Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 125 Carl Design!

Chapter 125 Carl Design!

The screen slowly turns back to where Carl is.

After seeing Mo Yu completely gone, Karl finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Yu is too scary, from the awakening of the super gene to the present Supreme God, it took Mo Yu less than 5 years to do it all.

It can only show that Mo Yu's own condition is not good, that is, the super gene he carries is very advanced.

It also confirmed what Karl said, Mo Yu has become the supreme god, and his strength is naturally not something that Karl, who is a pseudo-five-generation god, can see through.

Moreover, there is no material about the supreme god in the big clock, and there is even a little data about the five generations of gods.

It can be said that Karl can't think of any way to easily destroy Mo Yu now.

It is basically known that Mo Yu may have reached the five generations of divine body, and it is possible to surpass it.

It must be known that the supernova explosion of the light of the sun also failed to kill the holy Kaisa, but just blasted her into a god body molecule, and did not destroy the technology of the fourth generation god body molecule.

Not to mention the technology that kills the fifth-generation divine body, or the technology that far surpasses the fifth-generation divine body.

But after all, ginger is still old and spicy.

As a 3-year-old god, Karl is naturally more thoughtful than the newborn god Mo Yu.

He quickly thought of a method that could be tried. Although he didn't know how successful it was, it was the only method that could destroy Mo Yu.

The former Karl got the help of a great god, blasted the black hole of the Peacock galaxy, and obtained five new substances far beyond the understanding of the times.

Karl calls it void particles.

We all know that to blow up a black hole, you must be able to use stellar energy drive technology, and you must be very skilled.

Taotie went to catch Lena just because Karl could liberate the void, and then Pan Zhen went to chat with Karl.

In the known universe, Lieyang star ranks first in terms of stellar energy drive technology.

The great god who helped Karl blow up the Peacock Galaxy might be the guardian of Solar Star...Pan Zhen!
Moreover, Pan Zhen just approached Karl, and both of them talked about some confidential issues of how the Solar Star would continue to exist.

If Karl has a way to help Pan Zhen protect the civilization of Lieyang, then it is also possible for Pan Zhen to help him blow up the black hole (the author guessed it himself).

The research results of the five void granules were relatively successful, and Hua Ye was the first 'white mouse' to succeed in the experiment.

Moreover, Hua Ye also got the latest void engine 'Black Hole Engine' given by Karl.

Carl thought that the way to destroy Mo Yu was Hua Ye.

"..." So Karl immediately contacted Hua Ye.

A Big Worm Bridge space station in a certain universe

Hua Ye walked in the open space of the space station with his arms around a scantily clad woman.

"Hahaha..." Hua Ye let out an uncomfortable laugh.

The hair on his head has been recovered by himself, and the angel's recovery ability is still very strong, coupled with the help given by Karl, Hua Ye is now like a 5000Kg fat man, swelled up.

"My lord, it's all settled!" The male angel Bao Feng walked up to Hua Ye and reported.

Thanks to Ruoning for rescuing him, otherwise Fengfeng would have died on Earth like Kunpeng.

"Heh heh heh... how good it is to surrender, it's a pity that so many angel sweethearts are lost." Hua Ye walked up to a dead female angel warrior, "tsk tsk tsk..."

'stab' sound

Hua Ye pulled out the sword blade on the female angel's back, glanced at the female angel in his arms and gestured, "You are still more sensible than them, but it's a pity that I've been playing with you for too long, and I'm tired of it. "

He let go of the hand holding the female angel, and slowly sat down on the small 'mountain' piled up with the corpses of the female angel.

But this female angel's legs were weak, and she sat on the ground slumped. It was obvious that she had been tortured by Hua Ye these days.

"...Carl, why are you looking for me?" Hua Ye said after receiving the message from Carl.

"My lord, is the void engine still applicable?" Karl asked.

"En... um... easy to use, this thing is quite exciting." Hua Ye said with an excited expression.

"As long as you like it..." Carl thought for a while and continued, "My lord, I can't help you..."

The intermittent speech made Hua Ye's opponent puzzled, and asked, "Oh? Do you think I can't protect you now?"

Hua Ye thought that Karl was afraid of unknown creatures in the void, so he didn't dare to cooperate with Hua Ye.

