Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 3 The Second Generation Super Soldier

Chapter 3 The Second Generation Super Soldier

A white-haired man was frantically attacking trees with his fists in the woods.


A large tree with an inner diameter of about 30 centimeters and a height of 50 meters collapsed and disappeared like a molten molecule.

The white-haired man is Mo Yu, and this primeval forest is the training space for the system.

The training space is divided into forests, oceans, mountains, wetlands, rocky lands, sky, etc.

And Mo Yu's system task in the forest is to destroy 100 big trees with an inner diameter of 20 cm, but now there are only 36 trees.

personal panel
Name: Mo Yu
Gene: Holy Angel (inactive)
Core engine: Ares engine
Attribute: Fire

Combat power: quasi-second-generation super fighter

Physique: Invincible
Ability: Fast as Light

Hardness (body): late fourth-generation super soldier

Weapon: none

Armor: None

Wishes: 3

Credits: 0
Affiliated civilization: Chinese civilization
Build Civilization: None

Branch live service: become the second generation of super soldiers.Reward attribute draw once


"I'm working harder, I'm bound to get these 100 points" and then continued to attack the trees.

Ding!mission completed
Award 100 points
Credits: 100

"Now I want to hurry up and become stronger before returning to China to protect my loved ones"

Take out the remaining strengthening pills, look at the remaining 3 pills, and seize this opportunity to upgrade to the third generation of super fighters.

After taking the next one, a huge amount of energy floods into every part of the body.

The last time he fell into a coma because he was not used to it for the first time. Mo Yu has also been training crazily these days, and he can obviously feel the changes in his body.

Ding!side quest completed
Issue rewards
"Xiaochao, I want to draw an attribute gift bag!" After receiving the reward, Mo Yu immediately contacted the system.


Mo Yu looked at the scrolling screen


"Congratulations to the master for obtaining the attribute: Fire"

personal panel
Name: Mo Yu
Gene: Holy Angel (inactive)
Core engine: Ares engine
Attribute: Fire

Combat Power: The Second Generation Super Soldier

Physique: Invincible
Ability: Fast as Light

Hardness (body): late fourth-generation super soldier

Weapon: none

Armor: None

Wishes: 3

Points: 100 points
Affiliated civilization: Chinese civilization
Build Civilization: None


Two years later, Mo Yu turned 20, and his combat power has reached the level of a third-generation super soldier.

He took the last two strengthening pills, and his body hardness reached the level of a third-generation super soldier.

"Xiao Chao, open my 18th birthday gift bag!"

"Yes Master,,,,,"

"Turned on

Congratulations on winning a lottery for weapons, genes, engines, and items"

"I knew I was the Emperor of Europe"


a certain sea
"Lianfeng, what's going on."

The woman known as Lianfeng salutes back

"Report to Admiral Ducao. According to the reconnaissance of Deno-[-], energy fluctuations have been found in North America, which is suspected to be a third-generation super soldier."

"Can you locate the location of the living body?"

"No! The other party has more advanced technology than us, and they have avoided the energy point, and they can't find the location at all."

"Could it be the forces of the aliens who did it?"

"Probably not. According to the defenses of Deno 3 and global satellites, it is impossible to be a force from outer space."

"Who could it be?" Ducao thought for a while and said to Lianfeng, "Secretly pay attention to the dynamics in North America, and immediately report and lock the location after the energy appears!"


"Xiao Chao, is the energy I just sent out shielded?"


"Oh! Good!" Mo Yu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

I'm not cowardly?If you are found out, you can join the Xiongbing Company at most, but it would be bad if you are spotted by the aliens, especially Morgana.I can't afford it, I can't afford it! ! T^T
"It's a lottery draw, Xiaochao!"

"Which gift bag will the master draw first?"


"Congratulations to the master for obtaining the Judgment Blade. It was originally a weapon of the angel clan. After the system has been improved and upgraded, it can use fire and thunder. Now it can throw the flame sword for several blocks!"

"Okay, it seems that I have good luck. By the way. My first wish, I want me to be lucky in all kinds of lottery draws!" Mo Yu held the blue Judgment Blade and took a closer look at the flame sword. There is no difference, the only difference is the color and power, very good!
"Okay, the wish is successful! What's the next gift bag?"


"Congratulations to the master for obtaining the Star-Forging Dragon King, 【Light of the Stars】!"

"Damn it, is it so strong? Next is the engine, and the last is the item!"

"Okay, congratulations master for getting the secondary biological engine!"

"It's okay, at least there are more layers of resurrection armor,"

"Congratulations to the owner for obtaining the handsome fruit from [One Piece], which can be very attractive to women after eating."

"Handsome fruit, good or bad, but" Mo Yu certainly knows that devil fruit is afraid of sea water, otherwise he would have eaten it long ago,,,,

"Master, don't be afraid. This fruit has been modified by this system, and its shortcoming of being afraid of sea water and sea stones has long been corrected. Master can eat it with confidence." The system gave Mo Yu another reassurance when he was worried.

After listening to the system, Mo Yu took out a white fruit from the dark matter space with confidence.It's relatively small, probably just a mouthful.

Put the white fruit into the mouth, chew it slowly and swallow it into the stomach, then lie on the bed and wait for the effect.

A warm current flowed around his body, and then Mo Yu felt a sense of drowsiness, his eyelids were clenched, and he fell asleep again weakly.

In the dream, he came to a very dark room, or space, and in front of him was a huge monster, but he was unconscious and could not see it.
(End of this chapter)

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