Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 7 Everyone's Attention

Chapter 7 Everyone's Attention

In the afternoon, Mo Yu sat lazily on the sofa looking for ways to activate the Holy Angel gene.

"Xiaochao, what is the activation method? I haven't seen it in the dark matter space!"

Xiaochao "Holy Angel Gene Activation Code: 4000 points can be redeemed"

Mo Yu was a little speechless, "Can I buy it? You didn't tell me earlier."

"You didn't ask me for it, so blame me?" Xiao Chao felt helpless.

"Buy it! Buy it!"

"Purchase successful! Do you want to activate?"

"Okay. Wait a minute? If you activate it, will it be detected?" Mo Yu asked suspiciously.

"Yes! But I will block the specific location of the master, even if Carl uses a big clock! In the end, it can only be located near the Milky Way." Xiaochao replied firmly.

"Oh, then I can rest assured!" After thinking about it, he said to Xiaochao, "Activate it for me!"


Mo Yu felt a sacred and warm light entering his body, reaching blood, heart and holy angel gene
Styx Galaxy
Dead Song Academy
A man in black robe who was sitting on a chair and concentrating on writing suddenly raised his head.

"Is that holy power just now Keisha? Snow will check it out!"

"Of order, my God Carl" finished speaking and retreated.

"I found it, my god, it was sent near the Milky Way, but I don't know the exact location!"

"Huh? Got it." He walked outside the hall and looked at the sky. "It's getting more and more interesting!"

. . . . . . . . . . .


"What's going on, Artest check for me to see if it's my sister's bitch?"

Known as Artest's "Queen found it!"

"Oh? What's the situation?"

"Queen, the energy is emitted near the Milky Way, and the exact location cannot be found"

"Forget it, I'll go ask Karl." After finishing speaking, he put one hand next to his ear.

"Dear Ms. Liang Leng is looking for me, what's the matter!"

"Karl don't pretend to me, and call me Queen Morgana"

"Okay! Queen Morgana, what's the matter?"

"Karl, I just detected a strange energy coming out of the Milky Way. Let me ask you, do you know?"

"Back to Queen Morgana, I also feel it here. But the big clock can only be found around the Milky Way, and I can't help it?"

"Okay, first use the big clock to send me and the Queen to Mars in the Chiwu star system, and then get my demon wings there."

"Happy to serve"

Angel Nebula
Tianren III
All the angels also sensed the energy emitted by Mo Yu.

On the throne, an angel said to all the angels in the hall, "You have noticed it!"

An angel decisively said "Yes Queen, we feel it"

The Queen turned to the left "Yan, what do you think?"

"Queen, I feel that energy, very familiar, very sacred, and very warm. It may surpass you in the future!"

"Yan, what nonsense are you talking about? Queen Keisha is insurmountable," a famous angel retorted angrily.

"Leng, Yan is not talking nonsense, the owner of that energy has this potential." Kesha defended Yan

"But you are the number one in my heart that can never be surpassed!" Angel said to Kesha pitifully.

"Leng, it's impossible for someone to always be number one. There will always be a day when you will be surpassed. And with that energy just now, do you feel like angels?" Kesha taught Leng first, and then asked questions to the angels.

All the angels nodded involuntarily after hearing this, and asked the queen to answer them.

"Because that's the holy angel gene activated".

"Holy angel?" n angels.

"Yes, in the history of our ancient angels, a holy angel appeared once, but it only appeared once, and there is no detailed record in the book, and each holy angel does not need to obey the orders of a generation of angel kings, and the rights are not No worse than every angel king. This Zhixin should know!"!
Zhixin is currently in Frazier

At this time, the angel in charge of reconnaissance reported to Kaisha, "Queen, it was detected that the mysterious energy was emitted from the vicinity of the Milky Way, but the exact location could not be found!"

Keisha changed her posture to make herself more comfortable, "Well, the Milky Way is more lively!"

And the angel Yan on the side was thinking, thinking, "Could it be him?"

Kamigawa giant galaxy

sun star

Pan Zhen looked at the sky, "Why is there energy far surpassing my god in that energy just now? God Mao, have you found it?"

A ray of light flew across the sky and landed behind Pan Zhen, "General, it was emitted near the Milky Way, and the exact location cannot be found."

"it is good"

"I will retire at the end"

Pan Zhen walked towards the Tiandao Pagoda.
some exiled galaxy

A wretched male angel sat down against a tree, and then another male angel next to him came over to massage the legs of the wretched male angel.

