Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 126 The rain is coming!

Chapter 126 The rain is coming!

long after
"Cough cough" Mo Yu stopped laughing, coughed slightly and said, "I've got this dream, you can hang out with me at ease in the future, hang out with me, you can eat delicious food and drink spicy food..."

"Really?" Jonesse turned his head, looked at Mo Yu and said.

"Of course, what I said, you boss, can I still lie to you?" Mo Yu stood up as he spoke, stretched his arms, and looked at Jones.

"...Okay, then I will hang out with you from now on. You are my boss, Jonathan. If you are not happy with the boss in the future, let's go and beat Thornton. He has rough skin and thick flesh, and he is resistant to beating..." Yue After thinking about it for a while, Nesser still hangs out with Mo Yu, and casually buys his younger brother, who is indeed his real brother.

"Okay, that's good, come home with me first!" A wormhole appeared on Mo Yu's left, and now he is very proficient in using the infinite gem, and the worm door of the space gem opened easily.

"Hey, hey hey..."

Joneser slowly tried to get up, but unfortunately he had no strength left.

And his stomach was already making loud noises, Joneser muttered and stirred his mouth, reaching out to touch his stomach.

Mo Yu looked a little funny, he was too hungry to walk.

"Here, let's eat it first." Mo Yu backhanded out dozens of catties of beef and threw it into Jonathan's hand.

"Oh..." Jonesse said excitedly when he saw how nice his boss was.

He took the beef to his nose and sniffed it, and immediately salivated.

The top-quality beef is no joke. The raw meat alone is already bright in color, and you will have an appetite just looking at it.


Jonesse couldn't wait to pick up the beef and ate it with big mouthfuls, tearing off many small pieces from the large piece of beef.

Mo Yu looked at the tattered armor on Jonesse's body thoughtfully.

From now on, I will be my little brother who wants to hang out with me. How can I treat him badly? It just so happens that I still have a lot of various metals in my god-killing weapon arsenal, which should be able to make him a suit of equipment.

"Throw away this armor, I'll give you a better one!" said Mo Yu and Joneser, who was feasting.

"...Oh..." Jonesse looked down at his armor in a daze.

It seemed that Jonesse hadn't appeared for a long time, and the armor and weapons on his body were already damaged.

After agreeing, he continued to eat the beef in his hand, anyway, it just depends on whether it fits.

Mo Yu turned on the 'super core' and used the power of anti-void and void to make armor for Joneser.

The Reality Gem can't calculate Joneser's divine body structure and his fighting style, and the armor Joneser made probably won't be used either.

〖Start to calculate the target body structure

The target belongs to the ultimate beast warrior, the second generation god

Start calculating target combat formula

calculation completed
Synthesizing armor

The ultimate animal body of the second-generation god body, Joneser, is more than enough with Mo Yu's super-high-speed "super-core" calculation.

Now that there are celestial computer 'stars' and infinite gems, Mo Yu can easily destroy Morgana of the fourth-generation god body and Karl of the pseudo-fifth-generation god body, and they are still the ones that cannot be resurrected.

Now that the armor has been done, the weapons have not yet been settled.

But Mo Yu has an arsenal that is far superior to the god-killing arsenal of the holy Kaisa, and he just needs to find a suitable ax from it for Joneser to use.

There are quite a lot of weapons in it, and there are all kinds of them, but Mo Yu still likes to use the cutting-edge god-killing weapons of the Silver Wing and Silver Blade series. , at least it can threaten other gods.

Seeing that the beef in Jonesse's hand had been wiped out by him, and he was still licking his fingers, Mo Yu asked amusedly:

"Is it tasty?"

"Delicious!" Jonesse nodded heavily, and continued to lick his fingers.

"Would you like some more?"

"...uh... next meal, next meal..." In fact, Jonesse still wanted some, but his strength didn't allow it.

"Come on, the weapons and armor are here..." Mo Yu carried the weapons and armor to Joneser's feet through the micro-wormhole.

"Oh..." Jonesse nodded, got up with a limp and began to take off the damaged armor.

