Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 88 Angel Yan recovers!

Chapter 88 Angel Yan recovers!
Near Yellowstone,
A military pickup truck drives on a winding road.

There were three beauties sitting on the pickup truck with completely different temperaments.

One is dressed in black armor, with wine-red hair, Rose, a member of the Xiongbing Company; the other is in a brown windbreaker, with huge breasts, is the demon queen Morgana, and the angel is cold; the last one has golden hair, Wearing a silver and red silver battle armor with tattered top and bottom, it was Angel Yan.

"Leina, Lena, I am Qiangwei, I am Qiangwei, please answer."

The loudspeaker on the pickup truck expanded loudly and loudly.

"Search the sun's light, search the sun's light, no target found."

A virtual template popped up on the pickup, simulating the surrounding terrain on the template, but Reina was not found.

"Wouldn't it be too blind to search in this way? It's no different from finding a needle in a haystack."

Liang Bing glanced at Qiangwei who was driving and said.

"Each member of the Xiongbing Company has a special code built in, using their own combat uniforms, they can locate each other.

But Huaxia is so big, it is normal that it is difficult to find it for a while, and the direction must be right. "

Qiangwei looked at the front intently, said while holding the steering wheel and the beautiful woman in brown clothes with both hands.

"A nuclear fusion reaction was found 28 kilometers to the north, which is suspected to be the light of the sun."

The pickup's virtual template suddenly locks on to a small target and calls out.

Qiangwei immediately looked back.

"Leina is the easiest to find, the goddess of nuclear fusion of the sun's light."

Angel Yan in the back seat of the co-pilot said calmly.

"Hope it's Lena"

To be honest, Qiangwei is not very sure, although the only people on earth who can use star energy are Leina and Mo Yu.

Mo Yu is now missing, and only Leina is left.

"Could it be a nuclear bomb thrown by you humans yourself?"

Angel Yan didn't think it was Mo Yu, at least Mo Yu wouldn't use his abilities indiscriminately to blow up people everywhere.

"Probably not, I don't know if it's because of the devil."

After Qiangwei finished speaking, she turned the steering wheel to the left, made a beautiful left turn, and drove into the road on the left.

Huaxia forbids its own country to use nuclear bombs, and it also prohibits the use of nuclear bombs in its own country.

Qiangwei still understands this very well. A few days ago, Taotie threw a sublight-speed ion shock bomb in Luoyang, and for some reason, it was pierced by an impulse.

That's why Qiangwei thinks that Taotie doesn't dare to use more than nuclear weapons in China, and the only explanation is demons.

"The devil forbids the use of nukes."

Liang Bing turned around after Qiangwei finished turning the steering wheel, and said in a very affirmative tone.

"Oh, how do you know that demons won't use nuclear bombs? You seem to know demons very well."

Hearing Liang Bing's words, Angel Yan changed the subject and asked as if asking a question.

"Ah, the demon warrior who attacked me would say that, I... you... I ask"

Liang Bing's tone froze, and he said hesitantly.

"Okay...don't say it, don't mention it, the target is 28 kilometers away, just go and see it, and speed up."

After Qiangwei finished speaking, she stepped on the accelerator, and the pickup truck roared.

There was a burst of dust on the road, and the dust slowly dissipated, and only the pickup's butt could be seen.

After a few women arrived at their destination,

They didn't see Reina, but saw a huge pothole at the destination, apparently blown up by some giant bomb.

"It seems...some little things that don't know how to live or die have provoked her."

Angel Yan looked at the big hole in the ground and guessed right.

But then Yan walked in another direction, and Qiangwei and Liangbing also consciously followed behind.

And in front of them lay the corpse of a mutated demon. There was a blood hole in the abdomen of the corpse, and it seemed that he had just died.

"If the excellence of civilization is measured by its destructive power, then the Blazing Sun Star should be ranked first."

Angel Yan looked at the corpse on the ground and said lightly.

"The specific coordinates where the sun's light was detected have been locked."

Qiangwei suddenly stretched out her right hand, and a transparent template appeared on her arm.

Qiangwei immediately walked according to the coordinates given by the template.

"Close to the target, please be careful, close to the target, please be careful"

Qiangwei looked at the template on her arm while walking, and said to the two people behind her, "Leina is less than 300 meters away from us."

Qiangwei stopped and looked at Angel Yan, and continued: "Please believe me, Reina is not that kind of person."

"I believe it anyway."

Qiangwei didn't wait for Angelyan's answer, and quickly walked towards the specific target without saying a word. She was about to see Leina, the captain of the Xiongbing Company, and she also wanted to confirm the specific situation of Leina.

