Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 89 Angel Yan VS Morgana!

Chapter 89 Angel Yan VS Morgana!
"Yan, she's looking for me? Is she okay?"

Mo Yu looked at Yun Yi who was putting one hand to his ear in disbelief and said.

"If there's anything wrong, you'll know if you just listen."

Yun could be too lazy to talk so much nonsense with him.

"oh oh."

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked towards Yun Yi.

Yun Yi raised her head and saw Mo Yu walking towards her, she couldn't help laughing.

It really confirms that sentence, the IQ of men and women in the love period is zero.

And Yun Yi took Mo Yu as if he was in a state of passionate love with Angel Yan.

"I'll pass Sister Yan's communication channel to you now."


Only then did Mo Yu realize that he was a little impatient just now, and began to accept it with a reddish face.

〖Unknown communication detected
reservation complete

Yun also saw that Mo Yu had finished receiving and was communicating with Angel Yan, and knew that he had nothing to do next, so he left the room.


Mo Yu heard that there was no sound in the communication channel for a long time, and then he yelled himself.

"Why are children screaming so loudly? Don't worry about hurting my ears."

Yan complained about what Mo Yu said just now.

"Ha, didn't you hear that you didn't speak, let me call you."

Mo Yu also explained awkwardly.

"Is that so, why do I feel like you're taking revenge on me for what I did in Frazier earlier?"

The angel Yan knew that Mo Yu was unintentional. Ever since he was sent to the earth by Mo Yu, Yan felt that something was missing every day. Now, how could Yan miss such a good opportunity to moles Mo Yu.

"No. By the way, are you okay? I remember you were seriously injured when you were in Fraser. Where are you now? Do you need me to go over?"

Mo Yu directly pulled away Angel Yan's teasing, and started asking questions like a parent, which disturbed Yan's ears.

"I said, kid, do you like me? You care so much about me.

Well, my location is 28 kilometers north of Huangshi City, if you come over, you must let me know, so that I can let you experience the beauty of an angel's body."

When Angel Yan heard Mo Yu's concern, the corners of his mouth rose to a charming range.

"Cough cough."

Mo Yu was choked up by Yan's sudden molestation.

Just as he was about to ask something, he heard the sound of fierce fighting from Yan's side, the sound of weapons colliding with each other, and the sound of energy explosion.

Mo Yu felt his heart tighten, and said quickly:

"Yan, are you okay, what happened to you, ah Yan."

But the result was only groans and violent coughs from physical collisions with weapons.

Mo Yu could tell that it was Yan's voice.

Someone is attacking Yan.Immediately, Mo Yu's mind popped up.

"Check for me who Angel Yan is being attacked by."

Mo Yu immediately contacted Xiaochao and opened Chaoxin.

〖Traces of energy fluctuations detected
Judgment of possible energy traces

It should be the work of angels and demons〗

"Damn it, Morgana."

Mo Yu said almost gnashing his teeth.

Morgana is getting more and more swollen, and she won't let it go, this time she must know how high the sky is, how thick the sea is, and why the flowers are so red.

After hanging up the communication, Mo Yu immediately summoned his black armor to cover his whole body.

As soon as he got out of the room, Yun Yi immediately surrounded him, seeing that Mo Yu was ready to go, he asked suspiciously.

"God, what happened?"

"It's okay, it's just that someone who doesn't know how to live or die has offended me. I'll deal with it and I'll be right back."

Mo Yu said indifferently, there was no sense of disobedience in his tone, making people unable to see what was wrong with him, but he felt that he was angry.

Yun Yi didn't know either, she didn't dare to ask, she didn't dare to say anything more.

The golden-blue wings stretched out and slapped violently.

Mo Yu shot straight into the sky.

And his goal is not where Angel Yan is, he knows that Angel is not that easy to defeat, not to mention that Angel Yan has already begun to authorize the equipment of the holy Kaisha.

Blue light burst out from Mo Yu's eyes, and he opened his star eyes.

What appeared in his eyes was a huge fleet of wings, under the huge wings there was a floating mountain, and on the mountain was a castle.

〖Calculating the trajectory of the wormhole


calculation completed
Wormhole jump gate being set up


As Chaoxin's electronic male voice ended, the air directly in front of Mo Yu's flight suddenly rippled.

Mo Yu flapped his wings vigorously, rushed into the rippling air at high speed, and disappeared in an instant.

"Little Bichi, this time my mother will definitely kill you."

Liang Bing has long since ceased to be the one she showed Qiangwei, but has changed back to her own Morgana appearance, arrogant and domineering and cursing.

"I am now the king of holy angels, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

Angel Yan looked at Morgana, and an aura similar to that of the holy Kaisha burst out.

Morgana was a little taken aback.

But thinking that Angel Yan hadn't fully authorized the authority of Holy Kaisha's arsenal, his confidence suddenly came up.

"Then I'd like to see if you are a 77000-year-old little angel or my [-]-year-old demon king."

Morgana said strangely.

The left hand grabbed across the void.

A clenched demon's claw emerges from a wormhole that ripples in the sky to the left.

Morgana gave a disdainful smile, and hammered Angel Yan with her left hand.

The Devil's Claw clenched his fist and smashed the box against Angel Yan who was flying against Morgana.

Hiko waved his right hand and took out the flame sword.

Since her application has not yet been reviewed by Holy Kesha's treasure house of knowledge, Angel Yan can only fight with the flame sword now.

From the end of the sword handle to the tip of the sword, a burning red flame erupted from the entire sword body, and there were traces of electric arcs in the flame.

"Ah ah."

Angel Yan Jiao shouted, and slashed the sword in his hand towards Morgana's devil's claws through the air.

A huge fiery red energy rushed out from the flaming sword, and the energy center was no longer fiery red, but golden arc fluctuations.

When the two forces collided, there was an explosion that resounded through the sky.

The huge shock wave knocked Morgana back two steps.

And Angel Yan has just recovered, and has a new injury, and her own strength is still far inferior to Morgana, who has 3 years of combat experience.

When the whole person was hit by the shock wave, he fell from the sky to the ground like an arrow leaving the string, and blood slowly flowed out from the corner of Yan's mouth.

But Yan's face didn't change much. During the 7000 years of fighting career, she had already forgotten what fear was. In her heart, there was only the glory of justice, the preparation to fight and die for justice.

"Little Bichi, aren't you very capable, get up, get up and beat my old lady, ha ha"

Morgana mocked what she had just said.

Then he took out another devil's claw, ready to tear Yan into pieces.

But there is a good saying, the villain dies from talking too much.

And Morgana is the villain who loses too much talk.

"Queen, the demon fleet, something big happened here."

Artest's notification from the Demon Fleet in the distance rang through Morgana's dark communication.

The current demon fleet is full of sirens, and a huge energy shield envelops the demon fleet.

However, it was useless, and attacks still hit the fleet.

There are traces of explosions on the entire fleet, large and small, and some places have been bombed terribly.

Even the mountain castle under the demon fleet was divided into two or three parts. Judging from the traces, it should have been cut by a knife.

Artest and Abang use the Demon One to screen, trying to find out who is attacking the Demon fleet.

But they just couldn't find it, so it can be concluded that the other party must have more advanced technology than Devil One.

Otherwise, no one will be able to escape the pursuit of Devil One.

The only people who can do this are not many.

Only Karl, Kaisha, and the latest Holy Star God of War Mo Yu.

And now, Keisha has fallen.

Karl is again temporarily an ally of the demon.

So the only possibility is that Mo Yu is attacking the demon fleet.

When the idea was first established, Artest immediately contacted Morgana who was fighting Angel Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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