Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 95 Entertainment: On the Basics of a Straight Man of Steel

Chapter 95 Entertainment Discussion on the Basics of the Straight Man of Steel
If you want to be a straight man of steel, without the following operations, you are not a straight man at all, and you can't even get on the side of steel.

First, the girl asks you to watch a movie, the kind of two people.

"***, can I treat you to a movie?" The girl looked expectant.

"No, I have Tencent, iQiyi, and Youku VIP. Even if it's useless, I can still use Baidu to search. Why waste the money." Straight man.


Second, girls bring you delicious food.

"***, I have a lot of extra food here, come and have a taste." The girl handed the snacks to the straight man expectantly.

"I just gained 1 catty recently, and I'm losing weight now, don't come to hinder me." Straight man.

Third, the girl goes home with you on the way.

"Wow, does your family go this way too? Mine does too." The girl was very happy.

"No, look." The straight man pointed in the direction of the girl's house and the direction of the straight man's own house,
"You see, the way you go home is Sunny Road, and the way I go home has to cross an arch bridge. It's different." After finishing speaking, he left without looking back.


Fourth, girls invite you to play in the amusement park.

"I happen to have two tickets to the amusement park here, let's go together." The girl and the straight man said.

"Amusement parks are places for parents and children. Parents usually take their children there. Do you want me to take you there?" the straight man said.


Fifth, the girl invites you to go to the beach to play.

"Isn't it summer vacation recently? Let's go to the beach to play. It just so happens that I don't own it either. You can teach me." The girl said.

"I don't know how to swim either. If the two of us go, we'll drown, so let's forget it." The straight man responded.


Sixth, girls treat you to ice cream.

"Here, I brought you a chocolate-flavored ice cream." The girl made a move.

"I'm afraid of getting diabetes, and I don't eat sugar." The straight man responded.


Seventh, girls want to go to your house to play.

"I'm going to come to your house to play tomorrow, you have to treat me well." The girl made a move.

"My house? That's great, my house will be planting seedlings tomorrow, come over here." The straight man answered.


Eighth, the girl invites you to her house to play.

"Come to my house to play tomorrow, I will treat you well." The girl made a move.

"No need, I have something to do tomorrow, but I can send my little cousin, little cousin, little nephew, little nephew, little cousin, little cousin to you to play with you (help him for a day)" Straight man Take the move.


Ninth, the girl asks you to help her with her homework.

"***, I don't know a few questions here, can you teach me." The girl made a move.

"Backgammon learning machine, where can't you click?" The straight man took out the backgammon learning machine that his little cousin accidentally stuffed into his schoolbag and gave it to the girl.


Girls still don't give up: "Backgammon learning machine is not a high school problem."

"Homework help, famous teachers will not look at which steps are online tutoring, and famous teachers will explain them in detail for you." The straight man took out his mobile phone and answered the move perfectly.


Tenth, the girl is sick.

"Drink more hot water." The straight man responded.


No.11, the girl fell while running.

"Drink more hot water." The straight man responded.


No.12, girls treat you to dinner.

"***, I want to treat you to dinner." The girl moved.


The straight man slapped the girl's face loudly.

"I still have money, I'm not a poor ghost, and I don't need you to give me money for food." The straight man responded.


No.13, girls praise you for being handsome.

"You write a great novel. You almost caught up with that great evil messenger. You are also very handsome." The girl made a move.


Straight guys shoot the next time they should.

"The Evil Envoy is my idol, and it's normal for me to surpass him.

I am handsome?I'm not so handsome, those friends who read my idol's villainous guest novels are handsome, that kind of handsomeness is beyond my comparison, I warn you again Bitch, keep your mouth clean. "The straight man said loudly to the girl.

Perfect take.



 Now I can only practice one-handed coding

  But code very slowly

  you know

(End of this chapter)

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