Qiangwei ran to the end of the street, turned right, and shouted happily:


However, she saw a middle-aged man wearing an ancient general's armor sitting on a stone pier, holding a book of Three Kingdoms in his hand.

The process is really boring, and I am too lazy to write.

Pan Zhen took out a small object out of nowhere and squeezed it quietly in his hand.

Then he grabbed the mouth of Angel Yan who was confronting him.

The little thing slipped smoothly from Angel Yan's mouth into his body.

Seeing something unusual, Qiangwei immediately looked at Pan Zhen vigilantly.

Angel Yan's body suddenly began to emit golden light, and she herself watched the changes in her body in disbelief.

"It's. This is much more useful than Reina."

The silver armor on his body began to be repaired and upgraded, and the energy of the whole person was restored to its maximum state.

"Top secret."

Pan Zheng would not easily tell Angel Yan that this is something from Lie Yang.

"It works, hehehe Angel Yan, if you can control the future, we, Lieyang, will support you as king."

Pan Zhen threw down a sentence, and his figure turned into a golden light and flew towards the sky, disappearing.

The golden light on Angel Yan's body didn't fade away, she stood up slowly and closed her eyes.

The momentum of the whole person shook.

Qiangwei and Liang Bing, who didn't know it, couldn't help being shocked back a few steps.

Angel Yan's wings opened, and his eyes, which were also white eyes, opened.

"The angel-level dark communication system is being recast, and has been authorized by the holy Kaisha."

Angel Yan slowly flew to the sky.

"Angels who came to the earth, where are you? Now that the holy Kaisa has fallen to me, Angel Yan, I will urgently succeed the supreme commander of the Angel Nebula."

Liang Bing on the ground immediately knew from Atuo that he had also been brainwashed by Angel Yan.

I want to kill Angel Yan before she gets Kaisha's final weapon authority.

"Applying for Kaisha's armory permission, import the application information."

"Yan? Is it Yan?"

Angel Leng's voice came from Angel Yan's dark communication.

"Angel is cold, report the situation!"

Yan recalled a little, and immediately took out the queen's shelf.

"Hmph! I still need to report the situation to you?"

The angel far away in the northern star felt a little mocking. An angel who was more than 200 years older than him actually wanted to report the situation to an angel who was younger than him?

"You must obey the direct mandate of Holy Kesha."

Angel Yan's tone suddenly became tough.

Angel punched the air coldly and angrily. Although she was very unconvinced, she didn't say anything more.

"I'm on the outskirts of the North Star with three angelic sisters. There are gluttonous fleets everywhere, and now three large flagships of the gluttonous fleet have surrounded us."

"Defend the North Star!"

Before Leng finished speaking, Yan interrupted directly.

"What? Hold on? What good am I to you? Is it for the so-called holy angel."

Letting the angels with varying degrees of injuries to defend the North Star is almost like sending them to death.

"I order you, in the name of the Holy King of Angels, to defend the North Star!"

Angel Yan doesn't care so much, and directly uses the name of the King of Angels.


Angel coldly punched the air again.

Angel Yan finished the conversation with Angel Leng and immediately contacted Angel Zhixin.

"Zhi Xin, is Zhi Xin here?"

Zhi Xin who was upgrading weapons with Xin Zhao, Ge Xiaolun and the others suddenly raised his head, "Sister Yan?"

"Zhi Xin, report your current situation."

"I'm with Xin Zhao, Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, and the soldiers of the earth."

"Well, I see, help me take care of the earth."

Just when Angel Yan was about to contact Angel Chase and Angel Moy, she received another message from Angel.

"Sister Yan? Is that you, Sister Yan?"

And the owner of this voice is the angel Yun Yi who Mo Yu saved a few days ago.

"Yun Yi?"

Yan is not sure, because from the information she detected, this is an angel who has become a god, so Angel Yan asked tentatively.

"Well, I'm Yunyi."

At this moment, Angel Yun also walked out of the gate and walked slowly towards a quiet place.

"How did you become a god? Report your current situation."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Angel Yan immediately asked.

"I met the Holy Star God of War near Zhengzhou, China. He helped me and helped me advance to become a god."

Yun also told Angel Yan everything about her encounter with Mo Yu.

After hearing this, Yan was absent-minded for a moment.

She thought of the days when Mo Yu was with her when Fraser was with her, and a slight smile appeared on her pretty face.

Hiko immediately realized his gaffe, immediately withdrew his smiling face, changed the subject, and said domineeringly and mightily.

"Then where is he now, tell him to come over, just say that I want to talk to him."

(End of this chapter)

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