The wretched male angel didn't pay attention, and looked in the direction of the Milky Way, "Holy angel? It's better to be a woman."

Of course, Earth's Deno 3 can't detect it at all
At this moment, Mo Yu was sleeping quietly on the sofa, unaware that his hair had changed from white to blond, and white wings appeared behind him.

He didn't know that he had been targeted by various forces.

personal panel
Name: Mo Yu
Genes: Holy Angel, Star of Light
Attributes: fire, thunder

Core engine: Ares engine, secondary biological engine (core frame count: 6 frames)
Combat Power: The Fourth Generation Super Soldier

Body: invincible body
Ability: As fast as the speed of light, stellar energy drive, star energy drive

Hardness (body): quasi-third-generation divine body
Killing Shenwu: Blade of Judgment (Power of Killing God)
Armor: None

Points: 4100 points
Wishes: 2

Affiliated civilization: Chinese civilization
Build Civilization: None


Outside the Police Hall

There was a high-speed vehicle with two people on board, a man and a woman.The girl is in a red-haired leather jacket, sexy and beautiful, she is Qiangwei;

Qiangwei looked out of the car window "I'm not good at dealing with these people"

Ajie smiled, "Don't worry, I'll be a lobbyist, I'm good at this."

Inside the Police Hall

There was a lot of noise inside, and it was the "black boss" brother Liu Chuang who made the noise.

Qilin and Liu Chuang sat opposite each other, while Qilin was looking at Liu Chuang's information.

Liu Chuang started arguing again, "Oh! No, you know who I am?"

Qilin began to shake off all the bad things about Liu Chuang before, "Liu Chuang, a vagrant. After graduating from high school, he repaired watches and worked as a salesman. He was arrested for repeatedly arguing with people. Now he lives in a manhole cover alley."

Liu Chuang opened his eyes wide and blew, "Isn't it? I, a superhero, save all mankind."

Qilin glanced at him, "Who told you that?"

Liu Chuang thought for a while and said, "When I fainted, the fairy in the dream told me."

Qilin laughed dryly, "Ha ha."

Liu Chuang pointed at Qi Lin, "Hey, I'm serious, what are you laughing at?"

Qilin was a little angry, and patted the table, "Be more honest!"

At this time, two people entered the hall, it was Ajie and Qiangwei.Qiangwei felt a little disgusted at the noisy Liu Chuang, so she followed Ajie and went straight to Ge Xiaolun.

Ge Xiaolun and Xiao Liu are still recording everything that happened.

Ge Xiaolun said very nervously, "No, the surveillance was watching just now, I, I will do what is right, I"

Xiao Liu said while writing, "I know you have good intentions, but you have to pay attention to the method. Do you know that you can be sentenced for malicious injury for this matter? Oh, you are here."

Ajie came over and directly issued a national security certificate, and gagged our little Liu.

Ge Xiaolun first looked at Ajie, then at Qiangwei, and finally kept staring at Qiangwei.

"I'm sorry, comrade, we've taken over this matter, you can go do other things first," Ajie told Xiao Liu.

"Okay." Xiao Liu got up and walked away.

Then Qiangwei and Ge Xiaolun left.Liu Chuang started arguing again, "I tell you, little policeman, policewoman, sexy policewoman. I tell you, I." He was about to get up when Xiao Liu passed by and pushed him back. "Believe it or not. If you really put me in the detention center, I will... Oh? You have nice breasts!"

Qilin stood up and shouted at Liu Chuang, "Where are you looking?"

Later, Liu Chuang was locked in a detention center.

After Qiangwei and a few people left the hall, she said to Ajie, "The person inside who is shouting and drinking is Liu Chuang, right? Let him squat for a few more days to wake up again, that's fine."

Ajie also said, "Yeah! I've been staring at him for a long time, and this guy Ge Xiaolun is still doing it." Then he said to Ge Xiaolun, "Well, what about you? Well! You are brave, and the surveillance is watching! Let's take you out first, Go back and have a good rest, maybe, we will meet again in a few days." After speaking, Ge Xiaolun watched the two get into the car with a smirk.

Then he asked, "Oh? What are you doing!"

Ajie replied solemnly, "I specialize in dealing with people like you."

Ge Xiaolun was puzzled and said, "People like us? Magic stick?"

"Hmph, remember to wait for the news!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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