Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 96 The Holy Star Judgment!

Chapter 96 The Holy Star Judgment! (recommended)
Looking at the menacing Taotie, Mo Yu raised the corners of his mouth, "It looks like the main force has been dispatched."

"Alright, I'll go find you if you don't mind."

Zhu Fei came in front of Mo Yu, and said in a haughty tone: "You are the Holy Star God of War? It's not too bad."

"Hehe. At least better than you bastard."

Mo Yu immediately made a move. How could a god not be angry when a miscellaneous fish was mocking a god.

He slapped across the air and called out.

A transparent force formed in the air, attacking Zhu.

〖Start the Void Engine

start parsing

Parsing complete
High-intensity space suppression energy space wall attack
start breaking down the attack

Decomposition completed〗

Zhu's use of the void engine is much better than other void fighters. The moment Mo Yu attacked him, he used the void engine to defuse Mo Yu's attack.

"It's interesting, then try this trick again." Mo Yu said charmingly.

〖Open Superchip

Void energy is being redefined
20 fps

Definition complete〗

A blue energy ball appeared in Mo Yu's palm, and he threw it towards the candle.

"Humph!" Zhu snorted disdainfully, and activated the Void Engine again.


parsing failed
parsing failed
parsing failed〗

"What?" Zhu felt panicked.

He immediately raised his hand to grab it, and he dragged a black glutton off the aircraft, and blocked the blow with the black glutton's body.

Mo Yu spat in disdain, Taotie is always selfish.

"God Killing Squad, all attack."

Zhu ordered immediately.

All the black gluttons and white mecha gluttons rushed over one after another.

Seeing this, Yun immediately flew behind Mo Yu.

"You take it and use it first." Mo Yu couldn't care about Yun Yi now, and gave Yun Yi a dagger.

"Silver blade?" As far as Yun Yi knew, there was only one silver blade left outside, and that was Sumari's. The others were all taken back by Kaisha. She didn't know where Mo Yu got this silver blade from. .


Yun also opened the eyes of insight to take a closer look, and found that it was much, much better than the silver blade, but now that the situation was urgent, she didn't ask any more questions.

"Just try to ensure your own safety." Mo Yu didn't ask Yun Yi to kill the enemy, as long as he didn't die, otherwise he couldn't explain to Yan.

"I'm not that weak yet." Yun Yi was a little unconvinced, am I that weak in your eyes as an angel who has become a god?

Mo Yuga smiled and rushed towards the oncoming Taotie.

The holy blade in his hand shone with white light, and he slashed in half.

Instantly stopped many Taotie and let them die on the spot.

〖Turn on the gene suppressor! 〗

Several mecha gluttons equipped with gene suppressors immediately activated the suppressors.

Mo Yu suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart, as if his genes had stopped being active.


〖Start parsing

Parsing complete
Target mechanized transformation of animal body life

Carrying a super gene suppressor in the body〗

'Chaoxin' completed the analysis almost instantly, and Mo Yu also knew the reason for his discomfort.

The super gene suppressor is a high technology, and it is impossible to make it at the level of aerospace technology.

〖Start parsing the target

Parsing complete
Decomposing target〗

Mo Yu immediately disassembled those Taotie who were equipped with super gene suppressors through the 'super core'.

After their bodies were molecularized, only a few spherical 'super gene suppressors' appeared, which Mo Yu could see at a glance.

Take a breath from the air.

The suppressor flew into Mo Yu's hands.

"Are you sure this thing is useful to me?" Mo Yu said lightly, and then put the suppressor in the dark space, "But I'm sure, this thing is very useful to me."

Battle on the other side.

Yun also cooperated with the ground firepower, and the fireship was shot down, and the God Killing Team also suffered heavy losses.

The speed of the angels who have become gods is not something that experienced gluttons like them can handle.

The God Killing Squad was defeated by Yun Yi and was completely defeated.

The main reason is that the silver blade given by Mo Yu is brought to life by Yun Yi, and the gorgeous silver blade shines as if it has self-awareness in Yun Yi's hands.

"Report, this angel is equipped with advanced weapons, we are no match." The captain of the God Killing Team said anxiously, if this continues, everyone in the God Killing Team will die.

"Xiao, you are equipped with Angel Strike, and you take the flame-level sharp blade to deal with that angel." Zhu looked at Taotie Xiao next to him and said.

"Yes!" Xiao immediately went to Yun Yi's direction.

"Do you think that just relying on you three gluttons equipped with void engines is like taking care of me?" Mo Yu couldn't help but feel amused, even if it was their original eight void fighters, Mo Yu still did it, and now they took the initiative to reduce one , Do you just look down on yourself like that?

"Hmph, you guys help me with calculations."

Zhu Leng snorted and ordered Mi and Yan.


〖Open the void engine (multiplied by three)
Auxiliary Glutton: Candle
Fusion core computing frame rate: 4.8 frames

Restart parsing target〗

Zhu, who had strengthened the void engine, immediately solved Mo Yu, and the result was obvious, it was useless.

