Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 10 Anti-fudge and joining Chaoshen

Chapter 10 Anti-fudge and joining Chaoshen
Qiangwei feels something is wrong?How did he know my name.

Turning a little red face, asked "How do you know my name, what else do you know?"

Mo Yu smiled like a "male god", "Is it difficult to know your name? I can read your information and your memory, and I also know why you came to me."

'Di!Find the target, the target is Super Seminary: Du Qiangwei, gene: "Rose of Time and Space" to change the space, the core of tactics. '

'Di!Copying the target gene. Copying. Copying completed'

After listening, he stared at Qiangwei and smiled.

After listening to Qiangwei, she turned her head again so as not to meet her eyes.

Ajie watched the conversation between the two, and coughed awkwardly, "cough cough cough"

Mo Yu turned to look at Ajie, "Sorry, I didn't notice you, what do you want to say!"

Ajie said, "Your Excellency must also know his own ability. Now that the country is facing a crisis, we are here for your business. We formally invite you to join the Super Seminary and become a super soldier of the Xiongbing Company to defend the country."

Before Ajie finished speaking, Mo Yu interrupted, "I know the truth, but what can you do to impress me?"

Ajie thought for a while and asked, "What do you want?"

Mo Yu played with taste, "What do you think I need?" Then he looked at Qiangwei, "Is that so, Qiangwei?"

Qiangwei ignored Mo Yu and remained unmoved.

Ajie suddenly thought of something, "Do you like Qiangwei?"

Qiangwei turned her head and stared at Ajie, she had just promised Qiangwei not to lie to others about her private affairs, but now she came again, staring at Ajie with anger in her eyes.

"Just kidding, I liked it the first time I saw it, ha ha." Mo Yu replied.

Rose is not happy.

Madam, I have good genes, I am pretty, and my figure is not bad, so I am not good enough for you?
Qiangwei replied with a cold face, "You think I'm not good enough for you, are you noble? Are you powerful?"

Mo Yu looked at the angry Qiangwei, feeling a little bad, and quickly perfunctory, "No, no, Miss Qiangwei is beautiful, with a good figure and good skin. It was I, Mo, who was blind and insulted the beautiful Miss Qiangwei, Alas! Yes, I, Mo, are not worthy of Miss Qiangwei."

If it weren't for the face of the power of the Milky Way, the main god of the future earth, do you think I would come to lick you?


Do you think you are an angel?

Even if it is the most perfect life form in the known universe—an angel, Mo Yu might not be a licking dog, after all, licking a dog is useless.

Licking the dog, licking the dog, licking until there is nothing left.


Qiangwei listened to Mo Yu perfunctory herself, snorted arrogantly, turned her head to the window again, wondering what she was looking at?

"There are many goddesses in our Super Seminary. They can all come to counsel you, take care of you, and chase whoever you want. You can also move to live in their dormitory anytime, anywhere. I have no problem. They have no objection either."

Before I finished speaking, I was interrupted by Mo Yu again, "But I don't want to find a girlfriend. Girlfriends are very troublesome. If you are unhappy, you have to coax, beat, scold, and act according to your eyes. I don't want to find a girlfriend for now, I'm not interested in women!"

"Then as long as you join the Super Seminary, we will give a monthly salary of one million, or even ten million." Ajie continued to seduce without giving up.

"Don't you know what my parents do? I'm going to be short of money? Just kidding." Mo Yu looked at Ajie with a half-smile, to see what else he could do.

"Then what do you want to join the Super Seminary, just ask!" Ajie was a little helpless.

"Did you say it earlier?" Mo Yu showed a smile of "scheming succeeded".

Seeing the hope, Ajie hurriedly asked, "Then what is your request?"

Mo Yu said, "I have a few simple requirements. First: I want an awesome armor."

"That's natural, you don't have to worry about this matter." Ajie assured.

Mo Yu "Second: I will take one week, two days off. One month, five days off."

Ajie, "I'm going to ask my superiors for instructions on this, wait for me for a few minutes." After speaking, he turned and took out his mobile phone and went outside the coffee shop to make a call.

Mo Yu pointed at Qiangwei again, "Miss Qiangwei, do you want to become more beautiful and have a better figure?"

Qiangwei was a little baffled, and asked, "Am I beautiful? Is my figure not good?"

"No, no, no, it's to make Miss Qiangwei more beautiful, with a better figure and fairer skin." Mo Yu put on an attitude of "a bad old man who lied to children".

Every woman cares about her figure, beauty and skin, Qiangwei is no exception.

"Oh, I wonder if you have any good ideas? Tell me." Qiangwei turned her face and asked curiously.


Mo Yu took out a white pill out of nowhere. "This is what I have worked so hard to get. It can beautify the skin, replenish blood and qi, nourish qi and nourish the body, and can also expel toxins from the body. It can make the skin whiter and the figure better." After some introduction, Mo Yu It can be described as painstaking.

Qiangwei covered her chin with one hand and thought, "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Mo Yu patted his chest with a smile and assured him, "Don't worry, if it doesn't work, I'll broadcast Chixiang live. I promise."

After Qiangwei got the answer, "Okay, give it to me!"

"Miss Qiangwei, I."

Qiangwei said angrily, "Don't call me Miss, you are Miss, and your whole family is Miss."

"Okay, Qiangweien, I don't trade at a loss, what do you plan to exchange?" Mo Yu looked at the pill thrown up in his hand.


"Well, you don't have anything I want right now. I'll give it to you first, and I'll get it when you have something!" After speaking, he gave the pill in his hand to Qiangwei.

Qiangwei looked at the pill in her hand in a daze.It happened that Ajie came back.

"Your Excellency, the higher-ups have agreed to the vacation, but in case of an emergency, your Excellency needs to take action."

"Well, that's natural. Uh? How many requirements did I mention just now?"

Qiangwei replied, "Two."

"Oh, the third one is that I have to wake up at 9 every morning and go to bed at 6 at night."

"Sorry, I'll go out and make a phone call." Ajie went to ask his superiors again.

"This superior also approved it, but it's the same as the previous request." Ajie sat down and said to Mo Yu.

"En! That's all, that's all. If you agree, I will join your Super Bear Warrior."

Ajie corrected, "Xiongbing Company, super fighter."

"Oh! Which bear word?"

Qiangwei teased again, "Bear, bear!"

Ajie once again corrected "Hero's Xiong."

Mo Yu stood up, "Okay, I'm joining, my home is at No. 38, Villa District, Juxia City, come pick me up then." Then he left.

Qiangwei and Ajie looked at each other, got up and drove away
In the following time, Ajie fooled the teammates of the original Xiongbing Company, except Qiangwei and Qilin.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 If there are any similarities or mistakes, please comment.After all, Xiaoshi is writing for the first time.grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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