Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 12 The Fifth Generation Divine Body

Chapter 12 The Third Generation Divine Body

In the system training space

Mo Yu is soaring into the sky.

"Wow! It feels really good to fly." Mo Yu said from the bottom of his heart.

I used to watch TV, and I was very envious when I saw flying heroes on TV, and I envied their flying skills.

Ordinary people have the idea of ​​conquering the sky, wanting to experience the wonderful feeling of flying, and wanting to fly in the sky themselves, and then invented various inventions such as airplanes, rockets, and helicopters to help people realize their dreams.But people were still not satisfied, and finally invented the flying machine.

The aircraft was once again seen by the state and turned into a weapon to harm the people and be used in wars.Later flying became a luxury.

'Di!Ask the host to destroy in one day: 20 boulders with a height of 10 meters and a width of 1000 meters.Reward: The third generation god body upgrade method'

. . . . . . . . . . .

'Di!The task is complete, the rewards have been issued, please upgrade the host quickly'

"The system, the old rules, the shielding signal is helping me upgrade."

'Yes. Completed, ready to upgrade'

"Okay, upgrade me to the third generation divine body"

Mo Yu felt that his body was being transformed by something.

Mo Yu was a little scared, afraid that he would be transformed into a robot, so he hurriedly asked, "System, I won't be transformed into a robot by you, right?"

"No, this simple transformation will only transform the host's body into a third-generation divine body, similar to Morgana many years ago."

About an hour later, Mo Yu was a little bored, "How long will it take!"

"Remodeling will take 10 hours, please wait"

"Damn, it will take more than 8 hours, I'd better play computer!"

. . . . . . . .

The next day

'jingle!bell!bell! '

Mo Yu sat up on the bed, took the phone and connected, "Hello, who is it?"

"Your Excellency, I am Ajie who met you in the coffee shop. I am downstairs at your house, picking you up to Super Seminary." Ajie said.

"Oh, wait, I'll come right away, wait for me to clean up." After speaking, he got up and started to clean up.

About 30 minutes later, Mo Yu dragged his suitcase and walked out of the gate.

Seeing the windows of the black monster on the road being lowered, "Your Excellency, here"

Mo Yu threw the suitcase into the car, sat on the passenger seat, and said, "Don't call me Your Excellency."

Ajie nodded, "Okay, let's call him Xiaoyu."


After finishing speaking, Mo Yu ignored Ajie who was concentrating on driving, and then communicated with the system, "Is my third-generation divine body upgraded?"

"All right"

"All right"

Mo Yu leaned on his seat, closed his eyes and meditated, and said to Ajie, "Here we are, call me."


. . . . . . . . .

for a long time
"Wake up! It's here." Ajie patted Mo Yu's shoulder.

"Huh? Oh good." Mo Yu rubbed his eyes and got out of the car with the suitcase.Look at this gate, which is bigger than an ordinary university, and the four characters "Super Seminary" are written on the gate.

Ajie: "This is the Super Seminary. When you enter the door, turn right and someone will welcome you."

"En." Mo Yu heard the words, and walked into this super seminary without looking back.

Come in
Mo Yu feels that this is better than the top universities in the world. The spacious roads, various flowers and vegetation, can smell a fragrance from a long distance.It is also because the Super Seminary is located on the outskirts of Juxia City, with fewer people, but you can also see fewer students and teachers, and it is quite different from the original book.

Turn right
On a roadside bench.
The beauty in the red-haired leather jacket and sexy jeans was sitting with her head down and playing with her mobile phone. It was Qiangwei.But the only difference is that Qiangwei seems to be beautiful again, she should have taken the pills given by Mo Yu, and she has become more perfect, more goddess. If Ge Xiaolun saw it, she might just fall into a coma.

But who is our Mo Yu, how could he be tempted by this beauty. Hehe, maybe he will. Cough cough cough. Don't pay attention to these details.

Qiangwei also felt that someone was looking at her, looked up, and saw Mo Yu was looking at herself with a smile on her face, and stood up, "New here, come with me, take you to your dormitory and check in first." Said Turn around and leave.

Mo Yu dragged his luggage and followed.


Dormitory downstairs

Qiangwei pointed to room B204, "Well, this is your room, it's a single room"

Mo Yu nodded, "Got it."

Qiangwei reached into her pocket, took out the key and threw it to Mo Yu, "This is the key."

Mo Yu took the key, bowed his head and started to open the door.Qiangwei suddenly blushed, turned her head to the distance and said, "Thank you for the medicine, it is very useful."

Mo Yu opened the door and put the luggage into the room before replying to Qiangwei, "It's okay, as long as you like it".After finishing talking, start tidying up the room.

After Qiangwei thought of something, she continued, "Oh, yes, there is a meeting in the classroom at 8 o'clock in the evening. Don't forget that I still have someone to pick me up, so let's go first. You can go around the school by yourself first."

After Qiangwei left, Mo Yu didn't continue tidying the room, because his bed was almost done.


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(End of this chapter)

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