Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 127 Recovery!

Chapter 127 Recovery!

In the courtyard of Beizhixing, Xiongbing Company and several angels were all sitting around a table.

Mo Yu sat at one corner of the table, and Jonesse stood behind Mo Yu blankly.

If Mo Yu hadn't explained it to them, Jonesse would have been killed by Angel Leng.

Fortunately, Xuan Ling kept holding the angel cold, otherwise Jonesse would really have sex with the angel.

Mo Yu never expected that Xuan Ling would be so powerful, and that Angel Leng would be able to flirt like that?

I can only silently give my thumbs up, well done, really honoring the ball.

Xuan Ling also happened to see Mo Yu's admiring thumb, and nodded with an embarrassed smile.

"Okay, now the formal meeting begins."

Mo Yu amplifies his voice into this house through dark energy.

Everyone immediately quieted down. Seeing Mo Yu's serious expression, they realized that the next thing must be difficult.

"Before I came back, I received a communication from the new Wang Yan of the angels..." Mo Yu looked around and said.

"Yan? Is she coming?" Angel Leng, as Angel Yan's best friend, must have asked immediately.

"Well, she told me that the angels' Tianren No. [-] has reached the outer edge of the Chiwu star system, but was blocked by Taotie on the way, and she hopes that I can help..." Mo Yu said the previous request to him come out.

"Tianren No. [-], the exclusive car of the new queen, is also the proof of Sister Yan, it cannot fall into the hands of Taotie." Because Zhi Xin is a student of Tianji Wang Hexi, he still knows a lot.

And the Sky Blade series is a large-scale combat celestial body that Hexi is responsible for research and development. Zhi Xin, as a student of Hexi, must also know it.

"Then what are we waiting for? Just go ahead..." Liu Chuang stood up excitedly, shaking the black hammer in his hand, with an expression of wanting to kill the enemy with blood.

"Can you fly?" Xin Zhao patted Liu Chuang on the shoulder and mocked.

"I, I, I... I'll take the plane to me..." Liu Chuang was at a loss for words, his life was short.

"Chuangzi doesn't need to go. You, Ge Xiaolun and other members of the Xiongbing Company all stay on the earth to prevent the gluttons from attacking the North Star." Mo Yu never thought of letting the Xiongbing Company go with him.

"Then why, brother Yu, I have been training very seriously recently, can you really let me go with you?" Liu Chuang still didn't let go of the slightest chance, and now Liu Chuang really wanted to fight.

"Needless to say, the only ones going this time are the angels, Jonesse, and me..."

"What about me?" Xuan Ling was more worried about Angel Leng's safety, turned his head to look at Angel Leng and Mo Yu and said.

" are only the first generation of gods. Ge Xiaolun and the others are all third generation gods. What are you going to do? Add to the chaos?" Mo Yu glanced at Xuanling and said.

Even Liu Chuang, who was compatible with the third-generation god body and god-killing power, didn't go, so it's Xuan Ling's turn to show off.

"Hey..." Xuan Ling sighed and sat back, Angel Leng immediately began to comfort him, saying that he would come back well and nothing would happen.

"Broken heart! I got a little novel technology these days, I think it should be able to help solve the problem of your genetic collapse!"

For this point, Mo Yu himself can be said to be very sure, just with the effect of the self gem in the infinite gem, there is still no problem in curing the burning gene.

"Really?" Zhi Xin immediately stood up with a very excited tone.

"Well, I'm [-]% sure I can solve your problem!"

"That's great!" Zhi Xin smiled in surprise, Xin Zhao hugged Zhi Xin directly, and the two began to circle around.

Mo Yu smiled and turned to look at Ge Xiaolun, "Xiaolun, I have a lot of technology here, which should be helpful to you, and you are ready to accept it."

"Okay!" To be honest, Ge Xiaolun didn't know what Mo Yu was talking about?But he was not good at refusing, and he cooperatively turned on the 'Xiongxin' system engine.

〖Looking for a target

make a request to connect
Successfully obtained the authorization of the Holy Star God of War
Start connecting data

Successfully connected to Superchip knowledge base
receiving data

As soon as Mo Yu realized that Ge Xiaolun's "xiongxin" had been connected to his own "chaoxin" knowledge base, he was not ambiguous, and immediately began to upload some helpful data to Ge Xiaolun.

This is also some of Mo Yu's help to the earth. In the future, if it is not good for Mo Yu to directly help the earth, he does not want to be damaged by other gods behind his back.

And as long as Ge Xiaolun uses it well, these technologies can also help the earth quickly enter the space age and enter space-level technology.

