Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 6 Arrival of Angel Yan

Chapter 6 Arrival of Angel Yan

At this moment, Mo Yu was going to the top floor of a building in Juxia City to watch Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang fight from the beginning to being taken away by the police.

"The story has begun!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"The test target Ge Xiaolun and the test target Liu Chuang clashed on Highland Street at 10 o'clock last night. They are now under police control."

And Qiangwei turned on the intercom on the plane and said, "Qiangwei will land on the Juxia in 10 minutes."

"Rose, Rose, Juxia City received coordinates 356928"

"The runway is ready to continue"


After getting off the plane, Qiangwei walked by wearing a green military uniform, and many people greeted her along the way.

enter the headquarters

"Deno-[-] system data report, near Pluto in the solar system, detected a strange space building emitting a flashing signal, microwave analysis, it is suspected that the terminal of the Great Worm Bridge was opened. And far away in the giant galaxy system of Shenhe, Dilena of Lieyang star Also sent a message that she activated part of the super genetic program of the earth, suggesting that the earth may encounter an interstellar invasion!"

Qiangwei walked to Ducao's side to salute! "Report, Qiangwei is here to return. Please give instructions!"

Ducao said very seriously, "The light of the sun? Do you know?"

"Yes, that alien"

"Two days ago, she detected that a cosmic civilization invaded the Milky Way. The intruders were called gluttons, so the light of the sun activated some of the super genes of the earth to prepare for any accidents. You go and take care of them. They are currently Trouble continues!"

"What's the use of caring?"

"Whether it is useful or not, early activation will change history"

Qiangwei looked at the scene of Ge Xiaolun crying to the monitor playing on the screen, and said disdainfully, "Is that the one?"

Ducao smiled, "There is another person, maybe you are interested?"

Qiangwei was a little puzzled, "Who?"

Ducao turned around and pointed to the big screen, "Look!"

"This is?" The fighting scene played on the big screen was Mo Yu fighting with gangsters in the bank.

"This is the monitoring of the bank in Tianhe City a few days ago. You see, this person is the son of the chairman of the Angel Group in Tianhe City. He went to North America with his father ten years ago and just returned more than a month ago. We detected him more than 8 months ago. By the time the third-generation super soldier energy is in North America, it might be him who sent it."

"The speed and strength are far beyond ordinary people. I will pay attention to the length. By the way, where is he now?"

"Ajna has it!"

. . . .Dividing line. . . .

Mo Yu looked at the various ways to enhance the speed of the system, and some knew how to buy them.

"Xiao Chao, come out and help me as a staff officer"

"Master, it is recommended to buy, the speed of light flashes"

Flashing at the speed of light, driven by stellar energy, it can greatly increase its own movement speed, and when it is strengthened to the highest level, it can directly flash for years.

"Damn! That's all." Mo Yu was a little excited.

"Flashing at the speed of light, it costs 2000 points. Are you sure?"


"Ding! The purchase is successful, do you want to learn?"


"Ding! Learning. Learning. Learning success"

Suddenly a fireball flew towards Tianhe City in the sky.Mo Yu knew who was coming even with his eyes closed.

Jump directly between tall buildings, and use the newly learned flash of light on the flat ground
. . . . . . . . . . . .


within the angel group

Mother Mo is having a meeting with shareholders

"This time we must buy them."

With a sound of "pong", a beautiful angel sat on the director's chair, with blond hair and blue eyes, her legs crossed, and her two straight big white legs were exposed to the air.

If the "Yan fans" are here, they will say three words "beautiful fried"! ! ! !

Mother Mo walked in and was startled, and said to the shareholders, "Okay, okay. Today's meeting is here first, everyone go back first." When the people were almost gone, she turned around and knelt down on one knee towards the angel. "It's the first time I've seen a real angel"

She spoke in a way similar to amplifying, "I remember that 2000 years ago, your predecessors said that the belief of angels should dominate the earth?"

"pong" Then another figure broke in.

The angel sitting on the chair didn't intend to move at all. On the contrary, two angels suddenly appeared behind him pointing at him with flaming swords.