〖Void-level operation detected
Interrupt Complete〗

Mo Yu used the 'Super Core' to instantly cut off Zhu's void calculation.

〖parsing failed

cannot be parsed
parsing failed
cannot be parsed
Target Core Computing Frame Rate Advanced

Interrupt operation〗

"What?" Zhu looked at Mo Yu in disbelief. The advanced calculation of 4.8 frames was not his opponent, and the void engine said that his calculation was more advanced.

"Hold him up and help us."

Zhu saw the God Killing Squad who was about to withdraw from the battlefield. They had already suffered heavy losses from Yun Yi's beating, and now they had to deal with the even more powerful Saint Star God of War.

They had no choice but rushed towards Mo Yu with the determination to die.

"what's the situation?"

Mo Yu looked at the black gluttons who were injured to varying degrees, they could obviously go to the treatment first, but why did they rush over so recklessly.

But this is a battlefield, the two sides are opposing sides, Mo Yu will not take pity on them.

He flew out with a silver wing, flying around Mo Yu's side.

Silver Wing burst out suddenly, cut through the air, and rushed towards those Taotie.

Those Taotie's bodies were instantly separated by the blades like water.

Ring Ring Ring!
Silver Wing made its unique sound effect, returned to Mo Yu and disappeared.

If Zhu has a face, it must be very ugly, but he doesn't have one, all he has is a mechanical face.

Mo Yu grasped the air on both sides of the candle with both hands, and the tiny wormholes in the air changed into a narrow space, trapping Mi and Yan respectively in it.

Clenched hands tightly.

The narrow space shrank shyly, Mi and Yan supported the space wall vigorously, and at the same time used their void engine to solve the problem.

〖Solution completed

High-speed space barrier shrink

start breaking down

one hundred and eleven percent

〖Detected that the target is relying on the low-level void engine to break down the space barrier
Deleting target compute framerate
Elimination completed
Target cannot be computed
Paralyze the target's ability to move〗

Analyzing his attack in front of Mo Yu, immediately "super core" arranged, cut off the calculation, paralyzed your movement, and let you watch yourself go to get the lunch box.


parsing failed
second analysis

parsing failed
Try a third parse

parsing failed
parsing failed〗

Zhu also used the Void Engine to help them.

Mo Yu walked towards the candle step by step, stepping on the infinite loop of space he made in advance.

"Analyze Nima."

Mo Yu walked up to Zhu, kicked him in the face, and sent him flying.

Mi and Yan also completely turned into an iron ball and fell from the sky.

Zhu immediately pulled out the flame-level sharp blade and slashed at Mo Yu.

But just relying on Mo Yu's divine body and Taotie's low-level sharp blade has no effect on Mo Yu.

Mo Yu grabbed the sharp blade, followed by throwing the candle out, and put the sharp blade back into the dark space.


Zhu still wanted to rush over, but a transparent barrier suddenly fell from the top of his head, and many void barriers appeared around him, forming a rectangle, trapping Zhu inside.


Analysis failed
try to understand

No matter how Zhu used the Void Engine, the effect did not make him helpless.

"It just so happened that I learned a new move, so I will attack you first." Looking at the struggling Zhu, Mo Yu thought of the new move he had invented, and decided to try it on him.

〖Analyzing the structure of the target substance

Parsing complete
Target Mechanical Beast Life Form

Equipped with a low-level void engine inside

Equipped with angel strike concept, super gene suppressor, low-level concept modifier, low-level physics definer, core computing frame rate: 1.6 frames

Start constructing the strike concept

Constructing the Holy Star Judgment

Construction completed〗

On the way, Zhu saw Mo Yu's eyes, and he saw something in it that terrified him so much that he gave up struggling.

Suddenly, a golden shadow with a height of 100 meters appeared behind Zhu, exuding a sacred golden light. There were many pairs of golden wings behind him, and the head of the light and shadow was wearing a helmet mask, making it difficult to see his face clearly. , holding a huge sword emitting holy light in his hand.

Light and Shadow rotated the giant sword in his hand, so that the tip of the sword was aimed vertically at the candle.

The entire giant sword stabbed downward fiercely, and Zhu's figure was instantly submerged in the brilliance of the giant sword.

〖Adjudication completed

Physically remove target〗

Guangying held the giant sword in his hand back in front of his body again, and the entire body of Guangying turned into light particles, slowly floating in the air.

"Call it off." Mo Yu clapped his hands and turned to help Yun Yi.

But he saw that Yun Yi was already standing behind Mo Yu.

What did she see just now, a light and shadow similar to the silver-winged goddess of the holy Kaisha, and it was even better than their queen's. Where did this Holy Star God of War get so many good things?

 New book "Infinite Light of Super Seminary"

  Fixed the criticism of the first book, there is no invincible system
  still under review
  Again, please recommend and collect


(End of this chapter)

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