Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 128 Arriving at Sky Blade 7!

Chapter 128 Arriving at Sky Blade Seven!
〖Has authorized Tianren No. [-] space wormhole permission
Wormgate being constructed

Wormgate established〗

As the top combat celestial body of the angels, Tianren No. [-] is not easy to get in. People like Morgana who have deep research on time and space
Perhaps the space-time shield of Tianren Seven can be opened.

Fortunately, Mo Yu has authorized the authority of Yan Tianren No. [-], and the connection point of the worm gate established is in the hall of the angels.

Mo Yu took the lead and walked in, and the others followed behind him.

After a short journey through the worm bridge corridor, several people came to the exit.

Mo Yu had just stepped half a step out of the worm gate, when an angel attacked him, and the flaming sword slashed at Mo Yu's body.

That guy, just as Mo Yu reacted, the attacking angel fell to the ground, and was beaten to the ground by Mo Yu's subconscious attack.

"Male god?" the angel who attacked Mo Yu said after seeing Mo Yu's appearance clearly.

"Ah Chasing?" Only then did Mo Yu realize that it was Angel Chasing who attacked him.

"I'm sorry male god, I thought it was the worm door opened by Morgana, so..." Angel Zhui explained.

Mo Yu nodded, it is understandable that Angel Chasing is extremely vigilant at this critical moment.

"Yo Yo Yo, you're bullying our family's Ah Zhui here again..." Angel walked out of the worm gate with a sneer, and couldn't help laughing when he saw Mo Yu standing at the door and Angel Chase fell to the ground.

"Chasing." Angel Moy saw more and more angels coming out of the worm gate, and was glad that most of the angels who went to Earth with Kaisha were safe, so they also went to help Chase.

Fortunately, Mo Yu didn't use his ultimate move, and Ah Zhui was fine after he got up, otherwise Ah Zhui would have been seriously injured at least.

"Sister Leng!" Moy and Zhui looked at Angel Leng and said.

Angel Leng is the most convincing angel besides Angel Yan, and is also stronger than them.

"En..." Angel Leng nodded slightly, looking at Mo Yu.

"What's the situation now?" Mo Yu walked to the platform of the throne on the second floor, looked at the whispering angels below, and asked Ah Zun.

"Hey, who is he?"

"I do not know?"

"Is he the helper that the queen has found?"

"I don't know...Look, why is there an ultimate beast warrior behind him?"

"I don't know? It should be his... subordinate?"

"What are you arguing about? Why don't you go back to continue your work..." Angel Keira stood up and interrupted the gossip of the angels, then looked at Mo Yu and said, "It's like this, the gluttonous large main fleet has intercepted our advance , are still attacking us outside, but they have no way to break through the time-space shield of Tianren No. [-], and cannot enter the interior of Tianren..."

"The Taotie has already called, may I ask what you can do, male god?" Moi, who is now the holy right wing, asked.

"Moy, don't we still have us? Does he need to think of a way?" Angel coldly stretched out his hand, indicating that Moy is not the only one.

I still have Yunyi, Yitian, Lingxi, and Fanxing five high-level angels here, so I am afraid of a large main fleet of Taotie?
What's more, there is Zhi Xin, an angel who masters the sub-biological engine.

"If my guess is correct, the gluttons should be equipped with void engines, and there are quite a few of them. Do you think you are useful?" Mo Yu looked at Angel Leng jokingly, and taunted mercilessly.

Mo Yu has long been displeased with the cold arrogance of the angel. She feels that she is very sacred and proud, but it is useless in front of the gluttonous king who is equipped with the concept of angel strike.

Judging from Zhixin's current sub-biological engine with a core computing frame rate, it has little hope of defeating the howling void engine of the Taotie King.

The other angels who came to support, except for Yun Yi who had advanced to become gods, were only at the level of the third generation of angel fighters. Although they were not much different from the third generation of super fighters, in terms of overall strength.

No one in the Xiongbing Company can defeat them now, let alone the hundreds of angel fighters on the Sky Blade. The average strength of those angel fighters is at the level of the second generation. You can also hang and beat a few people in the Xiongbing Company.

But it still couldn't deal with the void-level weapons equipped by the gluttons.

Angel Burning Heart is a typical example. The Void Warrior used the Void Engine to directly modify his genes, resulting in gene necrosis and engine paralysis.

"What do you mean!" Angel blushed coldly, obviously blushing from anger.

How can I say that I have been a battle angel of the holy Kaisa for more than 7000 years, but I was so satirized by Mo Yu today, so I was naturally unconvinced.

"Hehe... Literally..." Mo Yu continued to turn his head and walked towards the exclusive throne on Angel Yan Tianren No. [-].

Most of the angels on the Tianren [-] are here now, and the Taotie King Ji Howl will definitely come, but how they break through the time and space shield of the Angel Tianren [-] is another matter.

"Hey can't sit there, get up for me! That's the king's seat!" Angel Leng was angry at first, but when he saw Mo Yu sitting on the throne, he immediately reprimanded him to get down.

Originally, Mo Yi also wanted to talk about Mo Yu, but was stopped by the chase. The chase knew that Angel Yan had been missing Mo Yu these days, and knew that this was the male god of the future queen.

Angel Leng naturally knew this too, but she just wasn't convinced.

" there any thorns?" Mo Yu moved his body slightly, looked at the leather throne under his buttocks and continued to talk to Angel coldly, "No, it's quite comfortable."

"That's right. My boss said you can sit down, so you can sit down. What are you yelling for?" Jonesse said coldly, holding up his unarmed hand, looking at the angel.

"..." Angel Leng was already so angry at Mo Yu and Jonesse, wishing to beat them up, but in this situation...

Mo Yu took out the holy blade, held the handle of the sword in his hand and stood the tip of the sword on the ground of the hall, leaned on the throne with one hand propping his temple, and held the holy blade in the other hand with Erlang's legs crossed, waiting leisurely for the gluttons to find a way to break the sky. Blade Seven's space-time shield rushed in.

〖Release task:
Destroy King Taotie, Howl, and destroy the large main fleet of Taotie
Reward: Unknown

Failed: unknown

Additional conditions: protect all the remaining angels on the blade〗

Mo Yu was a little surprised. When he first got the system, the system was relatively active. Later, he simply gave Mo Yu rewards for completing hidden tasks, or interpreted the function and source of the rewards. After that, he did not actively issue a few A decent task.

How could Mo Yu not be surprised that the task was released for an unprecedented time just now?
"Let me introduce myself, my name is Mo Yu, from the Earth Heroes Company, the Holy Star God of War!" Mo Yu felt the guessing of his identity by the angels who had followed Angel Yan, so he directly told them his identity .

"Earthlings? That civilization of pre-nuclear technology actually has the ability to create gods?"

"Xue, don't you think he fits your standard of a male god?"

"No, don't talk nonsense."

"Then I'll see for myself..."

"If you like it, just see if the data matches or not, doesn't it?"

The crowd of little angels was extremely lively. Most of them were younger than a thousand years old, and some of them were less than five hundred years old. Among them were angels who had never experienced abstinence.

Now is the period when the heart of spring is sprouting, so naturally it is quite active.

"Stop arguing, let's go back to work. Among all the angels, the only one who can successfully match the data of the Holy Star God of War is Queen Yan. Don't daydream." Ah Zhui reminded the angels who were talking a lot, but they didn't realize that they were It has been exposed that Yan is Mo Yu's future guardian angel.

It doesn't matter if you don't say it, once you say it, the discussion will become even bigger, all of them are envious of their Queen Yan, and feel that her life in the future must be very happy.


Chapter 3

(End of this chapter)

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