Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 90 Angel Yan leaves!

Chapter 90 Angel Yan leaves!

Morgana is in a state of excitement.

Artest jumped out suddenly and gave her a heavy hammer.

"What happened." Morgana stopped attacking, staring at Angel Yan, a little impatient, what is more important than eliminating Angel Yan, the agent of the King of Angels.

"The Demon Fleet has been attacked and your Demon Queen Castle has been cut to pieces"

Artest hadn't finished speaking when Morgana roared angrily.

"Bichi! Check it out for me. If I want to know who did it, my old lady will definitely blow him up."

Angel Yan saw that Morgana suddenly stopped attacking, and watched Morgana curse angrily in the sky.

She immediately saw that something had happened to Morgana, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. Angels like to watch Morgana jokes the most, no matter when it is.This is learned from Keisha, it is obvious.

"Queen. Judging from various materials and attack methods, it should be Mo Yu, the Holy Star God of War"

Artest's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Damn, it's his bitch again, is he still in the Demon Fleet?"

Morgana was already gnashing her teeth, but she was afraid that Mo Yu, a lunatic, would blow up her demon fleet, so she hurriedly asked.

"The specific coordinates of the Holy Star God of War have not been found, but the attack continues."

Artest answered truthfully.

"Damn, bitch bitch."

Morgana cursed, glanced at Angel Yan on the ground, took a deep breath, retracted the devil's claws, turned around and flew into the wormhole that had already appeared and disappeared.

Seeing that Morgana had already left, Angel Yan couldn't help but let out a soft breath, and the stone in his heart fell steadily.

It's not that she's afraid of death, it's just that if she dies, the Angel Nebula will be in jeopardy. The angels have no king, and other forces will take advantage of it.

And whether Anicid has grown to the level of the Queen of Angels.

And Mo Yu, he needs love, needs to be loved, Angel Yan probably knows that Mo Yu has fallen in love with her, and she lives for Mo Yu.

"Yan, are you okay, is Morgana gone?"

Mo Yu calculated the time accurately, and when Morgana was about to leave, he saw that Yan was still connected, and immediately entered the dark communication to contact Angel Yan.

"Morgana has already left, could it be you?" After Yan finished speaking, he thought about it carefully.

No, how did Mo Yu know that I was attacked by Morgana?How did he lure jl morgana away?
"Yeah, I heard your hurt screams, so I judged that Morgana did it, and then I went to have a good chat with his Devil One, and Morgana thought what I said made sense, So I left." Mo Yu began to talk nonsense in a serious manner.

Of course, Angel Yan can't be fooled by him, she has seen a lot of seven thousand years old's fighting career, let alone the nonsense in it.

"Really?" Yan asked with a faint smile.

"Almost, that's what it means anyway." Mo Yu felt guilty for a moment.

"Great, my male god is really powerful." Yan deliberately bit the word "my male god" very hard.

"Cough, cough, don't talk nonsense about your male god.. Either that or bah bah bah. Anyway, just don't talk nonsense."

Mo Yu's face was flushed by Yan, and he stuttered a little.


Yan was teased by Mo Yu to make her beautiful.

"Okay, where are you now?" Mo Yu knew that Yan had just met the demon queen Morgana, and she must have been seriously injured by Morgana, so Mo Yu needed to go there immediately.

"I told you before. Old position, come here, I can't move now, you can do whatever you want!"

Yan still doesn't let go of any chance to tease Mo Yu.

"...Oh, I'll be there soon." Mo Yu could only pretend that he didn't hear the teasing behind Angel Yan.

After hearing Mo Yu's answer, Angel Yan hung up the communication, crawled slightly from the ground and sat on a stone nearby, and wiped off the dust and blood on her face. She didn't want Mo Yu to see her ugly self .

"Finally we meet again. Little God."

Angel Yan looked at the faint blue light emerging from the sky, she knew it was the energy from Mo Yu, and Mo Yu came.

In less than 10 minutes, Mo Yu appeared in Angel Yan's sight.

Along the way, Mo Yu didn't stop too much, and rushed towards the direction that Angel Yan said.

"Yan!" Mo Yu landed next to Angel Yan in an emergency landing, hurried to Yan's side, and asked with concern.

