Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 5 Returns to the official plot

Chapter 5 Return to the official plot
personal panel
Name: Mo Yu
Genes: Holy Angel (inactive), Star of Light

Attribute: Fire

Core engine: Ares engine, secondary biological engine (core frame count: 6 frames)
Combat Power: The Fourth Generation Super Soldier

Physique: Invincible
Ability: As fast as the speed of light, stellar energy drive, star energy drive

Hardness (body): second generation god body

Killing Shenwu: Blade of Judgment (Power of Killing God)
Armor: None

Points: 10100 points
Wishes: 2

Affiliated civilization: Chinese civilization
Build Civilization: None

Main task: join the Super Seminary: Heroes Company (reward: advanced concept rewriter +6 frame)
Side mission (1): Get to know one of the former Xiongbing company (reward: armor upgrade card)
Side task (2): Seeing Angel Yan for the first time (reward: Holy Angel gene activation method)

Since Mo Yu returned to Tianhe City, he has been with his mother all the time.Chat with her, go shopping with her, and wait for the start of the plot by the way.

One day, Mo Yu was sitting in the bank, watching the tasks assigned to him by the system.

Darkly, "Angel Yan will go to my mother's company anyway, and I can go and have a look at that time. Get to know the Xiongbing Company and join the Super Seminary. But how can they notice me?"

Looking at the bank with people coming and going, "Could it be true that I want to rob the bank,,,"

Suddenly, three gunshots rang into Mo Yu's ears. Looking up, three men with stockings and hooded heads were pointing a pistol at the crowd.

"Everyone squat down! Otherwise I will shoot," a gangster pointed a pistol at the crowd and shouted loudly.

The other two gangsters yelled at the bank staff, "Fill these three bags, or you can figure it out." After speaking, they threw several cloth bags to the staff.

Looking back, he saw a white-haired man sitting on a chair looking at the three of them with a half-smile.

The three of them looked at him and felt that they had been greatly insulted. They were so disrespectful to their profession that they immediately became angry.

"Hey! White-haired one, come and kneel down for me!"


A gangster came over and held a pistol to Mo Yu's head, "I told you to kneel down, do you hear that? You're deaf!"

Mo Yu grabbed the hand of the gunman with his backhand.

Click!It broke right away! ! !

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

When the remaining two gangsters were about to shoot Mo Yu, they found that he was gone!

When gangsters wonder?
"Are you looking for me?" A mysterious voice came from behind.

The two gangsters turned around and were about to shoot

Two people passed out on the ground.

After Mo Yu picked up the pistol on the ground, snap! !All pistol parts fell to the ground.

He said to everyone, "Call the police later! I'm leaving first!" After speaking, he left without looking back.

Only the bewildered crowd remained.


Celestial Galaxy
sun star

"General, the last general is here to take orders!" A soldier said to a red-robed general

"Huh? How is that Taotie?" The general was Pan Zhen and said as he walked.

"They have opened the Big Worm Bridge to travel to the Milky Way!"

"Hmm! Where's the target?"

"Judging from the shuttle trajectory, it should be the earth star of the Chiwu star system in the Milky Way?"

"That's the planet Earth! They have a worm bridge station on Pluto in the Chiwu star system. The station star was left by Karl, the supreme god of the Styx galaxy 2 years ago, when the god of death passed through the Milky Way. At that time, the earth already had intelligent life forms."

"So, so they're going?"

"Death Karl likes to study death!"

"General, does the goddess Reina still insist on going to Earth? We were severely injured by fighting that monkey on Earth before."

After hearing this, Pan Zhen went to the main hall.

in a grand palace

"Not coming, not coming, oh! It's hot, it's hot!" A woman in a dragon robe sat on the steps beside the dragon chair and fanned herself with her hands. It is different from the people on earth, and its personality is like that of a child.

"General Pan Zhen is here!" It sounded at this moment!
Lena was startled and hurriedly dragged her clothes back to the dragon chair, pretending to be
"Ai Qing, what's the matter to report?"

After entering, Pan Zhen looked at the huge palace and asked, "Is such a splendid palace unable to keep you?"

"Uh, two different things!"

"If your grandfather is."

"Don't mention my grandpa to me!" Reina was angry
"Then you just now."

