Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 93 Yun Yi Fights Void Gluttonous Warriors

Chapter 93 Yun Yi Fights Void Gluttonous Warriors

The vanguard flagship slowly advanced, and Mo Yu's expression was the most solemn.

"The Xiongbing Special Forces Team is assembled!" Wu Yi led the Blue Armor Team to gather behind Mo Yu.

"This is the first real battle of our Xiongbing Special Forces, are you afraid?" Mo Yu said solemnly.

"Not afraid! Not afraid! Not afraid!"

"You are all good, I will do my best to ensure that everyone is injured, and please be careful." Mo Yu said seriously.

He didn't know how many people would die this time, but this was a war, and sacrifices were inevitable, and the only way to reduce casualties was to arrange reasonable tactics.

"Our main target is an enemy mothership, let's arrange the tactics first."

Mo Yu walked up to the crowd.

"The tank squad is responsible for artillery fire, but once the fire is fired, the enemy will definitely attack the tank squad first, so...each tank must be protected by at least two assault infantry soldiers." Mo Yu said, looking at the rows of tanks on the right of the blue armor team.

"Snipers are responsible for fire containment and protection for teammates. At the same time, they must also pay attention to their own concealment and the enemy's snipers. Once they are found, they should switch the sniper point immediately." Mo Yu looked at the six black special weapons in the blue team. The soldier with the sniper rifle said.

"Battalion Commander Zhao and Company Commander Wu are in charge of commanding the remaining members of the Xiongbing Special Forces and other ordinary soldiers." Mo Yu said, looking at Wu Yi and Zhao Long standing in front of the team.

"Do you understand their respective tasks?"

"Understood!" The whole team shouted in unison.

"In this war, we don't know who will be the first to be shot, and we don't know who will be the first to kill the enemy, but from now on, we are comrades-in-arms." Mo Yu looked at the people with dazed and serious expressions Said.

"set off!"

With an order, everyone rushed to the street and returned to their posts.

The tank soldiers got out of the tanks, and one after another tanks slowly approached the Taotie flagship Pioneer along the street.

The sniper quickly climbed to the top of the building and put the special sniper in his hand on the concrete floor. The whole sniper rifle was painted black, and the muzzle trigger had a faint blue light. There was a black tail-like item on the butt to reduce the recoil (The Phantom Agent Gun of Baili Keeping the Promise).

"Quick, quick, this way." Wu Yi led some soldiers to run towards the left street.

"Follow me the rest!" Zhao Long led the rest of the soldiers and ran towards another intersection.

Mo Yu and Yun Yi were the only ones who were in command just now.

Yun also looked at the menacing Taotie, and eagerly said to Mo Yu: "God, let me attack!"

"No, I don't know the specific situation of the enemy void warrior, you can't take risks!"

Mo Yu put an end to it.

"It's okay, I'll lure them out." Yun Yi rushed out, holding the flaming sword, flapping her wings, and charged towards the Taotie mothership.

"I go!"

Seeing that Yun did not obey the command, Mo Yu couldn't help cursing, and then opened Chaoxin.

〖Target: Target Angel Yunyi
Guardian angel. Currently becoming a god
Added anti-void engine device for Yun
Eliminate the concept of Yunyi's Angel Strike
Definition complete〗

There is no way, Mo Yu promised Yan that he must protect the remaining angels on the earth.

After the setting was completed, Mo Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Report, found the angel!" A black-armored Taotie soldier on the Taotie mothership said to the mecha Taotie equipped with the concept of angel strike at the conference table.

"Oh, can't you bear it so soon?" He turned the mechanical neck, looked at the other seven mech void fighters sitting around the conference table and said, "Qiu, Qi, Feng, let the four of you go meet That angel, remember not to play to death, finally there is an angel for us to play hahahahaha."

After speaking, he laughed out loud, as if he saw the scene where the angel was dedicated to Karl by the eight of them.

"Yes!" x4.
The four mecha gluttons stood up, looked at the mecha glutton sitting at the head of the conference table and said, then left their seats, thinking about going outside the mothership.

"No, she is not an ordinary angel, but an angel who has been promoted to become a god. Master Biao, they may be very difficult to deal with." The gluttonous scouts you are only in charge of investigating immediately discovered Yun Yi's abnormality.

"God-level angels? It's okay, they can deal with it, otherwise they will be sorry for the void engine given by my god Karl." After hearing the news that Yun is also a god, Zhu showed a little surprise, but immediately the pride and vanity covered it up , he now only wants to capture this angel alive and dedicate it to the death card.

