Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 11 Rename and New Weapon

Chapter 11 Rename and New Weapon
'Di!Congratulations to the master for completing the side mission (1) Reward: Advanced Concept Rewriter, +6 frame'

personal panel
Name: Mo Yu
Genes: Holy Angel, Star of Light
Attributes: fire, thunder

Core engine: Ares engine, secondary biological engine (core frame count: 12 frames)
Combat Power: The Fourth Generation Super Soldier

Body: invincible body
Ability: As fast as the speed of light, stellar energy drive, star energy drive, time and space calculation
Hardness (body): quasi-third-generation divine body
Killing Shenwu: Blade of Judgment (Power of Killing God)
Armor: None

Points: 4100 points
Wishes: 2

Affiliated civilization: Chinese civilization
Build Civilization: None

"Xiaochao, can I change the name of my secondary biological engine to "Supercore"?"


'Di!The name of the sub-biological engine is being modified, changed to "Supercore", the modification is successful'

Mo Yu looked at his two wishes and thought: Why should I use these two wishes to make the most of them.

"System, my second wish is to buy system products for free!" Mo Yu asked tentatively.

'Di!The wish is successful, but only 10 items a year'

"Okay, that's it", Mo Yu didn't have any hope at first, but he didn't expect that he could get ten free ones a year, ten free of all kinds.

Mo Yu was a little anxious, he had his last wish, what should he make a lifetime wish for?
Mo Yu's eyes suddenly brightened: "My last wish is to let me have countless more wishes!"

After the promise was made, countless ups and downs began to occur in Mo Yu's heart, because this wish was too much, and Mo Yu didn't know whether the system would agree.

'Di!make a wish'


Mo Yu stayed where he was.

"This tm is also okay, I posted it, I can become the most powerful male god in the known universe, I feel that I am already invincible." Mo Yu murmured blankly.

It may be that the huge surprise dazzled my mind and I was at a loss for a while.

for a long time
Mo Yu thought that every powerful god has a powerful weapon.

"Holy Kesha Has Silver Wings", "Kal Has A Big Clock", "Morgana Has The Devil's Claws"

After thinking for a long time, Mo Yu made a choice.

"Silver Wing, I want Silver Wing."

Nine types of silver wings appeared on the system screen.

Mo Yu was a little surprised, "System, you only have 9 kinds of silver wings?"

'No, only 9 types of silver wings have been refreshed for the time being'

"Oh, okay. I want all the 9 kinds of silver wings, and they are helping me to fuse a better silver wing, which must be better than Kaisha's." Mo Yu.

'Di!Don't worry, it must be the best, and it will take 10 days for all integration'

Mo Yu was a little annoyed, what should I use as the last weapon, "Xiao Chao, help me as a staff officer!"

"Recommended master "Holy Angel Armory""

"Okay, that's it"

"Master, the silver wings of the holy angels in the arsenal have also been fused for you"

"Xiao Chao, you are really thoughtful"

With Mo Yu's current strength, no one on Earth can easily defeat him, even Lena is not his opponent.

But Mo Yu's ultimate goal is the king of the gods of the known universe
"Xiaochao, open the access data in my body, but not everything can be accessed." Mo Yu.


Mo Yu saw that his strength was far from enough. If he relied on combat strength without skills, he would not even be able to defeat high-level angels, so he had to continue training.

 "" stands for Xiaochao. '' stands for system prompt tone
(End of this chapter)

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