"Is it hot?"

"Hot? The people in Yunxiao City can say it's hot, you won't shed a single drop of sweat, hot?"

"Do you know how hot it is to burn like the sun inside?"

"I know exactly"

Lena sees that she is no match for Pan Zhen, so she goes straight to the topic, "Cut, I'm going to Earth, I decided."

"Did you know that many Styx warriors are also heading to Earth?"

"Of course I know, everyone likes the earth."

"There is a large group of space fleets sailing into the Milky Way through the Big Worm Bridge, and their attitude is not friendly!"

"I don't care, and the Heavenly Dao Pagoda doesn't care about me. I'm stuck in this hall like a big rice dumpling all day long, and people can't let people see or touch me every day. I'm going, just for one year."

"You always yearn for life on Earth. Do you know the women there don't wear pants on the street. Do you like that way of life?"

"I can't communicate with you. There is a thing called fashion. Look at our painting style that has remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years. You won't understand if I tell you."

"Fashion? You let an earth with only 5000 years of civilization challenge our 6-year-old sun?"

"You yourself admit that we are ancient. They are 5000 years old. They are younger and more energetic than us. Is the word fashion wrong?"

"Great Sun Goddess, do you want to argue with your guardians about this trivial matter? I don't like this kind of civilization that can't keep traditions, but since you like it so much, maybe you can still help them when they are in trouble." Have the patience to help them, I will ask the elders, I am afraid that the Super Seminary they came to take advantage of your ignorance, to actively participate in the promotion of some so-called civilization intercommunication for the traumatized strong For Yang, it may not be untouchable."

"Mutual respect for the integrity of civilization

non-interference in the progress of civilization
Alright, can I go take a shower?" After speaking, the goddess saluted.

Huaxia Juxia City

a certain alley
"Come on, little sister, don't be afraid, let brother kiss you,,,"

A gangster and two younger brothers are expressing so-called "feelings" to a girl

"Scum!! Let go of that girl!"

"Oh, I'm going!" Liu Chuang was taken aback when he was expressing his "feelings".

"Hey! Boy, you want a hero to save the beauty, don't you!" After speaking, he looked at the people who came over.

Chuang Zi also had a violent temper. He picked up a brick and walked up to Ge Xiaolun, trying to scare him away, "Boy, do you know who I am? Brother Standard Black, there are more than a dozen brothers outside!"

"Scum, social scum, uneducated, I." Before the word '呵' ​​could be uttered, Liu Chuang threw a brick into the air, and fell to the ground lifeless.

"I'm going to Nima! I hate people saying that I'm uneducated"


Then the screen is empty

At this time, a voice came from the void, "Welcome to the Kamigawa genetic system, the light of the sun has descended on the earth, and her light radiation has activated the invincible body in your body. And provide you with emergency protection"

Ge Xiaolun "emergency protection?"

"You have just suffered a fatal blow, a hard object hit your temple and threatened your life!"

Ge Xiaolun looked at everything around him, and suddenly began to wear black armor on his body, "Where is this! What is this on me? Me, me, Invincible King Kong baby?"

"You are in your dark plane genetic system"

"What about the pit father?"

"It is absorbing energy for you, the energy source, Super Seminary: The Light of the Sun"

"No? What are you talking about?"

"You are the super soldier of the Kamigawa civilization - the power of the galaxy"

"Activation is complete, registration is complete. I am your super genetic system"

"What the hell? You said that you are so tall, but it's useless! By the way, I was fighting a gangster just now, did I die?"

"Generally speaking, yes"

Then Ge Xiaolun began to cry while talking, "Oh my god, I don't want to die yet, I don't have a girlfriend yet, my life has just begun? I just knelt like this? I don't know why I just I just I just I suddenly have a sense of justice, I saw them bullying that girl. I was very angry, I just... I... stopped them, I fought them. 5555"

"Did you win?"

"We didn't win!" Ge Xiaolun suddenly raised his head and said with certainty.

"Pig head, the repair is complete, please continue your battle."


"The Power of the Galaxy, Ge Xiaolun, starts for the first time, good luck"

. . . . . . . . . .

Ge Xiaolun felt a pair of big hands grabbing him.