In the sky outside the Taotie mothership, you linger in the air and look at the huge cross. Occasionally, a few Taotie who are riding on the aircraft fly over and are chopped down by Yun Yi with a few swords.

Suddenly, Yun also saw four white mecha gluttonous warriors flying down from the gluttonous mothership, Yun also knew that the main event was coming.

"Karl's lackey!" Yun Yi said with disdain as he looked at the mecha gluttonous warrior who had already flown in front of him.

"You dare to insult my god Karl." Bow's voice said angrily, staring at Yunyi with his electronic eyes.

"Am I wrong?" Yun Yi said flatly, playing with the flame sword in his hand.

"You only deserve to smell the farts of my god Karl!" Yu couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, roared, and rushed towards Yunyi.


Yun also snorted coldly, and raised her sword to meet her.

When the flame sword and Taotie's flame and sharp blade collided with each other, a powerful shock wave was generated.

Bow, Feng, and Qi, the three Taotie were blown away by the shock wave, and took a few steps back.

Yu, who was confronting Yun Yi tit-for-tat, was instantly ejected, but Yun Yi did not back down.

Although he is equipped with a void engine, he is still too young compared to Yun Yi who is already a god.

Yun also saw that the opportunity was coming, and rushed towards Yu with a stride. The flaming sword in his hand was glowing red, covering the entire body of the sword.

Just when Yu was about to be cut off by Yun Yi, the other three Taotie couldn't sit still and rushed over together.

But their speed was not as fast as Yun Yi, who had become a god, and Yu was chopped into pieces by Yun Yi in front of them.

"Hmph! The Void Warrior is no big deal, is it? It's still as weak as before." Yun Yi shook the mecha fragments on the sword, looked at the other three Taotie, and said in a sarcastic tone.

〖Start the Void Engine

Target: God-level Guardian Angel

start parsing

one percent two percent three percent
parsing failed
restart parsing

One percent
parsing failed
Target could not be parsed〗

The bow's void engine began to analyze Yun Yi the moment it was turned on, but for some unknown reason, he couldn't analyze it no matter what.

"Feng, Qi, you two assist me!" Biao immediately said to the other two Taotie.

"Good!" x2.

Since you dare to insult my god Karl, then I will use the void engine researched by my god Karl to capture you alive and dedicate it to my god Karl.

〖Open Void Engine (x2)
Start assisting Taotie: Bow

The fusion engine is calculating the number of frames
Core computing frame rate: 2.5 frames〗

Fighting in groups if you can't beat them is timid and afraid of death in the eyes of others, but it is indeed a tactic.

"Hehe, do you think I'm afraid of you if the three of you go up together?" Yun Yi still disdains, she is arrogant...a holy angel, angels look down on warriors of other civilizations.


Suddenly, a series of gunfire sounded on Yun Yi, and the three gluttonous fireships had been waiting in the distance for a long time.

Because she didn't prepare in advance, Yun was attacked a little suddenly.

"Good opportunity!" Bow's eyes lit up.

Immediately connected to Feng, Xi's auxiliary calculation, and started to analyze Yun again.

〖Start reparsing the target


Parsing complete! 〗

Yun Yi slowly fell from the sky, and the whole body hit the ground, her expression was very uncomfortable, and she couldn't move her body no matter what.

Bow instantly felt complacent.

Looking at Yun Yi who had fallen to the ground, he said tauntingly, "Angel, aren't you very arrogant? Don't you see the void engine researched by my god Karl? It's still defeated by the void engine!"

Yun Yili stared at the triumphant bow in the sky, she wanted to refute, but she opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything.

"I didn't expect the Taotie to have so many void fighters, and the anti-void device with 2 frames of luck can't stop it." Mo Yu suddenly appeared beside Yun Yi, glanced at Yun Yi on the ground, and said calmly.

"Who is he?" Qi and the other Taotie asked.

"He is the Holy Star God of War!" Before Feng could speak, the sound of candles rang in the ears of several people.

"Holy Star God of War?" The three void warriors repeated in disbelief.

The Holy Star God of War has been praised even by their main god Karl. The combination of extraordinary combat power and complex abilities can be called first-class.

The Saint Star God of War in the seriously injured form is still powerful, and Morgana is a typical example.

The three void fighters immediately put away their complacency and looked at Mo Yu vigilantly.

Mo Yu is much more difficult to deal with than this angel, even Morgana can't get the slightest benefit from him, let alone those gluttons who have just armed with the void engine.


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(End of this chapter)

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