Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 139 Angry and crowned as a beauty!

Chapter 139 Angry and crowned as a beauty!
The three wounds on Mo Yu's body were not healed with the help of any infinite gems, but were automatically healed by virtue of his own strong resilience and the recovery ability of the God Body of unknown generations.

The exaggerated bloodshed before was deliberately shown to Hua Ye, in order to fear that he would bite Mo Yu back if he didn't keep the promise.

As for why not use the self gem in the infinity gem to heal your wounds or use the time gem to reverse time to restore your wounds?
Mo Yu is already the supreme god, and Mo Yu doesn't care about this practice of regret medicine at all. If you lose, you lose, and it's not that you can't afford to lose. There is no need to use this cheating method to launch a weak counterattack.

Moreover, it took Mo Yu a matter of minutes to recover from the wounds left by the three God-killing Wu. He was just suppressing the speed of his wound healing, not saying that he would die if he said anything.

Now Hua Ye and Ruoning have completely exhausted all of Mo Yu's patience, at this moment Mo Yu just wants them to know that they have to bear the price for doing so.

"What's going on? Why are you back again?" Hua Ye looked at the surrounding environment and found that this was where they fought Mo Yu.

"Our wormhole calculation formula has been invaded by a loophole, and it was done without our knowledge. It modified the exit position of our wormhole and brought us back here..." Ruoning is still a worm after all. Experts in caves naturally know much more than Hua Ye, but she doesn't understand a little bit. Who can do all this in a short time?Karl with the big clock, or Mo Yu they beat...

"Not good...!" Ruoning immediately guessed who it was, Carl's words would pick them up, and Mo Yu's words would teleport them back and kill them! !

step, step, step~~~
The sound of footsteps rang in the ears of Hua Ye and Ruoning.

The two immediately took out their own Shenshenwu, Yan's "King's Order" is now in Ruoning's hands, Hua Ye's Shenshenwu is also equipped with a weapon core, so that the devouring energy of the black hole can enter the weapon.

"You really pissed me off!"

Mo Yu slowly walked out of the dust generated by the pothole, the blue light in his eyes approached Hua Ye and Ruoning.

"Even if the wound on your body heals, so what? This black hole will completely swallow the planet under our feet in less than 20 minutes..." Ruoning was not afraid of the chill emanating from Mo Yu, Turning his head and pointing at the black hole created by Hua Ye, he was interrupted by Mo Yu just after he said a few words.

"30 minutes? Is this your last time?"

"No... Ruoning, we have to leave quickly. The suction of this black hole is getting stronger and stronger. If we continue to come and go like this... we will..." Hua Ye watched his rising suction become stronger, and he could not help but sweat on his forehead .

The rubble around them had already been sucked in by the black hole first, only a lot of boulders remained in the air and rose slowly, and even the mountains in the distance had a tendency to rise.

"I know, if we don't get rid of him, is there a way for us to leave?" Ruoning looked at Hua Ye calmly. What they were going to deal with right now was Mo Yu, not the black hole they created themselves.

If Mo Yu is not dealt with first, then none of them can escape.

"Okay, the chat is over... let's die!" Mo Yu picked out his ear with one hand, looked at Hua Ye and the others, his blue eyes were full of murderous intent.

Grabbing a flying boulder next to Mo Yu himself, he threw it in the direction of Hua Ye and the two of them.

At the same time, more stones flew over, like sharp arrows, flying over with a terrifying force.


Hua Ye immediately used his god-killing sword to slash those stones, trying to block such an attack with his own strength.

"I go……"

But when it touched the first stone, it was blown away by a huge impact and retreated a few meters away.

Ruoning took out the 'Wang Ming'. Ruoning wanted to block it with a sword like Hua Ye, but after seeing what happened to Hua Ye, Ruoning decisively chose to avoid these boulders with his good wormhole technology.

The source of the wormhole is the place where Hua Ye stopped. Looking at the somewhat embarrassed Hua Ye, Ruoning had a trace of happiness on his face, "Fortunately, I am one of the few female angels in the new generation who knows the technology of wormhole transportation well." ..."

