Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 119: Ou Chi Spear!

Chapter 119: Ou Chi Spear!
The celestial computer "star body" has been completed, and all the data has been connected in, and various indicators have exceeded Mo Yu's own expected standards.

Now it's just a matter of energy.

"The idea mode that does not consume energy, if I don't know that technology, now I can only find an uninhabited star for the energy source of the 'star'." Mo Yu looked at the golden light compiled in front of him. cosmic tree.

"There is still a little energy left, it can be used for a few days, let's find an empty star first..."

After Mo Yu finished speaking, he held the cosmic number with one hand, and expanded and enlarged the entire cosmic tree model with both hands at the same time.

The location of the Milky Way in the cosmic tree model was quickly found.

"Extend the search for uninhabited stars from the center of the Earth in the Chiwu star system of the Milky Way to the outer periphery."


search complete
Thought your markers corresponded to stellar coordinates


The Milky Way in front of Mo Yu's eyes gradually shrunk, and seven brighter red dots appeared around the Milky Way in the model.

The nearest is only 5 light-years, and the farthest is only 21 light-years away.

'Stars' gives the remaining lifetimes of these stars and their respective data intensities.

Among them, there happened to be one star that met Mo Yu's criteria.

With both hands, he slowly zoomed in on the one he selected, and a white star was exposed to Mo Yu's eyes as a whole, called the White Star.

It exudes strong solar energy, fully in line with the source of energy of the 'star'.

According to the preliminary calculation of the "star", all the solar energy of Pyridax is at least enough for the continuous operation of the "star" for 10 years.

This is only the result of preliminary calculations. According to incomplete statistics, the usage of the maximum amount of solar energy can be used by the 'star' for more than 35 years.

This has exceeded Mo Yu's expected time. Originally, Mo Yu thought that it would be 5 years or 9 to [-] years, but he didn't expect to have unexpected gains.

"Mark the specific coordinates of the Baiji star and send it to me!" Mo Yu was a little eager to try, and he wanted to set off immediately.

Mo Yu just wanted to leave the dark plane, but he saw something that made him both love and hate.

Following Mo Yu's gaze, one can clearly see a very large box.

Bonus box!

Very big ones!

It can be completely bigger than the spaceships of the Sky Blade series.

Mo Yu knew where this box came from without even thinking about it. It must have been given to him after he fulfilled some special conditions that he did not know before.

When I think of my only previous experience of opening the box, it is simply unsightly.

It was a medium-sized box, and seven small boxes were stuffed into it abruptly.

Then this very big box will kill him, who knows how many small boxes are hidden in it.

So, Mo Yu made a very wise decision.

not open!

No matter what tempting prizes you have in you, or some awesome weapons, in a word, don't try to trick me.

From the corner of his eye, Mo Yu saw a small box with a '?' printed on it. 'symbol.

"Hehe, it's changed..." Mo Yu gave up his previous determination.It smells so good!
Walking up to the small box, he picked up the small box and shook it by his ear, but the huge box next to him ignored it.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the things that come out of this small box are not bad, even if the big box is too deceitful.

The last time Mo Yuchao was so angry that his heart slowed down, his head started to feel dizzy, his hands and feet had inexhaustible strength, and he wanted to hit someone...

In order to maintain his good morals, Mo Yu decided to ignore the 'Big Mac' box for the time being.

Bring your hands to the opening of the box.

just about to open
His hands stopped involuntarily.

"No, although my former Ouhuang temperament was very good, but I don't know if it is still there after so long. I have to make preparations in advance." Mo Yu patted the box and said while holding the box in his arms.

Then he left the dark plane without any hesitation, without the slightest sloppiness, and the big box fainted from crying.

Big box: You can't misunderstand me just because there is a little turtle grandson lying to you in front of you. I have a big baby inside, a super high-tech thing...

Mo Yu returned to the room, threw the box on his bed, and then lay down with him, lying on his sofa in a paralyzed manner and staring at the box.

"..." Mo Yu suddenly started thinking about something.

"...Yes, that's it!" After thinking about the question, Mo Yu stood up directly, ran to the closet quickly, picked out his favorite clothes and held them in his hands.

Then he took the black armor back into the arsenal, and took off all the underwear under the black armor.

Standing in front of the mirror and looking at the little sweat on his body, he said, "No, it's too dirty to wash."

Throwing his old clothes into the washing machine, he headed back into the bathroom and began to clean the dirt on his body.

Especially the two places of the palm and the face, which are also the two most important places.

After more than 40 minutes of cleaning, Mo Yu came out wearing his favorite white T-shirt and white patterned jeans, his face was reddish from rubbing, and it didn't go well with his white clothes.

Just now Mo Yu completed the two most important steps, in order not to have the back of his hands and black face.

A white dress is simply the representative of the European Emperor.

Mo Yu solemnly sat down on the sofa and put the box on his lap.

After taking out his mobile phone, he chose a song that only the Emperor of Europe can use.

"Good Luck"

Mo Yu rubbed his palms eagerly, and clicked the button to play the song.

"Good luck to you

good luck brings joy and love

Accompanied by the Buff bonus of the song that was full of luck, Mo Yu suddenly felt that he was the Emperor of Europe.

Everything is ready, just unboxing.

Stretching out his hand in front of the box, he slowly opened the lid of the box in fear.

Then he suddenly lowered his head below the parallel line of the box, just unable to see the scene inside.

Then slowly stretched his hand in, trying to judge what it was based on his first touch.

click click click~~
As a result, only the sound of the object came from inside.

Mo Yu's hand touched several stones, these stones were not too big or small, just about the size of a fingernail.

Conscientiously and carefully, he continued to touch it. No matter how many times he touched it, Mo Yu felt that it was a pile of stones.

Suddenly my heart became cold.

Slowly raised his head back to the top of the box, and saw the colorful 'stones' in the box, and became curious.

Could this be the legendary priceless gem?

"But what do I need this money for?" Mo Yu felt that the priceless gems could only be exchanged for money, but Mo Yu's family was a big chaebol, and the most important thing he needed was money.

Looking at the nine colorful gems, the nine gems represent nine colors.

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Gold Pink White

But Mo Yu became more and more confused.

"Xiao Chao, what kind of stone is this?"

Mo Yu, who has nothing to do, can only ask Xiao Chao for help, but what he has seen and heard is very little.

But what Xiaochao showed made Mo Yu feel that things were not easy.

〖Damn Europeans

eat me a spear! 〗


 Xiaoshi, in order to make up for the expectations brought to you by "Infinite Light", I can only introduce the abilities of the nine gems to you in the follow-up here.

  This is also to make up for my own regrets

(End of this chapter)

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