"Tsk..." Mo Yu covered his forehead and shook his head. As expected, he was still too stupid, so he had to help him by himself, removing the armor on his body through the micro-wormhole.

"Huh?" Jonesse looked at the armor that had disappeared in surprise.

In the next second, the brand new armor appeared on his body. Jonesse looked at Mo Yu who was looking at him and nodding in front of San, and understood that it was Mo Yu who did it.

"'s so beautiful." Jonesse happily touched the armor on his body and jumped up, full of joy, and gesticulating around with the new god-killing ax.

"Okay, okay, let's go, go back with me first." Mo Yu said with a smile.

"Oh good!" Jonesse was now completely determined to follow Mo Yu, and ran up immediately.

Mo Yu walked into the opened worm door first, and Jonesse followed behind without missing a step.


in outer space

Due to the blockade of Taotie's entire fleet, Tianren Seven was unable to advance half a point, but the Taotie also had nothing to do with the angels' Tianren Seven's shield.

Taotie's technology is too low in front of the angels, it can't break any loopholes at all, and all the artillery fire is blocked.

"What type of shield is this?" Taotie Wang Zhihow put his hands on the command table and said, looking at the simulated data of the Heavenly Blade Seven on the command table.

"This is not a conventional energy starlight barrier, it is a space-time shield, and all firepower fired at it will be distorted by time and space." Another high-level Taotie said.

And in the Heavenly Blade Seven of the angels, they are also actively preparing for the next action.

Keira, the technology representative on Tianren [-], stood on the platform on the second floor and walked to the edge and asked the angels in charge of technology: "The space-time shield has absorbed a lot of energy, is the energy converter still working?"

"Already converting!"

"Then store it first!" Keira said, and continued, "Hurry up and connect to the Milky Way Data Silver Star Data System, activate all jumping worm gate positions..."

Now their necessary purpose is to go to the earth as soon as possible, and Yan wants to lead part of the angels through the worm gate to deal with Morgana's demons.

〖Calculating the jumping position of the wormhole

Activate all worm doors〗

All the energy of Tianren No. [-] was introduced into the dominant crystal on Tianren No. [-], and the side windows of the wings on both sides of Tianren No. [-] began to shine, and all the side window wormholes were opened immediately.

"The data connection is completed, and the jumping positions of all the worm gates have been established." Angel Exchange, which is in charge of data investigation, reported.

Keira nodded, and looked back at Angel Yan on the throne.

"The specific coordinates of Tianren No. [-] have been transmitted to you. Most of the angels here are newcomers. I hope you can help me protect them..." Angel Yan hung up the communication, watched Kaila nodded and stood up and went to The edge of the three-story throne platform looked at the angels below and said.

"Okay, get ready to sneak in. I'll leave the Tianren Seventh to Kailash, Ah Zhui and Moy. I've notified the Holy Star God of War on Earth to help you..." Angel Yan turned his head and looked at those who wanted to fight with him. The angels who went to attack Morgana said, "There may be many angels among us who will be captured by Morgana and sniped by demons. Be careful!"

After Angel Yan finished speaking, he fluttered his wings and flew away from the main hall of Tianren No. [-], followed by many angels. They will follow Angel Yan through the worm gate to attack Morgana's forces.

But Angel Yan didn't know that what was waiting for her was not Morgana, but Ruoning, the former left-wing guard.

The other angels also found the window they were going to, and entered the side window of Tianren No. [-].

Angel Yan led the four angel warriors to where they were going.

However, King Taotie can't see all of these things because of howling. Taotie's technology can't see through the space-time shield of Tianren No. [-], so he can only see the surface of Tian Ren No. [-].

But the shield problem of Tianren No. [-] is still the direct obstacle preventing the Taotie from driving straight into the interior, and Taotie has no other way to solve it.

Howl can only find Morgana, who has a deep research on time and space, and ask her for help to crack the program of the time and space shield of Tianren No. [-].


The first week of JulyChapter 1

 Thanks to the guard Wang Yan for the 1000 starting point reward!
  Thanks big man!

(End of this chapter)

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