Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 91 Restore Military Communications!

Chapter 91 Restore Military Communications!

Earth Huaxia Yellowstone City.

Mo Yu looked at Angel Yan who left with a dazed expression.

"Dowry?" Mo Yu understood Yan's meaning carefully, "Damn, she really plans to rely on me and treat me as a permanent meal ticket? But it's right to think about it, a powerful meal ticket, anyone can do it. want to."

Reluctantly watching Yan's disappearing clouds, Mo Yu sighed, turned around and flew back to Zhengzhou.

Yun Yi has been worried since Mo Yu left. She wanted to contact Angel Yan, but found that she couldn't get in touch no matter what. She was worried that Angel Yan would be sad if something happened to Mo Yu.

As soon as she saw Mo Yu coming back, Yun Yi immediately surrounded him and circled around Mo Yu to check if he was injured.

"It's okay, Yunyi, I went to find Yan just now."

Mo Yu said with a smile.

"Sister Yan, how is sister Yan now? Where are you now? Why didn't you come back with you?" Yun Yi immediately asked three times.Yandu is Mo Yu's future guardian angel. Logically speaking, he should develop a relationship with him, but he did not see Mo Yu coming back with Angel Yan.

"She has returned to the City of Angels, and she is needed there." Mo Yu answered Yun Yi's question in a simple and clear manner without any delay.

"En..." Yun Yi pinched her chin with one hand and nodded slowly. She still understood the importance of the matter.

"Okay, it's been delayed for a few days, let's go to the North Star." After Mo Yu and Yun Yi finished speaking, they immediately went to find Wu Yi.

Wu Yi has been training soldiers in Zhengzhou for the past few days to practice new tanks.

"Company Commander Wu, why isn't it moving?" A male voice came from a new tank.

"What did you do? If you follow the method I taught you, you will definitely be able to move." Standing outside the tank, Wu Yi said angrily when he heard what the soldiers were saying.

"I just opened all the steps that should be opened for conventional tanks?" The soldier who was learning in the tank was also a veteran of driving tanks, but he had no choice but to encounter this new tank.

"I'm going, how many times have I told you that the new tank is completely different from the previous tanks, don't apply the steps of the previous tanks to the new tanks." Wu Yi covered his forehead, speechless.Immediately climbed into the tank and opened the window on the top of the tank, "Sit and go, I'll show you the demonstration."

Then he was about to get into the tank.

"Company Commander Wu, you are ready to go to the North Star, Elder Wu Lian Wu" Mo Yu's voice came from a distance, and all the soldiers who were training paused for a moment, and then all looked at Wu who poked his head out of the window on the top of the tank. meaning.

"Finally we're leaving, these few days are really boring." Wu Yi quickly climbed out of the tank.

"Let the soldiers who have learned to teach you, I'm leaving." Wu Yi looked at the soldiers sitting on the ground waiting to learn the new tanks, and said solemnly with a military salute.

The soldiers knew that Wu Yi was here to support Bei Zhi Xing. After their commander begged, Wu Yi was too embarrassed to refuse, so he had to agree, and by the way, he could wait for Mo Yu to finish his work.

It's time for everyone to set off now. They all stood up and looked at Wu Yi with respect in their eyes.


Following an order, all the soldiers raised their right hands in unison and placed them on their right foreheads.

Wu Yi looked at the soldiers, turned around and walked away.

In the north of Zhengzhou City, at the gate of Daying.

Mo Yu stood there quietly waiting for Wu Yi, Wu Yi definitely heard his previous shout.

And behind him stood four rows of soldiers in blue armor...soldiers, their helmets covered their cheeks, making it impossible to see their appearance clearly.

Wu Yi walked quickly from the side, looked at Mo Yu and nodded, and then looked at the soldiers who were all ready to go, and nodded in relief.

The current situation of Beizhixing is unknown, and the danger must be great. If we go this time, we may not be able to reunite completely.

However, they are warriors that people respect, admire and love. Although they are not gods, they are the protectors in the hearts of the people.

"Let's go!" Wu Yi ordered forcefully, and the entire Blue Armor team stepped onto the military trucks and tanks beside them with apprehensive steps.

The convoy set off to raise a thick layer of dust, and Mo Yu sat on top of the tank.

He looked at the entire convoy, full of thoughts.

"There are still two days left, and we will soon enter the North Star. Fighting is essential. Now the communication of the whole army basically depends on roar. Let's restore the communication first."

Mo Yu said to himself.

〖Target: Huaxia Military Awareness
Extend consciousness to the special helmet for Chinese soldiers
Suitable for military communication
Start to define yourself.
Definition complete〗

There are quite a few troops encountered along the way, and they all looked at this blue armored company very strangely.

At first they thought it was organized by the enemy, but after learning about the specific situation, they realized that this was an emergency combat force established by the vice-captain of the Xiongbing Company, which was specially responsible for dealing with the alien fleet.


Suddenly, all the soldiers in Baoding City, including the Blue Armor Team, felt dizzy, and then a voice sounded from their helmets.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mo Yu, the deputy captain of the Xiongbing Company. Welcome to use the Xiongbing communicator. This communication is only for military use." Mo Yu's voice rang in everyone's ears.

The soldiers were full of praise. This can be regarded as the restoration of communication, at least the future battles will not be too difficult to fight.

Mo Yu went on to make a lot of communication servers. With the arrangement of these communication servers, you can accurately contact the person you want to contact, instead of suddenly inserting into other people's communication.

The convoy is about to enter Baoding City, and there is only one day left.

〖It was detected that a gluttonous spaceship quickly flew away from the earth and was heading to a remote galaxy. It was detected that there was a powerful nuclear fusion reaction in the spaceship, which was suspected to be the light of the sun〗

"Leina? How could she be captured by Taotie." Mo Yu fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Logically speaking, Lena can be regarded as a very strong god, even if she is injured, she will not be caught by some gluttonous scumbags.

"Give me a location to lock this spaceship."

Mo Yu decided to take a look, but there is no time now, and now he has to enter Baoding City to clear the gluttonous fleet inside, so he can only lock it first.

(End of this chapter)

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