Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 124 I want to rule...

Chapter 124 I want to rule...

When the dog head Joneser said this, his facial expression was quite proud.

Although Thornton always slandered himself out of conscience to be even uglier, but the dog head himself thought that his stupid younger brother Thornton was just slandering himself, and the dog head didn't care about him at all.

"Then you come with me, how about I take you with me?" Mo Yu waved a hand, moved a stone to his side, sat on the stone and looked at Jonathan and said.

"You?" Jonesse couldn't believe it directly, feeling like he heard a big joke.

"What? Can't you?" Mo Yu didn't care about Jonesse's ridicule, and continued with a smile on his face.

"Pfft~~haha... who do you think you are, what qualifications do you have to let me convince you!" Jonesse laughed loudly, staring at Mo Yu forcefully and said.

"I can give you endless food~~" Mo Yu could feel Jonesse's stomach rumbling, and said with a smile.

As soon as he heard that there was delicious food, his stomach became louder. The animal hand touched his stomach unconsciously, and finally swallowed his saliva in a murmur.

In any case, Joneser was the same as Thornton. Both of them were foodies, and they hadn't eaten out for thousands of years. It was normal for their stomachs to react.

"...Do you think of me as that freak Thornton who wants to send me away after a few meals?" But then thought that only the ugly and low-intelligence Thornton would be tempted. Although he is Thornton's brother, It doesn't mean you have low IQ.

"Hey~~ Let me tell you the truth." Mo Yu didn't answer Joneser's question, and didn't want to continue talking nonsense with him, so he went straight to the point, "I've taken a fancy to you, but how do you think you can convince me? Choose one of the two, give you what you want or hit the server!"

The dog-headed Jonesse raised his head and thought for a while, then said, "It's time to serve!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge iron hand descended from the sky, and slapped Jones into the red soil on the left.

Mo Yu was still sitting there calmly, and in front of him appeared the angel with a huge golden shadow.

Jonesse chose to be beaten to surrender so straightforwardly, Mo Yu naturally wanted to satisfy his little tendency to be abused, and took out his own silver-winged knight.

The silver-winged knight in the sky held a white god-slaying giant sword in his right hand, and slowly withdrew his left hand.

Suddenly, a shadow jumped out of the red clay hole and flew up to a height of [-] meters, and he was Jonesse.

Raising the one-way ax above his head, he slashed towards the head of the Silver Winged Knight.

"I told you to attack me~"

Jones groaned.

The Silver Wing Knight slowly raised his left hand to block the blow from the dog's head.

The purple glowing one-way ax and the white silver-winged knight's arm collided with each other, creating a huge airflow and increasing the aura.

"Hahaha~" Mo Yu snorted, an attack of this level would not be able to destroy the Silver Wing Knight, not even leaving a trace.

When the Silver Wing Knight confronted Joneser, he turned his right hand and hammered the hilt of the Godslayer Greatsword on Joneser's head.

"Ah~~" The pain made Jonesse yell, and his body hit the ground.

"Ahhh~~" The dog's head kept rolling in the sky, but it still didn't slow down its falling speed but accelerated.

Jonesse fell into the hands of the Silver Winged Knight, and then held him directly, controlling his movements so that he could not break free,

But how could Jonesse be reconciled, constantly struggling in the hands of the Silver Winged Knight, but there was nothing he could do.

"Are you convinced?" Mo Yu raised his head and asked.

"If you're capable, wait until I'm full before calling, if I'm not hungry..." Jonesse was obviously not convinced.

Just like Thornton, he blamed himself for being hungry, otherwise he would definitely be able to easily defeat Mo Yu.

It really is a family, the reasons are so consistent, it really is brothers, they have a tacit understanding.

"Hehe... why didn't you talk about it when you didn't call,'s too late!" Mo Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him about such trifles.

Immediately control the Silver Wing Knight and prepare to beat him up first.

Unlike Keisha, Mo Yu used his own knowledge base to assist the genetic system to control the Silver Winged Goddess, without too much calculation.