In this way, future battles on Earth will be easier to fight.

〖Connected to the low-level frame calculation engine 'xiongxin'

The three generations of divine body knowledge are being transmitted~~~
Transmitting low-level super core knowledge code~~~
Transmitting exoskeleton armor data~~~
Transmitting ordinary gene enhancer~~~
Start to upgrade Xiongxin's core frame calculation operation


After the series of transmissions were completed, Ge Xiaolun fell into howling ghosts and howling wolves, scaring the others to worry for a while.

But after Mo Yu told them the truth, everyone felt relieved, and the splitting headache was understandable.

The only thing to blame is that Ge Xiaolun's own core computing frame count is too low, with a computing speed of less than 10 frames.

Now that he has received such a large amount of data access, it is inevitable that he will feel a little uncomfortable, and there is nothing he can do if his brain capacity is not enough. He is not a female angel like Zhi Xin and the others.

Its own brain development degree is only 10 development degree, so there is no other way at all.

But in fact, Mo Yu has a solution, as long as Ge Xiaolun uses 'xiongxin' to build several data storage databases in advance, he can avoid these splitting headaches.

But Mo Yu wanted Ge Xiaolun to know that no technology can be obtained for nothing, and you have obtained these data very easily now, so you will not think that it is so difficult for Mo Yu to obtain these data by himself.

Ge Xiaolun really didn't resist the series of 'receiving' prompts, and passed out.

"Xiaolun?" Liu Chuang worriedly ran to Ge Xiaolun who was unconscious, and sniffed in a dignified manner.

"It's okay, he just can't bear the impact of such a large amount of data on his brain for the time being, and he will be fine after a night of sleep..." Mo Yu said.

Xin Zhao, who was about to do artificial respiration, stopped, and slapped Ge Xiaolun on the face with disgust.

"My mouth stinks, but luckily I react quickly..." Xin Zhao shook his head and returned to Zhi Xin.

"It's fine..." Liu Chuang said.

"Zhi Xin, are you ready?" Mo Yu smiled and looked at Ge Xiaolun before looking back at Zhi Xin and asked.

Mo Yu doesn't have too much time to delay now, and Tianren No. [-] can be said to be changing rapidly, so he must hurry up to get it done.

"...En..." Zhi Xin thought for a while, she felt that as the right wing guard of the sacred wings, and that was the king frame of her best friend Angel Yan, as the best friend Zhi Xin, she had to help too.

"By the way, when I was captured by Karl earlier, he studied me, and he also researched something, I don't know the specifics..." Zhi Xin said.

Some time ago, when Karl was imprisoned in the Dead Song Academy, Zhixin vaguely felt that Karl said that the research was successful, and that he was anti-angel or something like that.

"I know that it is the anti-angel program studied by Karl, which is the implantation of the concept of angel strike. Angels without subbiological engines cannot fight against this kind of enemy." Mo Yu explained.

Mo Yu has encountered this kind of gluttonous fighter with the concept of angel strike several times, and he has also worked out a solution.

It is to upgrade the engine system of the angels, because the concept of angel strike is to destroy the gene engine system of the angels.

But Keisha's sacred wings are equipped with sub-biological engine systems, that is, they have upgraded their genetic systems.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound in the crowd, which lasted less than a minute and then disappeared.

And Angel Zhixin's angel wings appeared behind her blushingly, and Zhixin flapped his wings, and slowly flew to the top of the table.

bang bang bang~~~
The silver armor reappeared on Zhi Xin's body, covered with a green military uniform, and the long-lost flame sword was taken out and held in his hand.

Xin Zhao was shocked and glamoured. With Zhi Xin's current appearance and makeup, she is completely beautiful, and Xin Zhao is still the male god of Zhi Xin, which also reflects the famous saying that Xi Shi is in the eye of the beholder.

Mo Yu turned off the ability of the self-gem, stood up, and walked to the courtyard of the courtyard, and the others knew that they were about to leave.

Except for the angels and Jonesse, the others did not leave the house, they just stood at the door and waved goodbye to Mo Yu and the angels.

Then I saw them enter the worm bridge that Mo Yu opened with the space gem and the 'super core' that was opened with the 'star'.

Mo Yu has received the location coordinates of Tianren No. [-] and the authority to restrict the internal space given by Angel Yan, so he can easily enter Tian Ren No. [-]. Of course, the worm bridge can also be opened inside Tian Ren No. [-].


Chapter 2

 When I am on vacation, I will write sweet articles. I want to be sweet to everyone who does not have a girlfriend. If I have a girlfriend, I want you to envy and hate
(End of this chapter)

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