Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 92: Glutton strikes again!

Chapter 92: Glutton strikes again!

Baoding City.

People know that members of the Xiongbing Company are coming, and they come to watch one after another. The Xiongbing Company seems to be the only hope to save the earth.

"Big brother, here" A little girl with dusty face ran to Mo Yu from the side of the road, and handed over a small piece of bread with both hands. She looked only 12 years old.

What an innocent child, who was devastated by the war and could only be displaced.

"Big brother is not hungry, little sister can eat by herself." Mo Yu said softly, stroking the little girl's head with his hand.

"My little girl wants to feed the big brother, the big brother is a hero." The little girl looked at Mo Yu seriously and said.

"Big brother is not a hero. Big brother is a soldier. So big brother is already full. Let's eat by myself."

"But how can you have the strength to fight aggression if you don't eat enough?"


Before the little girl finished speaking, her stomach was already rumbling.

"Look, the baby's little belly has already said that it's hungry, so the little sister can eat by herself." Mo Yu said, looking at the little girl with a smile.

The little girl rubbed her stomach and looked up at Mo Yu. Although she was hungry, her mother said that her elder brother was a hero. He protected everyone from being harmed. Now she didn’t even have a place to eat, so she still Want to give the bread to Mo Yu.

"Look, girl, what does big brother have?"

Mo Yu put his hands behind his back and looked at the little girl with a smile.

"Dang dang dang."

The little girl saw that Mo Yu suddenly had a lollipop in his hand like a magic trick. He opened the lollipop in his hand, handed it to the little girl, and then took out a bag of food to her.

"Brother, there are more, and my daughter will take this home so that the family will have enough to eat."


The little girl nodded heavily, and then ran away happily.

Mo Yu was also very happy, this little girl also helped her shake the water for nearly six hundred words, bah bah bah...cough cough cough.
"Report, we haven't taken down the military garrison city ahead. The fleet we sent was attacked by angels a while ago, so...we don't know if the angels are still there." A gluttonous soldier looked at Baoding City and said to a mecha gluttonous .

Before the Taotie came to attack Baoding City, they were all killed by Yun Yi, without exception.

Now, Taotie's superiors have sent Taotie void fighters to support them, just to give them the confidence to fight back.

"Well, call and kill all the people inside. Angels are no longer a thing. My god Karl equipped me with a void engine and the concept of angel strikes. At that time, I will deal with the angels." Mech Gluttony The electronic sound slowly sounded. He crossed his legs and supported the seat handle with both hands, looking very confident in himself.

Even if he can't do it, then there are seven other mecha gluttons, they are equipped with void engines at the same time as him.

Can't fight in groups if you can't fight alone?
"Yes!" The black glutton nodded, and began to arrange personnel to attack Baoding City.

"All the god-killing combat teams are on standby, ready to kill angels at any time."

The entire Taotie fleet is full of various communication orders inside and out.

The fleet began to approach Baoding City slowly, the huge vanguard flagship cross slowly rotated, more than [-] fireships escorted around the vanguard flagship, and countless aircraft appeared frequently.

Their goal is Baoding City. They heard that there are angels in it, and the gluttons are even more crazy about it.

As long as the angels are hunted, their belief, Karl, the god of death, will equip the gluttonous warrior who hunts the angels with a void engine.

It is a symbol of the strong, and the gluttons are all warlike and like to kill.

In order to make themselves stronger, they did not hesitate to transform themselves into mecha bodies, retaining only their own consciousness and abandoning their fragile bodies, just for greater conquest.

Mo Yu who was in Baoding City suddenly felt something.

He looked up at the distant sky, as if he saw the huge cross airship right in front of him.

Suddenly the whole person became tense.

He is not afraid of the vanguard flagship, but ordinary people in Baoding City cannot withstand this level of attack. This kind of vanguard flagship seems to have more energy than in the battle of Tianhe City, and I am afraid it will not be weak.

The blue armor team can only deal with some ordinary gluttons. Mo Yu felt a trace of void power in this pioneer flagship, and I am afraid that Yun is also not his opponent.