"Then why don't you come with me, it makes me embarrassed!" Hua Ye said quietly from the side.

"Who told you to go up so fast... don't rush to find a way to escape, now your black hole is getting more and more unstable..." Ruoning looked at Hua Ye, then turned to look at the black hole in the sky and said.

"I don't know either. Although the black hole engine Karl gave is powerful, I don't know it's still coming out like this..." Hua Ye couldn't help himself, and Mo Yu couldn't beat him, and couldn't escape the black hole's absorption range. What can be done.

"If you can't beat him, you can win. Now...we're going to force him!" Ruoning pointed in Mo Yu's direction and said to Hua Ye.

"Okay, that's the only way to go..." Hua Ye made an expression of indifference, and his tone was very helpless.

"Are you finished?"

Mo Yu stood aside, raised his open left hand, and looked at Hua Ye and the two of them.

"When did this happen?"

Only then did the two realize that they were surrounded by countless stones, all of which were cone-shaped with sharp corners.

The sharp cone-shaped heads were all pointing at Hua Ye and Ruoning.

The corner of Mo Yu's mouth raised, and he swung his left hand towards Hua Ye and the others. All the cone-shaped stones flying in the air rushed towards Hua Ye and the others.

"Ruoning, quickly open the wormhole!" Hua Ye shouted at Ruoning, those stones seemed to know that hitting him would hurt, and now they depended on Ruoning's wormhole to carry them.

"I know……"

Isn't Ruoning the same as Hua Ye imagined?Start computing wormholes immediately.

〖The space wormhole medium has been blocked for you!

Forcibly opening the worm door will cause the collapse of its own wormhole gene! 〗

But no matter how Ruoning solves the wormhole in the space, it is all in vain. Mo Yu has blocked the use of the wormhole in the space to Ruoning and Hua Ye.

"The wormhole is locked, hide yourself!"

Seeing the sharp cone-shaped stone getting closer, Ruoning didn't care about the wormhole calculation, and immediately spread his wings and flew away from the ground.

"I'll go..." Hua Ye looked at Ruoning's reaction, but couldn't care less, and flew over with his wings.

"Hurry up and block it with your sword!" Ruoning took out the 'Wang Ming', looking at those stones that were really impossible to hide, he had to shoot them down with his sword.

After Hua Ye heard this, he immediately followed suit. Now he can only do so first.

Ding ding ding—————

The two top-level God-killing weapons kept making 'ding-ding' sounds. If Kaisha and Liang Bing knew that Hua Ye was hitting rocks with such a powerful weapon, one would die laughing and the other would be pissed off!
Mo Yu went a little further than Hua Ye did. He used his holy blade for cooking and barbecue.

Puff puff puff puff ~~~
Even though Hua Ye and Ruoning paid close attention to the appearance of each stone, quite a few stones still hit them.

"Ah...damn it!" Hua Ye looked at the wound on his body, his eyes almost popping out.

"Don't..." Ruoning wanted to say something, but Mo Yu, who was watching, rushed over with a boulder, and decisively gave up talking, and Hua Ye, and left Hua Ye's side first.

"Ruoning, what's wrong with you..." Hua Ye saw that Ruoning hesitated to speak, so he asked.

But before he finished speaking, he just felt a pain in his head, and he was pressed by a heavy object.

"What about Yan... what about Yan... what about Yan..."

Every time Mo Yu said a word, he slammed Hua Ye with a boulder in his hand.

bang bang bang

Suddenly a series of earthquakes sounded.

"Ah... ah... it's with Ruoning, not with me!" Hua Ye pointed to Ruoning intermittently, his head was sore from the blow.

"Fuck!" Ruoning not far away swears.

Hua Ye actually sold her just to prevent Mo Yu from throwing stones at him.


 Here I want to talk about why I don’t update it, because I’ve been chasing anime, and I’ve been waiting for a long time. Damn, this Yihua Gutian... Bah... Yihua Kaitian is finally willing to launch [Spiritual Cage], So, I went to watch anime, sorry QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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