Chapter 9

Time: 7:58
Location: a university dormitory

Character: Ge Xiaolun

"Bell, bell, bell, bell," the alarm clock rang.

Ge Xiaolun got up from the bed in all directions, and went to press the alarm clock in a daze.

He walked into the bathroom unsteadily, and just after washing his face, the text message on his mobile phone sounded.

Take it out and look at the phone
"Hello, Mr. Ge Xiaolun, please meet at the "WeChat address" at 3:[-] this afternoon on time. I am Xiaowei who took you out of the police station yesterday." No need to guess, it must be Ajie's grandson.

Of course Ge Xiaolun didn't know, and then stupidly started looking for clothes, dressing himself up, and preparing to go to the Mood Cafe.

Time: 3:30
mood cafe

Three chatting in a coffee shop.Yes, very embarrassing, three people.Hehe, Qiangwei, Ajie and Ge Xiaolun.

Ge Xiaolun faced Ajie, but his eyes were peeking at Qiangwei, and he was smirking while watching.

Qiangwei couldn't get used to it, so she turned her head out of the window, but thinking that there was another person coming at 5 pm, she hoped that he would not be like this guy.

"After thinking about it, you have also noticed that you are different. We are from the Super Seminary, and we specialize in cultivating people like you, eh? Cough cough cough" Ajie spoke fieryly, but found that he was not listening at all, and coughed one time.

Ge Xiaolun quickly turned his attention to Ajna.

"Come with us, you will join the Xiongbing Company, how about becoming a super soldier who protects the country and protects the earth?"

Ge Xiaolun turned his gaze back to Ajie, "That's my personal ability, why do I want to be a panda warrior?"

"Xiongbing Company!" Ajie corrected angrily.

"Oh, Xiongbing Company" Ge Xiaolun replied foolishly.


He said foolishly, "Which male character?"

"Hero's male," Ajie emphasized.

"Bear's bear" Qiangwei suddenly teased.

"what why?"

"You'll know when you go." Qiangwei said without even looking at it.

Ajie suddenly joked, "Hey, you've been staring at him!"

"Huh? No, no."

"Hehe, how's it going? Qiangwei, do you like it?" Ajie asked seductively.

"Bah!" Qiangwei stared at Ajie.

"I like it, ah, no, no, no, no." Ge Xiaolun replied subconsciously.

"You go, she will tutor you one-on-one"

"I rely on!"

"Without a boyfriend, others are not worthy of you. You have supernatural power." Ajie continued to seduce.

"Hehe, I think so too," Ge Xiaolun said a little proudly.

"You see, she didn't speak, which means she didn't refuse."

"Hehe, uh huh"

"I don't mind if you move into her bedroom. I don't mind either"

"Can I bring my computer?"

"No, if you have this, why do you need a computer?" Ajie glanced at Qiangwei and said to Ge Xiaolun.

"Ah? That's right. That's right. By the way, I really have supernatural powers, right? The kind that won't die, right?"

"Cough cough, no, think about what kind of death is the most honorable, defending the family and the country, fighting for love. Die under the rose flower, even being a ghost is flirtatious"

"It's my parents. I'm afraid if I tell them that I want to be a hero."

"The mayor will come to your house for an official invitation"

"Okay, I've decided. After repeated thinking and decision-making, I've decided to go." Ge Xiaolun stood up and said seriously.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

After Ge Xiaolun left.
Qiangwei said angrily, "You're being a bit lenient! Tell others everything?"

"No, you don't have a boyfriend anyway. That guy will be the power of the galaxy in the future, are you afraid that he won't be good enough for you?"

"I don't care, anyway, from now on, I'm not allowed to use my private life to seduce other people, even cheating!"

"Okay, okay, listen to you, listen to you!"

5 pm

Ajie said to Qiangwei, "The person who waits may be a god. Wait a minute and look at me."

Qiangwei replied seriously, "Yes! I understand."

At this moment
A white-haired man enters the cafe.

Ajie said to Qiangwei, "That's him, the one with white hair"

Qiangwei nodded, "Yes! I have read his profile and met him."

After the white-haired man entered the cafe, he glanced at the guests in the cafe.The guests in the coffee shop also looked at him, after all he is very handsome!
"Handsome guy, can you give me your phone number?" A beautiful woman stepped forward to talk.

Mo Yu smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm looking for someone, I'm really sorry"

"Ah!!! So handsome!" A group of girls screamed.

After looking at Ajie and Qiangwei in the corner, Mo Yu walked over with a smile on his face.

Sitting opposite the two, he said, "Hello, I'm Mo Yu, nice to meet you." Then he said gently to Qiangwei, "Miss Qiangwei, if there is a chance, we can find a place where no one is around to discuss life together?"



Ajie was a little embarrassed, Qiangwei blushed a little, and turned her head away from Mo Yu in embarrassment.

 This article is different from the original article.Thank you, thank you, thank you, and say important things three times.Thank you guys for watching.

(End of this chapter)

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