Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 106 Newcomer!

Chapter 106 Newcomer!

Mo Yu's sense of oppression is getting bigger and bigger, and the sense of crisis behind him erupts.

Without even thinking about it, he dodged as fast as he could, and happened to escape the engulfment of ultimate fear.

"Ruoning, let's go first, the ghost knows if this ultimate fear can be defeated, and it is turning its target towards us..." Hua Ye and Ruoning said, and then looked at the wounds on themselves and Ruoning, "I think His attack must have had some effect, and now I feel like my body is about to fail."

"Well, let's go to Karl first to see if he can cure us, and then ask him for a void engine that suits you." Ruoning said.

"What the hell is a void engine?"

"You will know it after you equip it."

The two took off slowly, Ruoning immediately ran the wormhole, and the two flew in.

In the end, he was frightened and found that he hadn't bitten anything, shook his head, and flew back to the sky slowly.


There was an incomprehensible sound from his mouth, and he looked at Mo Yu on the ground.

"Hey Xiaoling, where are you!" Mo Yu immediately contacted someone.

"Brother Yu, I'm evacuating people at the North Star Center."

At this moment, a black-haired and black-armored soldier in Beizhixing said to Mo Yu as he looked at the crowd who were quickly retreating to the rear.

"I'm in a little trouble here, it's a little tricky, come and help me, my coordinates have been passed on to you." Mo Yu dodged to the left, dodging the attack of ultimate fear.

"Okay!" The black-haired and black-armored warrior nodded, jumped towards the sky, opened the mechanical wings on his black-armored back at a height of ten feet, and flew towards the direction given by Mo Yu.


Seeing that Ultimate Fear attacked again, Mo Yu cursed secretly.

Spreading its wings, it kept dodging the attack of ultimate fear in the sky.

"Xiao Chao, what the hell is this thing?" Mo Yu really didn't know how to deal with it, so he contacted the system.

〖Analyzing the target substance

cannot be parsed
Determine the source of the target

Styx Galaxy: Academy of Death〗

"I'll fuck you, dog bi Carl, I'll settle the score with you after I kill this bastard first!" Mo Yu cursed rarely.

"Quickly continue to analyze the solution to this ghost thing."

〖Substitute into Superchip database
start parsing

Parsing complete
The target is a product of large-scale astronomical computer calculations〗

"Then what is the goal of his calculation?" Mo Yu asked while hiding away from the ultimate fear.

〖Void! 〗

... Fuck! Just as Mo Yu asked about the solution, Ultimate Fear opened his mouth and rushed over.

〖The control of the celestial computer can be achieved by interfering with the target,
Causes Sims to pause briefly for 10 seconds,
So kill it! 〗

"If Karl manipulates it, it should be a big clock. Can my 'ultracore' do it?"

You know, the big clock is not one of the most powerful astrocomputers in the known universe.

It not only contains the most abundant knowledge of the entire universe, but also some unique interpretations of space to void.

It can even be said that even if the Death Song Academy and all the celestial computers are destroyed, the big clock can't move it a bit.

It is so important that the knowledge in him pertains to the entire known universe.

〖able!But only for ten seconds. 〗

"Understood!" Mo Yu nodded, looking up at the ultimate fear staring at him.

〖Don't let the behind-the-scenes manipulators discover the abnormality. If the behind-the-scenes manipulators take precautions, the 'super core' will be useless. 〗Xiao Chao reminded.

Mo Yu nodded. He looked at Angel Leng and the others, knowing that the next battle might affect them.

So they were sent to the top of the building five kilometers away through the wormhole.

"Brother Yu!" The black-haired and black-armored warrior flew over from afar and stopped beside Mo Yu.

"Cut who?" The black-armored soldier spoke concisely.

In short, whoever provokes my brother, I will kill him!

Mo Yu looked at him, and pointed to the ultimate fear that was a little dazed.

What's going on, the legendary buy one get one free...but it's okay!

"'s right..." The black-haired and black-armored soldier got smaller and smaller as he talked.

This doesn't mean a little trouble, this... the sky is about to fall.

"Brother Yu, where did this monster come from?" the black-armored warrior asked, taking out a silver-white sword blade and holding it in front of him.

"How do I know, it's not a good thing anyway."

"Then how do we fight?"

"Its main target is me. You are responsible for containing it. I will calculate its weakness and give it a fatal blow." Mo Yu and the black armored warrior said.

"it is good!"


With a howl of ultimate fear, it opened its big mouth of nothingness and rushed over.

"I'm on it!" said the black-armored warrior and rushed over.

Mo Yu immediately turned on the 'Super Core' to analyze the big clock and try to stop its operation as soon as possible.

〖Entering the dark plane
Open the ultracore operation board

Substituting the highest superchip intellectual property rights

Person with highest authority: Holy Star God of War

substitution completed
start parsing

Target: Large Astrocomputer: Big Clock
Core computing frame rate: ?

start parsing



Mo Yu closed his eyes, clasped his left hand into a claw, and his consciousness entered into the dark plane.


The black-armored warrior Xiaoling controls the floating blade to stab the ultimate fear.

At the same time, Xiao Ling has to keep up, after all, he is still a super soldier who has just activated the super gene.

But his talent is much stronger than other fighters in Xiongbing Company.

Since the day Mo Yu was going to save Leina, he met Xiao Ling, and Mo Yu found that there was a super gene in his body, but it was not activated.

Mo Yu explained the situation to him, and Xiao Ling understood the situation very well, and agreed to hang out with Mo Yu.

However, due to time constraints, Mo Yu gave him a set of black armor and a silver blade, and taught him the technique of wormhole transportation by the way.

Unexpectedly, during the time between Mo Yu's departure and his return, Xiao Ling had already become so proficient in his functions.

His physique has also reached the level of a third-generation super soldier. As long as he has enough energy, he can immediately be promoted to a generation of gods.

But it's a pity that he can use the silver blade very well, but he doesn't control the distance, and is only limited to short-range operations.

Just when the silver blade was about to hit the brow of the ultimate fear.

The ultimate fear turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

bell bell~~
Silver Blade had no target, and stayed in place in a daze.


But it appeared in front of Xiao Ling in the next second, and its huge mouth was close at hand.

Then bite down.

There was a drop of cold sweat on Xiaoling's forehead behind Ultimate Fear.

This is simply a life-threatening, too scary.

If it weren't for his wormhole transport technology, he could transport himself out in time.

Otherwise, he will say Goodbye to this world.

But the opportunity should not be missed.

He quickly manipulated the silver blade to pierce through the back of Ultimate Terror.


The ultimate fear roared.

Abandoning its target Mo Yu, it slowly turned its head and stared at Xiao Ling.

The facial movement of the head is distorted to a '囧' amplitude.

Xiao Ling swallowed, sweating coldly.

"Is it too late for me to apologize now?"


 Black Armored Warrior: Xuan Ling
  Played by the book friend Zhinian〖Xuan Ling Si Leng〗…

  Thanks for the support!

(End of this chapter)

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