Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 4 Inheritance

Chapter 4 Inheritance
"Son, child, wake up!"

"Who is it!" Mo Yu stood up weakly from the ground.

Rubbing his eyes, "Damn, this is???"

Mo Yu found himself standing on a still flowing galaxy, surrounded by azure universe, and the little stars set off by it were really beautiful.

"Son, you're awake" a mysterious voice
"Huh? Who are you? What do you want to do?" Mo Yu looked vigilant.

"My child, I finally waited for you. Don't be afraid, child, I will not hurt you. I am Aurelion Sol"

After Mo Yu heard the other party's self-reported family name, he also had a great understanding. After all, he had the dragon king's gene in his body, so he asked tentatively, "Are you the star-casting dragon king?"

The mysterious voice was curious, and said, "Oh! Child, do you know me?" Mo Yu revealed his body shape while talking, and Mo Yu stared at the huge dragon in front of him in a daze.

The whole body of the giant dragon is blue, and there are many ancient and mysterious inscriptions on its body that even Mo Yu can't understand. Those huge eyes with blue light still have a huge momentum of contempt for everything in the universe, pressing down on Mo Yu. You can't act rashly, and the pair of Kongwu's powerful claws are also holding a star, which is very ancient and domineering.

"Damn it! Is it so big?" Mo Yu couldn't help exhaling.

The Dragon King smiled, "Don't be nervous, child, this is just a sliver of my consciousness, not one-tenth the size of my main body."

I rely on! "That's not too big!" You brag about B when you're so big, hehe, how big is your body.

"Then I don't know why the Dragon King is looking for me?" Mo Yu was very puzzled.

The Dragon King is the owner of [Light of the Stars], but I am the heir, so it must not be confiscated: I thought.

"Son, don't be nervous, you are the successor of my genes, and you should be the descendant of my star-casting dragon king."

"Your genes? The light of the stars?" Mo Yu pretended not to know to come to know the consultant.

"Yeah! Originally, I was swimming in space. At that time, my genes were still called Xingchen Yaoshi. Later, due to distraction, I unfortunately broke into the chaos of nothingness. My distraction caused me to enter the center of chaos, and then my energy has been Absorbed by chaos, I accidentally obtained the energy of light, and my genes changed, but this energy was far from being able to last me out of chaos, and finally I sent out all the remaining energy wrapped in my genes , I hope someone will accept my inheritance after getting it...After I waited for dozens of epochs, you got my genes and appeared by my side."

Mo Yu nodded thoughtfully after listening to the Dragon King tell so many stories, "Huh? I almost understand!"

After hearing what he said, the Dragon King replied, "I will stop talking nonsense, and prepare to accept my inheritance!"

Afterwards, the surrounding area where Mo Yu was located turned into countless blue energy and golden star energy pouring into his body.

Mo Yu saw that the Dragon King sent a huge amount of energy into his body regardless of his own opinion.He wanted to say something, but couldn't.

His current body is being wrapped in blue and gold energy, and the energy is transforming his body and genes.After the body was elevated to the divine body, all the energy slowly entered the genes.

'Di!Detects genes in the host to be activated

beep!It is detected that the generally huge star power and star energy are merging with the host's [Star Light]'

Fusion is successful!

are logging separately:
stars: light:
Non-radiation miniature star light No radiation miniature star sun super · miniature star light · miniature star sun

Super·Medium Star Flame·Medium Star Sun

Super·Giant Star Shine·Giant Star Sun

Super·Xing Yao Guang·Xing Yang

Super Star River Light Super Star Sun

Super·Red Giant·Supernova
Super Nova God Incarnation of Light
Super Death Star
Super star crack

God Casting Star

Stars: record success Light: record success
"It's finally over, I'm so exhausted!" Someone panted heavily, feeling a little excited when he saw his 10 devastating skills.

"I bet Reina is not as good as me"

"No, I can't be discovered by the bosses in outer space! Otherwise, I will have no good fruit to eat!"
beep!Congratulations to the [Starlight] activated in the host (reward: 10000 points)

beep!The plot will start in two months! ! !Please host to return to Juxia City as soon as possible! !

personal panel
Name: Mo Yu
Genes: Holy Angel (inactive), Star of Light

Attribute: Fire

Core engine: Ares engine, secondary biological engine (core frame count: 6 frames)
Combat Power: The Fourth Generation Super Soldier

Body: invincible body
Abilities: Fast as Light, Stellar Energetics, Stellar Energetics

Hardness (body): second generation god body

Killing Shenwu: Blade of Judgment (Power of Killing God)
Armor: None

Points: 10100 points
Wishes: 2

Affiliated civilization: Chinese civilization
Build Civilization: None

"Excuse me, I want a first-class ticket to Huaxiahe City! Hmm! The sooner the better. Okay, 11:[-] tomorrow morning? Oh! Thank you (English)"

 (English) is English

  (日) is Japanese
  Of course there will be no Japanese
(End of this chapter)

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