"No! It's Earth's Holy Star God of War who came to me..." Carl said calmly, but there was a trace of fear in his tone. He said it to Hua Ye on purpose.

"Oh... Huh, that little fresh meat? Why did he seek you?" Hua Ye glanced at the corpse of the female angel on the ground and the female angel who couldn't move, and said indifferently.

"He threatened me not to intervene in the war between the earth and Taotie, and the battle between you and the angels..." Carl said slightly, "As you know, I'm just a scholar, and I can't do anything about such threats."

"Hmph... Then do you think... I can destroy him?" Hua Ye continued with a smile. He felt that he was invincible, even Karl Huaye, who gave him the Void Engine, was not afraid.

"Holy Star God of War is the same four-generation divine body as Holy Kaisa, and you may not be able to destroy it..." Carl naturally heard Hua Ye's proud tone, and denied Hua Ye's unrealistic idea.

"Then what can you do?"

"I've heard from the gluttonous civilization Wang Jihowl under my command that the angels' Tianren No. [-] has reached the outskirts of the Milky Way, and now it's around the Chiwu star system..." Carl and Hua Ye revealed their plan, " You just need to go with Ruoning to hold back the new queen of the angels, Angel Yan, then the Holy Star God of War on Earth will definitely support you, then you just need to inform me of the black hole engine I gave you, simulate a black hole, and absorb him Go in, borrow the power of the black hole, and destroy the Holy Star God of War!"

But Karl did not tell Hua Ye the specific situation of Mo Yu, because Karl knew that Hua Ye was a cowardly, yet very ambitious god.

Karl was afraid that Hua Ye's timidity would disturb his plan. The current Saint Star God of War is really elusive, and he must get rid of it quickly.

And Hua Ye can't die either, Hua Ye is a very important pawn for him, and this pawn must control the most critical position.

Mo Yu is an outsider outside the chess game, disturbing all of Carl's plans, so Mo Yu can no longer stay, this is for the normal operation of Carl's own subsequent plans.

"It's a good idea, but I wouldn't know if you stabbed a knife in the back?" Hua Ye said with a half-smile.

Hua Ye was afraid that Carl would plan to get rid of him as well. After all, he had obtained incredible abilities now, and Carl would definitely be wary of Hua Ye.

"Do you think my 3-year-old god would do this?" Carl didn't mind at all.

Hua Ye is now his chess piece, and Karl has to be careful to give it up.

"...Okay..." Hua Ye thought about it carefully, and agreed to Karl's plan.


After hanging up the communication, Ruoning also returned to the space station where Hua Ye was.

"Honey, you're back..." Hua Ye walked up to Ruoning with his arms around the female angel and asked.

And Ruoning saw the female angel in Hua Ye's arms for the first time, and said with a slightly changed face, "Who is she?"

With a smile on his face, Hua Ye pulled out the saber from his waist, stabbed the female angel's abdomen with his backhand, and threw her to the ground.

"Honey, who is it? I didn't see it..."

Ruoning didn't say anything more about Hua Ye, walked up to Hua Ye and said, "Tianren No. [-] has reached the outer edge of the Chiwu star system, and this Tianren battle celestial body is the queen of angels' hearts, the little girl Yan Yes, as long as we kill her, the angels will be leaderless, which is a good opportunity for us to counterattack!"

"Then what are we waiting for, I haven't touched her big breasts yet..." Hua Ye had a thick obscene expression on his face, and the gesture of grabbing Yuexiong while sitting with his hands was extremely disgusting.

Hua Ye's little hobby is to conquer all angel queens, big and small.

"No, I'll deal with Angel Yan, you just stay here..." Ruoning had been with Hua Ye for a long time, and she was also used to Hua Ye's flirting.

Since she is the former left-wing guard and Yan is her rear left-wing guard, Ruoning is also very dissatisfied with Kesha's decision to promote Yan to the left-wing guard.

So Ruoning wants to see if Yan has that ability.

This is a contest between the left!

PS: Since Xiaoshi has an exam in mid-July, I have to change it to a maximum of 7 updates in 4 days, or even less. I have to review, and this time may be much slower.

After the exam, I have to pack up before I can go home with peace of mind, so I can't update 8 times a day until the beginning of August.

Well, this week's update is over!
(End of this chapter)

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