Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 105 Karl releases the ultimate fear!

Chapter 105 Karl releases the ultimate fear!

The angel looked at Mo Yu in a daze. The energy that Mo Yu erupted just now was very powerful, and she seemed to see the holy Kaisha.

Hua Ye was dumbfounded for a long time, this is not at the same level as himself.

Mo Yu's small mouth rose slightly to a level of disdain, and he walked to Hua Ye.

Without saying anything, Mo Yu kicked Hua Ye to the ground.

Grabbing his armor at the neckline, he said lightly: "Brother, you must think that you are awesome. You just came out of your old home. You haven't been beaten by the society yet. The society is cruel now."

Hua Ye stared at Mo Yu with staring eyes, murmured and squirmed, but there was no sound at all.

Mo Yu pulled out the holy blade, waved it, and looked at Hua Ye with his head tilted.

Holding the blade high, the tip of the sword pointed at Hua Ye's face.

"I am society!"

"Carl, are you alright!" Seeing that Mo Yu was about to punish Hua Ye, Ruoning anxiously contacted Karl, the god of death.

"It's ready, you use the wormhole to transport the Holy Star God of War to the open space, and leave the rest to... the void!" Carl said slowly while controlling a small blue and black ball.

"Fuck... ah!!" Ruoning struggled to get up, moved his hands slowly, and immediately began to calculate the wormhole.

Holding the holy blade in his hand, Mo Yu stabbed down fiercely.

Hua Ye watched with fear and anger, and he could only watch.

Suddenly, Hua Ye felt that the feeling of his body touching the ground changed.

Sure enough, what he saw was not Mo Yu's verdict and sword blade, but Ruoning's face.

Since he was overthrown by Kesha, the first choice was not to be exiled.

Instead, he was imprisoned by Kesha. After all, Hua Ye was the only man in the entire Super God universe who wanted to put Kesha to sleep.

Who is Kaisha, the king of the gods, Hua Ye not only wants to tarnish the chastity of the king of the gods, but also the kind of permanent occupation.

At that time, Hua Ye and the others were defeated, defeated by Kaisha and their three kings' coalition forces.

When she was imprisoned, Kaisha wanted to execute Hua Ye directly, but that was the beginning of a new civilization.

Kaisha decided to regard Hua Ye as the first negative teaching material for the beginning of the angelic civilization in the new era, and decided to execute Hua Ye in public when she ascended the throne.

While preparing to ascend the throne, Hua Ye has been conspiring with other male angels to escape.

It just so happened that the angel guarding Hua Ye was Ruoning.

At that time, Ruoning, you could be regarded as a young girl with a spring heart... En!A little girl whose heart sprouts at the age of hundreds of years.

Hua Ye immediately started his unique method of flirting with girls, and all kinds of nice words came out endlessly.

In addition, Hua Ye was good-looking when he was young. Because he is of royal blood, he still has a unique temperament on his body, which makes Ruoning feel that he is different from other male angels.

Finally, Ruoning fell, and she fell in love with Hua Ye.

During Kaisha's enthronement ceremony, Hua Ye escaped, and Ruoning stood in front of Hua Ye, watching him fly out of the City of Angels.

"Hua Ye! You can never escape."

"I have no intention of leaving, it's just that the current City of Angels can't accommodate me for the time being... Do you want to go with me?"

"I'm an angel, how could I be with you scumbags!"

"Really? I'm in the *** galaxy. If you have time, you can come to me."

"Why tell me the location, aren't you afraid that I will tell Queen Keisha?"

"I believe you won't." Hua Ye walked up to Ruoning, ignoring the weapon in Ruoning's hand.

An affectionate hug hugged Ruoning, followed by a strong kiss like a domineering president.

Ruoning is like a little girl being kissed, first struggle for a while, since she can't resist, then enjoy it slowly.

The lingering warmth in the corner of his mouth slowly dissipated, and when Ruoning opened his eyes, Hua Ye had already slipped away.

The screen returns to the battle.

When Hua Ye heard that Ruoning was in danger, he rushed over without stopping.

Ruoning is also his only female angel in the past 2 years.

Just like Hua Ye's wife, Hua Ye has slept with her for tens of thousands of years.

As the saying goes: if you cultivate for a hundred years, you can cross the same boat, and if you cultivate for a thousand years, you can sleep together.

In addition, Hua Ye needed Ruoning's guidance when attacking Melo Heaven, otherwise he would not even be able to see the hair of Melo Heaven. Now that Ruoning is in trouble, how can Hua Ye just sit idly by.

I just didn't expect it to turn out like this.

"Why are you in a daze?" Ruoning saw Hua Ye was in a daze, and kicked him angrily.

"Is there any way? If not, we will die here together." Hua Ye immediately recovered, and He Ruoning asked.

"Wait, the old boy Karl, the god of death, will release the ultimate fear that destroys our king, the holy Kaisha, to deal with him. Let's stay away." Ruoning was afraid that Mo Yu would hear what he said directly, so he used her and Hua Hua to deal with him. Said in Ye's private channel.

"The monster that killed Keisha? That's great!" Hua Ye showed surprise.

"Don't use 'dry' to describe the fall of our king Kaisha." Ruoning said forcefully.

"Okay, okay, wait until that little bitch is taken away by that unlucky kid Karl." Hua Ye was helpless because Ruoning still had the mood to emphasize this at this time.

"You accidentally got him over there..." Mo Yu turned around slowly, and said in an unhurried manner.

"The last struggle before death?
Then you should struggle hard. "Mo Yu glanced at Yun Yi and Angel Leng.

It's okay for the angel to be cold, but the energy is lost, and the body is seriously damaged. If Mo Yu's energy is relied on, he can recover quickly in a short time.

Yun Yi is more serious, the angel gene has been necrotic, and the genetic system has been severely damaged. If it wasn't for the little bit of energy that Mo Yu gave Yun Yi when he was promoted to the god body, he could have started a long time ago. Upload your own story now.

Mo Yu snapped his fingers casually.

The energy was sent into Leng and Yunyi's bodies.

The wounds on Angel Leng's body began to glow with golden light, and the armor and wounds began to heal automatically.

Yun Yi just saved her life first, and if she wanted to be cured completely, she needed to use the Void Controller.

The top priority now is to deal with the two jumping clowns in front of me.

"I'll cure Yunyi later, I'll deal with you first." Mo Yu turned his head and slowly looked at Huaye, Ruoning and the others.

"Carl, are you fucking alright?"

"Well, the ultimate fear is over!"


In the sky, the weather is changing.

One second the sun was shining and the clouds were fluttering, and the next second it was gloomy.

A big 'ghost face' suddenly appeared high in the sky.

It has a skeleton-like shape, and the entire exterior has only the shape of a skull. It has no skin color, and its skin color depends on the color of the surrounding weather.

It's just that its mouth and eyes are filled with a dim void, making it impossible to see through.

This is the ultimate fear that led to Keisha being brought to the Emerald Star region.

A powerful void creature from Karl's Theory of the Void.

Guided by Karl, it came here to find a white-haired warrior, and devoured him as its own fertilizer.

Ultimate Fear quickly found the designated person, staring at Mo Yu with empty eyes.

With a strange cry, it swooped towards Mo Yu with its mouth wide open, enough to swallow Mo Yu and Yun Yi and Leng beside Mo Yu.

Mo Yu became very nervous since the weather changed suddenly.


 A chapter written overnight

  so tired!
(End of this chapter)

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