"Battalion Commander Zhao." Mo Yu felt that within half a day, the Taotie flagship would come, so he immediately made preparations.

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter?"

Zhao Long, the highest military protection officer in Baoding City, heard Mo Yu's call and came over to ask.

"Battle Commander Zhao, the situation is urgent now. There are already a large group of gluttons coming to attack Baoding. If you just leave it to me and the angel, I am afraid it will hurt innocent people. You first evacuate all the civilians into Baoding City, and Yun and I will return to Baoding. There is a blue armor team going outside the city to stop them." Mo Yu knew that the situation was urgent now, and he didn't have much time to explain to him, so he got ready and went outside to find Yun Yi who was patrolling the sky of Baoding City.

When Zhao Long heard Mo Yu's words, he probably understood the meaning, that is, the gluttonous army was coming.

He immediately arranged for the people living in nearby villages outside the city to take refuge in Baoding City.


A huge air defense siren sounded throughout Baoding Shengli.

"Hurry up."

Many soldiers waved and led the crowd to hide in the air-raid shelter in Baoding City.

These air-raid shelters left over from the First World War are still very large, which can accommodate 15 people. Soldiers and soldiers stored a lot of food in the air-raid shelters for emergency backup, so the citizens hid in them. This gluttonous attack was more than enough.

But even if people are forced to enter, at most 12 people can be accommodated, and more than 10 people have not entered. The army can only protect the people behind them.

"Yun Yi, come outside the city soon, there is a call from the vanguard flagship of Tao Tie." Mo Yu contacted the angel Yun Yi in the angel dark communication.

"Okay." Yun also understood the seriousness of the matter, and rushed over quickly without neglecting the slightest bit.

Mo Yu looked at the menacing gluttons without much emotion on his face.

Taotie was originally an invader, they slaughtered human beings all over the earth, Mo Yu naturally wouldn't give them a choice between two paths, the only thing waiting for them was death.

"Male god, leave them to me."

Yun also felt that having her alone was enough, Taotie was just a clown in her eyes, now that she has become a god, why are she still afraid of these things?

"No, they must have gluttons armed with void engines. You can't deal with these gluttons." Mo Yu himself has the original power of the void, and it is normal to feel that other people have the power of the void, not to mention Mo Yu. The combination of anti-void and void engine 'Super Core', even Hua Ye who is armed with a high-end version of the void engine, can easily hit him, let alone these gluttonous fish who have just acquired the void ability.

"Void?" Yun Yi has always believed in the justice and order of the holy Kaisha, so she does not agree with the concept of void. Now Mo Yu has discussed the void. According to their angels, Mo Yu has violated the justice and order.

But now that Kesha has fallen, Yan is the new queen, and Mo Yu is the queen's male god, Yun also doesn't know what to do.

"Yes, now the void is no longer a secret. Karl, the god of death, has obtained part of the power of the void and made it into a void engine. Yan told me that you angels are also secretly studying the void and calling them secondary creatures to make It has become a sub-biological engine, and the angels equipped with sub-biologicals only have sacred wings." Mo Yu naturally knew the justice and order of angels, and explained to Yunyi.

Yun also nodded blankly. Although the justice and order released by the Holy Kaisa clearly forbids the angelic civilization and other civilizations to study and discuss the void, she never imagined that the queen who the angels trust and rely on the most will actually carry everyone and everything behind her back. Civilization, secretly researching the void.

"Although the angels do not allow other angels and civilizations to study and discuss the void.

I think.
But as the strongest civilization in the known universe, angels cannot lag behind other civilizations in any technology, so."

Mo Yu saw Yun Yi's confusion, and continued to talk about his conjecture with Yun Yi.

After hearing this, Yun also understood that in order to maintain the peace of the universe, angels must be stronger than other civilizations, and they must not lag behind other civilizations. Angels still know the truth of "being behind will be beaten".

Yun also understood Keisha's good intentions.

'Boom, boom, boom'

The sound of the machine roaring and turning sounded, which sounded very loud.

Mo Yu and Yun also follow the prestige.

A huge gluttonous vanguard fleet should be in everyone's eyes, and the huge cross flagship is the most eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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