'Di!Found the target, the target is the Angel family. Angel Queen Holy Kaisha left guard Angel Yan. Gene: Angel and Thunder.Replicating Gene: Thunder is replicating. The replication is complete! '

Mo Yu looked at Angel Yan, and he will give a big gift when he comes up!He looked at his mother again.

"With the presence of the Super Seminary, we have changed the way!"

"What do you rely on to send money?"


"Hehe. Investment, really capable. You are in trouble. Earth."

Mo Yu said, "What are you doing?"

The two standing angels pointed their swords at him again.

Mo Yu also has a temper. He was pointed at twice with a sword, so he had to show them his temper.

He took out the blade of judgment and pointed it back.

As soon as the blade of judgment came out, the angels were startled.

The angel sitting on the chair looked at the Judgment Blade and said, "This sword is very familiar, very powerful, and very dangerous. I can feel it. With this power, hehe, Morgana can't eat it and walk around!"

Turning around and saying to Mother Mo, "This little brat belongs to your family"

Mo's mother hurriedly said to Mo Yu, "What are you doing, Yu'er, don't be rude to angels!"

Mo Yuyi pointed his sword at the two angels!

The angel on the chair said, "Chasing, Moyi. Go back to your post and continue investigating!"

He looked at Mo Yu's mother and son and said, "Continue with the topic just now."

Mo Yu asked "What happened?"

"Evil has rioted, darkness is coming. Justice. Hey! After all, your mother is not an angel"

"The Styx galaxy is coming to invade you, yo? The earth has reached the pre-nuclear era"

Mother Mo asked, "Who are you?"

Mo Yu took the lead, "Angel Yan"

Angel Yan was puzzled, "Yo? Little kid, do you know me?"

"Don't worry about it, what did you mean when you said that my mother is not an angel?" Mo Yu wanted to know what Angel Yan had discovered. Could it be that she knew her holy angel gene?

"Oh! By the way, kid, you have angel genes in your body, I can feel it. And why can't I read your data and genes?"

"What? Angel. Gene?" Mo Yu pretended. "Is it my fault that you can't read? I can read you."

"Hey! Child, can you read my data? Ordinary people can't read the dark data of angels! Can you tell me, how did you get this ability and angel things?"

"I don't know the ability, but you read it all at first glance. Angel stuff, genes?"

"No, it's weapons and genes!"

Mo Yu didn't expect that Angel Yan even knew about his Judgment Blade.

"How do I know where my angel gene came from, and maybe my weapon was given by my gene, and suddenly it appeared."

Angel Yan suddenly had the urge to bring him back to Angel Nebula.

"Little kid, how about going somewhere with my sister?" Yan asked directly.

"It's okay if it's on the earth, but if it's going to your house, forget it, I'm very busy!"

Angel Yan was a little surprised and said, "Do you know where I am from?"

Mo Yu replied with a serious face, "You are an alien, your home must be in outer space, and I will know when I read you."

"Okay! Looking forward to meeting you next time" and left after finishing speaking.

'Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the branch (2) The reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it'

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ding Dong!

"Hello, Mr. Mo Yu, I'm from the National Security Bureau, and I want to talk to you," a strange text message.

Of course Mo Yu knew who it was, and replied "Oh, yes, what do you want to talk about?"

The other party replied, "Five days later at 5:[-] p.m., at Mood Cafe in Juxia City, a man and a woman, see you there!"

"Oh well"

personal panel
Name: Mo Yu
Genes: Holy Angel (inactive), Star of Light

Attributes: fire, thunder

Core engine: Ares engine, secondary biological engine (core frame count: 6 frames)
Combat Power: The Fourth Generation Super Soldier

Body: invincible body
Ability: As fast as the speed of light, stellar energy drive, star energy drive

Hardness (body): second generation god body

Killing Shenwu: Blade of Judgment (Power of Killing God)
Armor: None

Points: 8100 points
Wishes: 2

Affiliated civilization: Chinese civilization
Build Civilization: None

(End of this chapter)

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