Mo Yu, who has the Mind Stone, can directly connect to the Silver Wing Knight through the Mind Stone, which is equivalent to the concept that Mo Yu can use one mind and two tasks.

I have to say that the infinite gems are really easy to use, not only can strengthen one's divine body, but also can improve all one's attributes in all aspects, it is simply a fighter in the metamorphosis.

The Silver Wing Knight threw Jonesse in his hand directly to the ground.

Jonesse became very weak, and it looked like he was too tired from being tortured.

But Mo Yu didn't mean to stop.

Under the control of Mo Yu's consciousness, the Silver Wing Knight turned the god-slaying sword in his hand to aim at Jonesse on the ground.

"Wait... I think there is still room for negotiation." Jonesse panicked. He thought Mo Yu was going to kill him. Unfortunately, he didn't satirize Thornton's ugliness properly, and he was a dog head. Just resurrected, how could I want to hang up.

The Silver Winged Knight didn't change because of Jonesse's begging for mercy, nor did he stop moving.

The tip of the sword stabbed fiercely, and Joneser could clearly feel a threat approaching his life.

It was also obvious what was threatening him.

So he instinctively closed his eyes and put his hands in front of himself, shouting in his mouth: "I have taken it... I have taken it..."

If you say hit the server, then hit the server.

No more BB with you...

Sure enough, as long as Jonesse had subdued, Mo Yu would not continue to control the Silver Wing Knight to stab.

To be honest, if Jonasse hadn't given up just now, Mo Yu was going to beat him back to the data state, re-implant something, and then release it to beat him.

The Silver Winged Knight glowed with white light, disappeared into the air little by little, and returned to the arsenal to wait.

Joneser immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The cold sweat on his forehead just now felt extremely lucky.

Fortunately, I was witty enough to give in, otherwise he might have been cold again just now, and if his stupid brother Thornton found out, he would have to laugh at him to death.

Jonesse slowly got up, sat on the ground and looked up at the sky.

The stone on which Mo Yu was sitting rose slowly, and then flew to Jonesse's side and stopped.

"I have a dream, can you help me realize it?" When I thought that I was someone else's subordinate, although I was very unconvinced, I was convinced now, but I must help myself realize my dream.

"Oh... what a dream, tell me about it!" Mo Yu didn't expect that this dog head also had a dream.

But it’s okay, if you have a dream, you are not a salted fish, which is a good thing.

"I want to rule the largest desert in the universe." (The author made it up, just take it as a joke and don't take it seriously) Jonathan said very seriously.

"噗嗤~~~~" Mo Yu was caught off guard and laughed, what is this about?

Although Thornton has the same dream, at least he knows that he wants to rule the world, although his world is not big, just a few rivers.

How are you to rule the desert?Or the largest desert in the universe?

How dare you say that your IQ is higher than Thornton's knowledge?I believe you ghost oh.


"Then how big do you think the desert you want to rule is?" Mo Yu withdrew his smiling face and asked with a suppressed smile.

", not enough, that's too little..." Jonesse lowered his head and counted with his fingers, " must be at least the size of ten Sahara deserts."

"Pfft~~hahaha..." To be honest, Mo Yu really couldn't help it, no one can stand this shit.

Just now, this guy said that his IQ is higher than that of Thornton, so he thinks that the ten Sahara deserts are the largest deserts in the universe?

Just a logical genius.

"Is there something wrong?" Jonesse turned around and asked when he heard Mo Yu's laughter.

", this dream is the greatest I've ever seen, it's pretty good..." Mo Yu rarely said it against his own conscience.

"Is ten too big, can't you? In fact, six...eight, eight is my limit." Jonesse thought that Mo Yu could not come true, after all, his wish was the biggest desert in the universe, so Very cute bargaining with Mo Yu.


It's okay not to say this, but when I said it, I laughed even bigger. This boy is really a living treasure just like Thornton.


(End of this chapter)

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