Chapter 8

"Please don't worry sir"

Ducao stood up and saluted.Then he continued the topic just now, "Let's talk about Mo Yu next!"

Uncle Huang thought for a while, "Mo Yu, I've read his profile, um, he's a pretty good kid"

Seeing Chief Huang say this, Ducao continued, "Leina, have you read Mo Yu's information?"

"Look, he went to North America when he was 10 years old. He just returned to China a few months ago. He should be a fourth-generation super soldier, just a little weaker than me." Leina crossed her legs and looked proud.

"Well! Lianfeng will tell everyone about Mo Yu's recent affairs."

"Nine months ago we scouted the third-generation super fighter in North America. After repeated confirmation and verification, we can confirm that Mo Yu sent it. According to the battle situation at Feiliu District Airport, he should use stellar energy just like you and Lena. , and not weaker than you. It will also have the power to destroy the world. So we need to verify further."

"What do you think, Reina?" Dukao said to Reina.

"Damn! Stronger than me? Really." Reina.

Lianfeng: "By the way, there is also Mo Yu's weapon, look"

An enlarged picture of Mo Yu's weapon was displayed on the big screen.

"Well, I feel that this sword has huge solar energy, which is better than my Dawn Blade." Reina's eyes lit up.

"Well, what Lena said is about the same. Another feature of this sword is that it can use the energy of fire and thunder, which is very powerful." Lianfeng continued to introduce.

"He's really good, I want to fight him one-on-one!" Reina said with certainty.

"We'll arrange the sparring later." Then Ducao began to arrange, "Okay, let's go here first, Ajie, you go and organize the matter of the Reina Black Armor Company. Please."

"The Black Armor Company, um. I've already thought of the name, I think it's called the Xiongbing Company." Chief Huang also named the team.

"A company of heroes, a company of black armor can reach a million soldiers." Dukao thought.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

On the other side, a certain university male dormitory

Ge Xiaolun pushed open the bedroom door and came in with a case of beer in his hand.

"came back"

"Let me tell you what happened to me from yesterday to today"

"What's wrong?"

"You won't believe it"

"Hey! Believe it or not"

"I met a big beauty." Ge Xiaolun still had an excited look on his face.

"My computer is all!" Obviously those unhealthy, er, "beauties".

"It's not that beautiful."

"Does it have something to do with you?" The roommate also teased him.

"I think so. Because I have superpowers," Ge Xiaolun replied shamelessly.

"Superpower? Hurry up and play the game. Tonight's union battle, hurry up"

"Stop playing, oh, oh, you smoke, don't play it on my desk"

"Oh, wait a minute~ wait a minute, open the wine first."

"What kind of wine to drink, look at what you made on my table"

"Wait, wait"

"Wipe it for me later, and I'll buy you wine."

"Ah, okay, okay, I'll clean it up, I'll clean it up."

"You do this to me every day"

"Ah, I got it, I got it"

"Let me tell you, you have to clean up these two days."

These are all surveillance images, while Ducao and Qiangwei looked at their information.

Ajie explained to Ducao, "Look, chief, Ge Xiaolun is still drinking and bragging, Liu Chuang is still in the detention center for the time being, and that Xin Zhao, this kid is not simple, he likes to fight with people, and... usually The so-called protection of the weak, chivalry!"

Ajie's words made everyone laugh, and Qiangwei also smiled lightly and covered her mouth.

"Next, Rui Mengmeng, a waiter in a restaurant. There are very few people with the surname Rui in our country. Their family is in a downturn. This child is not well educated. He is still working part-time to earn money and wants to go to university."

Ducao thought of someone "I know this, he is really a good boy. I know his grandpa. Well, very simple people."

"There is also a prince, Cheng Yaowen. Farming"

Ducao thought for a while, "Well, I'll go for this myself."

"Also, we didn't monitor Mo Yu"

Qiangwei couldn't help complaining, "Just these people, a bunch of crooked people?"

Ducao also complained about Rose "You are not much better"

"Of course, like a father, like a daughter," Qiangwei replied.

"Maybe it's the misfortune of this world, I'm still saying the same thing. Qiangwei, the earth needs a company of heroes now." Obviously Qiangwei won the quarrel.

"A company of soldiers?"

"The universe has been born for 137 billion years, and Kamigawa has already set up a star network to protect all hard-won intelligent life. Light and darkness are at war, and justice and evil are at war. For so many years, no one knows what is going on in the universe. We are also exploring for the opposite. The most urgent thing is that death challenges life, the Styx will invade the galaxy, and the earth will become the battlefield of interstellar wars. Maybe it is too early, but we can only face it bravely. Let’s prepare for it. Qiangwei, war is coming."

. . . . . . . . . . . .

At night, many people did not sleep.

Qiangwei rides a motorcycle to the field, grills a barbecue by a campfire, looks up at the moon in the sky, "How did I get here?"

Liu Chuang was in the detention center, and he also looked at the moon, "At that time, I should have died, and then I was born again."

Xin Zhao at the beach, thinking about
Rui Mengmeng came to the evening school after finishing her part-time job for a day.

Ge Xiaolun sat on a bench in the park, drinking beer, looking at the moon, "How did I get here?"

A bed in Juxia City Hospital
Qilin looked at the moon outside the window, "How did I get here?"

A certain villa in Juxia City

Mo Yu stood on the balcony and looked at the moon in the sky, "How did I get here?"

Even Mo Yu was not surprised and sighed at the moon!

. . . . . . . . . .

 Thank you for your collection, Xiaoshi is very grateful
  There is the last chapter tonight! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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