Chapter 94

〖start calculating

calculation completed
Angel Yun was also solved by the void engine at 2.5 frames
Set Absolute Vacuum Barriers
Remove the negative status of Angel Yunyi〗

A transparent square glass cube slowly appeared around Yun Yi who was slumped on the ground.

The pressure felt on the spiritual body gradually disappeared, and the golden light still appeared on the body.

"Huh..." Yun also stroked her chest with one hand, and let out a long breath, feeling a lot more relaxed.

"I've said it all, they are not something you can deal with for the time being, and your stubborn temper is not good." Mo Yu stood beside Yun Yi and said to her.

Yun Yi didn't speak, she just looked at Mo Yu and the four gluttonous mecha void fighters indifferently.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Mo Yu turned his head and looked at the four Taotie, his tone full of chill.

"Do you think we're Morgana's kind of lost dogs who only know to call Bichi?
We are warriors blessed by my god Karl, equipped with powerful void engines.

Even though my god Karl thinks highly of you, it still doesn't affect your weakness!

I will seize you and offer you to my god Kalka. "

Biao immediately pointed to Mo Yu and said, with a fierce attitude, he didn't think Mo Yu was very strong, although he was very strong in front of demons, but now that he had the Void Engine, it became his capital to expand.

"Carl? That so-called um... is that god who knows how to fart?!" Mo Yu thought carefully and said.

"You are only worthy of smelling the farts of my god Karl!" The four of Biao, Qi, Yu, and Feng heard Mo Yu's insult to their supreme god, roared angrily, rushed down, and swung the flame-level sharp blade in their hands at Mo Yu Yu.

The four sharp blades are the old weapons of the Angel Clan, they have long been eliminated by the Angel Clan, but they are the standard equipment for the strong with Taotie.

"That's why I fart a lot."

When Mo Yu's body was about to be hit by the sharp blade, a blue spherical shield appeared around his body to protect Mo Yu.

When the blade hit the shield, it produced a huge heat wave and shock wave.

The shock wave of the heat wave snaked around quickly, and the terrifying destructive power instantly melted the cars on the side of the road into slag, and the trees turned into ashes in an instant.

With a wave of Mo Yu's hand, he took Yunyi into his shield. Although the heat wave shock wave could not kill Yunyi, huge damage was inevitable.

When the shock wave dissipated, Mo Yu and Yun Yi remained intact in the shield.

"Stay here and see how the void-level gods compete." Mo Yu and Yun Yi said.

Turn around and fly high, flying above the height of the four void warriors. The gods do not allow lower-level people to stay higher than themselves, and the majesty of the main god cannot be violated.

Mo Yu looked at the four void fighters, the corners of his mouth curled up in disdain, and the blue light in his eyes protruded.

〖Open Superchip
Start parsing the target's void engines

Parsing complete
Eliminate energy from the target
Redefine target void engine power source
Define energy as: Taotie Homosexual Philosophy〗

Mo Yu began to look at the philosophical journey of the four mecha gluttons in front of him with great interest, and art was revived in the hands of aliens.



"I need energy, I need energy." Bow roared very hungry and rushed into the philosophical crowd.

"Well, just stand still."



"It's there, yes. Continue."

Mo Yu looked at it with a smile on his face, and occasionally covered his eyes in shame. This is simply the way of philosophy♂of aliens, for the sake of great philosophy♂.

The surrounding air gradually became anxious, the mechanical bodies rubbed against each other, and occasionally I could hear the groans of the mecha gluttonous fighters who thought they were very comfortable. Although it was more sensational than the skin, it was still very exciting to think about it.

Angel Yun also saw that the gluttons started hugging and wrestling with each other on their own, and they were still speaking the language of Kamikawa that she didn't understand, so she opened her eyes of insight and scanned the earth for this kind of behavior and this kind of language. With this recognition, his face flushed instantly.

The earth deserves to be the number one leader in the field of philosophy, and all aliens have to succumb to the field of philosophy.

"Ouch..." Mo Yu vomited directly. Although in his eyes, this was a philosophical exchange between robots, but for some reason, it just felt weird.

"Don't play anymore. If this continues, I feel that I can't keep up with nutrition." Mo Yu reached out and wiped the vomit residue from his mouth. He hadn't eaten anything before, and now he was forced to vomit again. I am afraid that he will die suddenly at home like a certain author.

You can imagine how it feels when four robots of the same type and look-alike perform passionate philosophy in front of you.

Who can stand this?

Seeing the intimate scuffle there, and the Taotie slapping the buttocks of several other Taotie, suddenly, this Taotie hugged another Taotie's ass and rubbed against his body, making an incomprehensible sound from his mouth, It sounds comfortable, but it's disgusting for old drivers.

"vomit" Sure enough, Mo Yu continued to vomit within three seconds.

〖Start parsing target data

The target is the receptor signifying life

Possess mechanical exoskeleton armor

Also equipped with a low-level void engine

Core computing frame rate 2 frames

Start analyzing the material space around the target

Constructing vacuum barriers to block target operations

Create an endless loop to paralyze the target's awareness

Remove target's kinetic energy

Parsing target body substance structure
Parsing complete
Redefine the target body material structure as: slag
Definition complete〗

Several mecha gluttonous void fighters who were 'scrambling' instantly disappeared, and their body molecules were even analyzed twice by Mo Yu, just to prevent their philosophical spirit from driving the rapid development of Earth's current philosophy.

"Xiao, Yan, Mi, you and I go to support. All the god-killing teams also go, and we must annihilate the Holy Star God of War." Seeing what Mo Yu did, Zhu felt a touch of fear in his heart. After the trip to philosophy, I was even more ashamed and humiliated, it was almost ashamed in front of the enemy.

He knew that this must have something to do with the Holy Star God of War, but there was nothing he could do.

"Master Zhu, Master Biao and the others just now..." Mi felt that he had lost all his face as a glutton, and was completely thrown away by Biao and the others.

You said that you have some special hobbies, you can play in private, why do you have to embarrass yourself in front of the enemy and let others see our gluttonous jokes?

"When the war is over, I will immediately notify my king, Howl, to remove their status as gluttons. Now you can win the Holy Star God of War for me." Zhu himself felt a little ashamed.

The four of them are simply discrediting the gluttonous civilization, causing them to lose face in front of the enemy, and even the most basic pride cannot be expressed.

"The four of us are equipped with the Angel Strike concept function and the gene suppressor. Together with all the god-killing teams, we should be able to deal with the Holy Star God of War." Zhu put away his mentality and said a little calmly.

From the Taotie mothership came down four white mecha gluttonous warriors, and behind them were many Taotie piloting aircraft.

The Taotie on the flying machine each holds a dark red blade and gun. As the name suggests, the God Killing Squad specializes in dealing with angels and gods. They are equipped with weapons that can decompose super genes, and some of them are equipped with super genes. suppressor.

 There is no doubt about the path of philosophy
  Let us fight for the great philosophy together!

  philosophy of freedom
(End of this chapter)

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