because he just felt a strange nuclear fusion reaction on the Taotie spaceship, although there was no sign of an explosion, it seemed to be very stable.

But because Mo Yu had been in the same team with Leina for a while, he was also familiar with her nuclear fusion reaction.

In the small gluttonous fleet.

Lena, who was locked in the glass space barrier, slowly opened her eyes, and she felt the breath of stellar energy.

She tried to absorb energy into her body, but for some reason, as soon as he used his technology to drive star energy, he felt that his body began to feel weak, even numb, and none of the energy could enter Reina's body. For her use.

〖Alarm. Alert, monitor that a powerful energy is approaching〗

In the entire gluttonous fleet at this time, the alarm had already sounded loudly.

"Report, that god is full of hostility." Detective Taotie saw the slowly rising energy warning on the screen, which had reached a dangerous level, which also proved that the god who came was not kind.

"Hurry up and activate the energy storage of the light energy barrier, charge the starlight barrier, and see if we can negotiate." Gu Yu was startled by the energy that Mo Yu burst out, and quickly ordered his men to activate the protective cover.

Gu Yu also felt as if he was blocking the way of others.

He felt that this god was a little too reckless, if he encountered someone blocking his way, he would kill him right away?
Like a male angel.

For the continuation of their gluttonous civilization, and for the great emptiness of Karl, the god of death.

Gu Yu felt that it was necessary for both parties to sit down, have a bag and drink tea, and have a good negotiation to try to resolve the dispute in this matter.

"My lord, I think we can talk and see if there is any misunderstanding."

 The new book will not be updated for the time being these days, those book lovers who are waiting for the new book can wait a little longer, I will inform you in this book when it is updated
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(End of this chapter)

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