Then he woke up from the dream, and it turned out that the gangster Liu Chuang was slapping him in the face.

Seeing that Ge Xiaolun woke up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Chuang stood up all of a sudden, "Oh, I'm going, I woke up, my mother, I'm not dead! I was scared to death. Oh, I'm scared now," he said to the two younger brothers He shouted, "You two, don't talk nonsense about what happened just now."

"Hey! We all understand, we won't talk nonsense, don't worry about it!" The two punks were startled.

After getting the answer, I came to like Ge Xiaolun again.

"Chuangzi, be careful, your brain is sick!" A younger brother reminded aloud.

"That? Boy, now you know that I, Liu Chuang, are amazing! Get out of here."

"Scum!" Ge Xiaolun wiped his nose.

The little bastards were overjoyed, looking at Ge Xiaolun who had just been shot flying, I really didn't know that he dared to be arrogant.

"Do you know who I am?" Liu Chuang didn't finish.

Punks "You know what, boy."

"Scum, scum, bullying that girl, I don't care who you are!" Ge Xiaolun continued.

"Hey shit"

When Liu Chuang came up, he slapped Ge Xiaolun again, "Heroes save the beauty, right?"

The girl screamed again in fright.

Liu Chuang said as he walked, "I'm the eldest brother, not a villain. You should understand that what I'm playing is not a hooligan, but a sentiment." After finishing speaking, he kicked him away.

But he never wanted to be hugged by Ge Xiaolun, and then kicked away by Ge Xiaolun.Liu Chuang slammed on the bodies of the two younger brothers and immediately knelt down.It will be Liu Chuang's turn to dream again.

"Hey! Chuang Zi?"

"Hey! Chuangzi, don't you scare me?"

Ge Xiaolun was also taken aback, "Hey, he's dead? Isn't it? You, you. You deserve it, there's surveillance here, right?" Then Ge Xiaolun turned around and ran under the surveillance and began to cry, "It's that bastard playing hooligans. Bully that girl, I am a chivalrous man, I"

Then it was Liu Chuang's turn to stand up, "Hey, I don't care about God of War or glory. I, who loves to come and go, want to express this anger now."

Ge Xiaolun was a little confused, "What?"

Liu Chuang roared angrily, "None of your business! I didn't talk to you." He picked up an unknown object and threw it on Ge Xiaolun's head.Ge Xiaolun didn't hesitate, picked up a trash can and threw it at Liu Chuang.

Liu Chuang immediately picked up Ge Xiaolun, and would slam his head on the floor.There was a hole in the ground, Ge Xiaolun was fine, Liu Chuang kicked Ge Xiaolun away again.

Unexpectedly, after Ge Xiaolun landed perfectly, he just swooped at Liu Chuang, and did not pounce on anything.

Liu Chuang joked, "I'll go, the toad climbs the tree." After speaking, he pulled an abandoned air conditioner from the wall and threw it at Ge Xiaolun.

Ge Xiaolun was knocked to the ground again

"Get up, don't pretend to be a grandson"

This is the arrival of two police cars, and three people got out of the car.

"Police. Police be careful!"

Xiao Liu pretended to be X and shouted, "Squat everything for me."

Liu Chuang stood there motionless as if he hadn't heard anything.

When Qilin saw it, "Oh, there's a hard check." She took out a gun and pointed at Liu Chuang and leaned over.

When Liu Chuang saw it, "I'll go, this is a gun! If you're skilled, you're afraid of a knife!" He was immediately discouraged.

In the police car, Qilin asked Ge Xiaolun curiously, "Hey! Did you do that hole in the ground and that air conditioner when you were fighting?"

Ge Xiaolun felt that everything just now was like a dream, "Don't ask, just let me be quiet."

Then I started my self-report again, "I seem to have gained some incredible abilities. I believe that what I see in my dreams is real. I have felt different from others since I was a child. Now my head is inserted into the concrete floor, but it is intact. No loss, that old rascal looks the same, I figured so maybe, I'll be superman or there are a lot of supermen on earth, or me and them are all fucking sleepwalking. But either way, I can't let it go, at this time At this moment, I am full of strength. I am 1.8 meters tall, and I am not bad looking. I will chase ten school beauties this year!"

(End of this chapter)

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