Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 138 Sneak Attack!

Chapter 138 Sneak Attack!

Seeing that Mo Yu really did his own sword for Angel Yan, the smile on Hua Ye's face became wider.

"Can you let her go now!" Mo Yu looked at Hua Ye again and said.

"Of course, I'm a king who keeps my word. If I agree, I will definitely do it!" Hua Ye withdrew his smile and threw Angel Yan to Mo Yu's side.

Even though he was seriously injured, Mo Yu still rushed to catch Yan. Looking at the wound on Yan's body, Mo Yu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

Hugging Yan's slender waist, Mo Yu turned around and was about to leave. Hua Ye called out to Mo Yu, "Aren't you afraid that there may be fraud in this? So calm..."

Mo Yu lowered his head, looked at the beautiful woman in his arms, raised his head and said, "I'm afraid! But you can't destroy me, but I can tear you apart!"

"Hahaha... Originally, I would not keep my promise to the enemy, are different...unless you break it first!" Hua Ye laughed out loud, with strong confidence on his face.

Now even if the two start fighting again, Hua Ye is still full of confidence.

Mo Yu ignored Hua Ye's laughter, and led Yan to step into the insect gate.

At this time, Yan had a reaction.

"Cough cough cough..."

A severe cough came from Yan's mouth, and Mo Yu stopped immediately.

"Yan, are you okay?" He asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but..." Angel Yan said with a painful expression on his face.

"But what?" Mo Yu asked.

Mo Yu felt a sharp pain in his chest and looked down.

Yan's 'Wang Ming' had already pierced Mo Yu's entire chest, and Yan had a slight sneer on his face.

"'re not Yan..." Mo Yu looked at Yan with an unbelievable tone.

"Did I tell you that I am that little bitch?" 'Angel Yan' changed back to her original appearance, a puff of black smoke rose from her body, the smoke cleared, and Ruoning appeared in front of Mo Yu.

"But... I said you would die..."

The 'Wang Ming' in Ruoning's hands has improved a bit, but what worries Mo Yu most is not his own wounds, but Yan's current situation.

Regardless of his injury, Mo Yu reached out and grabbed Ruoning's neck, making Ruoning instantly feel the feeling of being on the verge of death.

Suddenly, another series of black corrugated gas rushed into Mo Yu's brain, hindering what he was going to do next.

"You violated the rules first, and I can kill you openly... Ha... hahaha...haha..." Hua Ye withdrew his hand after sending out the attack, and looked at Mo Yu whose spirit was being corroded.

It seems that Ruoning's plan has finally succeeded!

Let yourself hold Mo Yu first, Ruoning to crack Kaisha's top-level god-killing martial arts 'Wang Ming', when Mo Yu is stabbed by himself, give him Ruoning disguised as Yan, and when the time is right, let Ruoning Stabbing Mo Yu.

Under the double blow of the top-level god-killing martial arts, no matter what four generations of gods or war gods you are, you will not die or be injured!

Mo Yu immediately docked with his own soul gem, and the powerful spiritual power instantly swept away the spiritual corrosion of Hua Ye's black hole engine on Mo Yu himself.

Seeing Ruoning pinched in his hand, he took out the holy blade with his right hand, "This time, you all have to die!"

The first one is that Ruoning suffers.

Hua Ye would not let Ruoning cool down too early, jump into the sky, and use the inertial impact to strike at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu didn't let go of Ruoning, but turned the holy blade that attacked Ruoning to resist Hua Ye's attack.

Both of them are top-level god-killing weapons, one is Hua Ye's using the corrosive energy of the 'black hole engine' to bless the god-killing martial arts, and the other is Mo Yu's top-level god-killing martial arts bless with the power of annihilation.

When the two collided with each other, a black energy shield and a white energy shield started, and the 'sparks' generated by the confrontation between the two sides reversed the space around them.

Ruoning had sharp eyes and quick hands, and pulled out the 'Wang Ming' on Mo Yu's chest.

And Mo Yu felt a severe pain in his chest, which made Mo Yu unable to confront Hua Ye.

The holy blade shattered, and the fragments scattered all over the place, and Hua Ye's blade had already slashed into Mo Yu's body.