"Is there something wrong? Where is it hurt? Let me see."

Mo Yu began to carefully examine the blood-stained places on Angel Yan's body.

Some of the girls' private parts were unavoidable, which made Angel Yan's face flushed, Mo Yu didn't take it seriously, he didn't see Yan's shyness, and looked at it on his own.

Finally, Mo Yu saw Angel Yan's blushing receding as soon as he looked up, and also realized that he was a little too anxious, so he quickly looked away, his face was slightly red, and he was about to say something, Yan opened his mouth.

"Have you seen enough? Do you want to take another look? Shall I take off my armor and let you look more carefully?"

Angel Yan thought to himself, anyway, you will be my male god in the future, it doesn't matter.

"Enough is enough. Bah, bah, I... I didn't do it on purpose." Mo Yu lowered his head in shame.

"Kid, believe it or not, I can fly directly back to the City of Angels."

Angel Yan looked at Mo Yu, pointed to the sky and said.

"Do not believe."

Mo Yu shook his head frankly after hearing this.

Yan is now seriously injured. Although the Dabu Wan provided by Pan Zhen is slowly repairing Yan's injury, it is still difficult to fly back to the City of Angels based on this point.

"Then why don't you hurry up and replenish my energy." Yan looked at the upright Mo Yu, looking at him with a bit of hatred and said.

"Oh oh oh."

Mo Yu immediately reacted, put his hand on Yan's awkwardly, and slowly sent energy to Yan, Mo Yu didn't dare to send energy too fast, he was afraid that Yi Yan's current situation would be unbearable.

"Child, are you taking advantage of me? Just now you took advantage of me visually, and now you start to enjoy it directly?"

Yan felt that energy was being conveyed now, and she felt that after the energy entered her body, her whole body was warm, but she still couldn't help but look at Mo Yu and flirt again.

"No, I... this is giving you energy"

Mo Yu immediately became stuttering. To be honest, Yan's skin was very fair and smooth, and it felt very comfortable to the touch. Unexpectedly, Yan could see his little thoughts.So embarrassing.

"Really?" Yan Ming asked pretending not to understand.

"Then do you want to touch it?"

Yan's upper body leaned forward to Mo Yu's side, his lips were less than five centimeters away from Mo Yu, and his tone was very charming.

"Cough, cough, let's talk about the business first." Mo Yu was choked by Yan's actions, and hurriedly changed the subject.

"What are you going to do next?"

"After the energy is restored, I will return to Angel Nebula to take charge of the overall situation." Yan did not hide it, after all, this is his future male god.

"So fast?" Mo Yu was slightly disappointed.

"What? You fell in love with me, are you reluctant to let me go?" Yan said, looking at Mo Yu with a smile.

"No, I'm worried about what the angels on earth will do after you leave?" Mo Yu forced to cover up again in embarrassment.

"Soon, I will send my Tianren No. [-] to the earth for you to use. Zhixin will use it, and the angels on the earth will drag you to help me watch it." Yan looked at Mo Yu seriously, with a solemn tone Said.

Mo Yu knew the importance of the problem, and nodded solemnly. He saved the angels on earth as soon as he could, and he had no choice but to sacrifice himself.

"Wait. Skyblade No. 100? Why did you send such a big gift?" Mo Yu knew that this was Angel Nebula's high-tech Skyblade series, which could destroy the world. If it is used, the energy of the sun can be exhausted in an instant, and it is impossible to restore it to full within [-] years.

"Here you are, when my dowry is ready, I'm leaving."

After Yan finished speaking, without waiting for Mo Yu to react, he broke away from his energy transmission, spread his wings and flew, and his body turned into a fireball and rushed out of the atmosphere.

"Zui, Moi, you two have been appointed to be my sacred wings and assist me in becoming the new King of Angels."

The angel Yanma in space contacted the angel chasing and the angel Moi through the dark communication unique to the angel.



Angel Yan turned his head to look at the beautiful Blue Star Earth, and at Mo Yu in Huaxia Yellowstone City.

"Child, see you in 1000 years. At that time, you will be mine"

(End of this chapter)

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