Chapter 118 Star!

Merlot Heaven
Yan has passed Hexi's test, and Hexi has temporarily recognized Yan's position as the Queen of Angels, and personally granted King Yan the costume and weapons.

"Do it in your own way." He Xi said looking at Yan.

"Are you willing to help me?" Yan and Hexi asked.

"I'm not a fighting angel. In comparison, I'm more suitable for research, and I still need to sit in the Melo Heaven..." Hexi rejected Yan's request. Hexi is the highest in the entire Melo Heaven except Kaisha An angel with combat power, but Hexi is unwilling to leave, "There are many civilizations that are not good for angels, gluttony, demons, and the latest Huaye gang, I don't have time to help you."

Now that Kesha has fallen, the angelic civilization is undoubtedly the biggest sweet potato in the entire universe. The angelic civilization has a heritage of 10 years, and Kaisha is the pillar of the entire angelic civilization.

Hexi knew that once Kaisha fell, the true civilization would definitely become the target of public criticism, Hua Ye and other male angels of the older generation would all contribute collectively.

With Hua Ye's personality, he is bound to take back his Tiangong, and the Tiangong is hidden somewhere in Merlot's Heaven by Kaisha. Hua Ye will definitely lead the army to fight back.

Hexi couldn't leave Tiancheng at all now.

"Okay!" Hearing Hexi's words, Yan Yan said decisively, the current Angel Yan is going to gather those angel warriors who believe in him, and then send them to the earth together with his Tianren No. [-], and then inform Mo Yuqian to meet.

It's better to say to rescue than to welcome, now all around the earth is full of gluttonous fleets, Tianren No. [-] breaks into the 'hive' alone, and it is bound to attack in groups.

Moreover, Taotie was armed with the void engine given by Karl, the god of death, and added the concept of angel strike. Tianren No. [-] could not resist the attack of Taotie at all. At this time, Mo Yu had to go to the rescue.

Angel Yan himself led his guardian angel Qingqing to Fraser alone to personally protect the growth of the angel crown prince Anisid, who was selected from the knowledge treasure house of the holy Kaisha.

At present, it seems that Melo Heaven has enough top-level warships, and the Tianren Seven is not bad, but the angels on Earth really need the help of the Tianren series.

In the main hall of Tianren No. [-]

Yan stood in front of the throne, wearing a king-level battle armor with a cloak and velvet, staring at the thousands of angel warriors in front of him.

Most of them are recruits. After learning about Yan's exploits, they become Angel Yan's supporters and decide to follow Angel Yan to the earth.

"Let's go!" Angel Yan gave an order, Tianren No. [-] started slowly, slowly pushed out of the berth, and left the flight path of Melo Heaven to go to the earth in the Milky Way.


〖Connecting to Superchip knowledge base
connection complete
is substituting the genetic code of the holy angels

substitution completed
Start trying to unblock the sacred coding ban


lift complete

Sure enough, the angel authority possessed by the holy angel is no lower than that of the king of angels.

Of course, this level of genetic authority lock sacred wings can also be lifted, after all, the sub-biological engine is not a joke.

Zhi Xin's ability is limited now, and Yan is in the Angel Nebula, so the fact that he can't fly has been hindering Ge Xiaolun.

Ge Xiaolun opened the black wings that he hadn't seen for a long time, felt it slightly, and found that it was still the familiar formula and the familiar taste.

"Okay, it's over..." Mo Yu said to Ge Xiaolun, and then turned to look at Zhao Xin and the Zhixin couple, "Tianren No. [-] should have already set off, and it will reach the outer reaches of the Milky Way in about five or six days. Not in a hurry………"

"Xin Zhao, you take Zhi Xin outside to play first, to distract yourself, so that time will pass faster." Mo Yu and Xin Zhao said.

" daughter-in-law, let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food..." Xin Zhao said dotingly and heartily.

Zhi Xin nodded, and the two walked out of Mo Yu's room very happily, dog food was everywhere.