The blood flowed down from the shoulder, dyeing the ground under Mo Yu's feet crimson.

Immediately, the white shield exploded, blasting Ruoning and Hua Ye apart at the same time.

"Hahaha... Ruoning, you did a great job!" Hua Ye who stopped laughed and looked at Ruoning.

"What's there to be happy about? Hurry up and get rid of him so that we can take back the Tiangong and recall more male angels!" Ruoning's eyes never left the place where Mo Yu exploded, there was only a pothole there.

"That makes sense...then I'll make a wormhole first!" Hua Ye withdrew his smile, and immediately started to start the 'black hole engine', preparing to make a simulated black hole to swallow Mo Yu.

After all, in their eyes, Mo Yu is the fourth-generation divine body. Apart from using the star explosion, they only have black holes to try, and Hua Ye doesn't have the technology to drive the star energy.

A virtual pseudo gossip program diagram appeared in front of Hua Ye, and then he began to design the force and attraction of the black hole, as well as the unique absorption force of the black hole.

Many little purple hands also appeared on the virtual gossip program map to help Hua Ye operate.

In less than a while, a miniature black hole appeared outside their planet.

"Let's go quickly, this black hole can swallow all the planets under our feet in 30 minutes, including us!" Hua Ye turned his head and said to Ruoning.

"Then what about this little bitch and that little furry boy over there?" Ruoning took out the space-time cage that locked Yan.

Yan is still in the cage of time and space and has not come out, nor has he woke up.

"Whatever they are... Throw them all here, it's better to let the black hole suck them all away!" Hua Ye glanced at Tian Tianyan, and said to Ruoning.

"Okay, let's go!" After finishing speaking, Ruoning began to calculate the worm gate and wanted to leave.

〖The space medium has been modified!

Wormholes cannot be created! 〗

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

Seeing more and more rubble and boulders being sucked away by Huaye, the miniature black hole, but Ruoning's wormhole could not be established, Ruoning couldn't help but swear.

"What happened? Why hasn't the wormhole been established yet?" Hua Ye asked when he saw Ruoning cursing there.

"The micro-wormhole medium in the space around us has been modified by people, and the wormhole cannot be established!" Ruoning replied.

"Then we will fly away by ourselves, as long as we fly out of the black hole's absorption range first!" Hua Ye looked around and said.

"Okay!" Ruoning nodded.

Both of them spread their wings, and just as they flew off the ground, they suddenly found something was wrong.

Why did I keep flying in and out of the same place all the time, trapping them like an endless loop.

"What's going on?" Hua Ye stopped, looked at the place where they couldn't get out and said.

"This is an endless loop of wormholes. Let's crack it quickly, or the black hole will suck us away!" Ruoning and Hua Ye explained.

"Then hurry up and crack it..." Hua Ye said eagerly to Ruoning.

"You have a black hole engine, and your black hole engine has a higher frame rate than mine, and only you can crack it..." Ruoning shouted at Hua Ye in anti-anger.

"Oh..." Hua Ye was yelled at by Ruoning, and he immediately reacted, and the virtual gossip program map immediately appeared in front of Hua Ye.

A few minutes later, a worm gate appeared in front of Hua Ye and the others, "Alright, let's go!"

Then the two entered the wormhole, but the facts were different from what they had imagined.

The infinite loop created by Mo Yu using the space gem is not so easy to break. This worm gate was only made by Mo Yu himself with the help of Hua Ye's "black hole engine" loophole.

And the source of this wormhole is exactly where Mo Yu is located.

What the three of them didn't know was that there was a ghost face watching the battle outside the planet where the three of them were fighting.

"It seems that Hua Ye and Ruoning are in trouble, do you want to save them..." Carl had already hid in a deserted star field at this time, and he was the only one who opened the gate of the Void Age for his own convenience, but he Always be aware of what's going on outside.

Sure enough, Hua Ye and Ruoning did not leave the endless loop through the wormhole, but came to Mo Yu.

Now Mo Yu has recovered from all the injuries he suffered, but the blood on his body is still there.

"I! Let you go..."


(End of this chapter)

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