Mo Yu and Ge Xiaolun were left alone to watch them show their affection, and Mo Yu made an expression of disgust.

"Brother Yu, I'm used to it. I've already seen it." Ge Xiaolun naturally saw Mo Yu's envy.

Since the day Ge Xiaolun was rescued by Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin and others, his nightmare began.

No matter what time of the day, you will have a bite of dog food in your mouth for no reason. It is just like the dog food that someone else forcibly stuffed for you, sweet and unpalatable.

"..." Mo Yu was overwhelmed by Ge Xiaolun's perseverance. How did he manage to be immune to being force-fed dog food every day?

"I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Ge Xiaolun turned around and left. He originally came to Mo Yu to solve the problem of the wings. Now that the problem is solved, he can also go to Leina to think about how to solve this problem. problem.

"Brother Yu, do you know where Sister Na is? I decided to have a good chat with Sister Na, and try to resolve this matter well." Ge Xiaolun stopped in his tracks, turned around and asked Mo Yu.

"I don't know... Don't worry, Lena will come back to find us when she has figured it out." Mo Yu said.

Reina is not a reckless god, the right and wrong and good or bad of the issue, Reina must be sure.

Mo Yu knew that Leina was kinder than anyone else in their army, and it was impossible for her to act aggressively.

"Okay, that's the only way to go." Ge Xiaolun nodded slowly, turned around and returned to the barracks to continue his work.

Mo Yu is not as idle as they are, he still has this important technology to complete.

Astrocomputers are incomparable to supercomputers. Supercomputers can be made very easily, but the requirements for astrocomputers are very strict.

Mo Yu has learned everything about the astrocomputer.

However, building an astrocomputer requires simulating a frame structure first, and it happens that Mo Yu's 225-frame core computing 'super core' can be fully realized to build a material frame.

'Supercore' can change the material conservation of energy, so that it can be completed in a very short time, and there is no need for those factories to spend several years to complete this project.

And with the data copied from the 'Supercore' knowledge base and the big clock for calculation and production, the finished product is definitely a very powerful astronomical computer.

"Okay... without further ado, let's start right away!"

Mo Yu did what he said.

The consciousness of the whole person entered the dark plane, and opened the operation interface platform of Chaoxin.

A series of white and blue devices climbed up to look like a pair of wings, and Mo Yu stood at the center of the pair of wings.

〖Start the super core engine

Open the Superchip exclusive operation interface
waiting for data access

Open Ultrachip Knowledge Base

Person with the highest authority: Authorized by Saint Star God of War

Start to connect to Ultrachip's exclusive operation interface

Data access complete
start handover


Mo Yu stood with his eyes closed at the center of the 'Supercore' exclusive operation interface, surrounded by many green and gold numbers and symbols floating around.

〖Handover complete! 〗

Mo Yu opened his eyes, left the dark plane, and shook his hands.

A light blue ring object appeared in his hand. Four rings of different sizes will rotate on a straight column in a staggered manner, which looks a bit pleasing to the eye.

"This is the celestial computer?" Mo Yu threw the computer into his dark space.

The moment he let go, the astrocomputer began to grow larger, reaching a size of 10 meters high and 6 meters wide in an instant.

The celestial computer suddenly emitted golden light, and the golden lines intertwined and stretched out, forming a model of a cosmic tree.

"...Yes, very good!" Mo Yu felt that the appearance of this celestial computer was in line with his aesthetic standards.

〖Connect the data "Big Clock ([-])"

Access the Superchip knowledge base data
Starting Astrocomputer

Please name:〗

"Choose a name?" Mo Yu said, to be honest, choosing a name is not difficult, but simple is not easy.

"Just call it 'Star'!"

〖The naming was successful! 〗

Mo Yu looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, feeling like a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at it, the more pleasing it is to the eye.

"If you want to fully start using it, you will definitely need energy. It seems that you need to find an unmanned star as an energy body to charge the 'star body'."


(End of this chapter)

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